youthnetworkforsocialentrepreneurship actglobal bali wavefestival socialentrepreneurship rumahpintar evsvolunteer actglobaltv entrepreneurs youngentrepreneurs erasmuslife italy volunteer igtv volunteers workshop blogpost erasmusplus evsactivity greece lapastik bologna creative evsexperience rumahpintarbali rumahpintardenpasar youth youthprograms youtube artivism
If you want something, go get it. Period.’. That was my favorite line from The Pursuit of happiness. See, like Chris Gardner, I did exactly what he did and now I am living my dream. It has been a week, I live here. In Braga. One of the finest city at Portugal. Here is slightly thing about Braga, located in the far north of Portugal, it is not a big city, people used to talk about the city in a way about its religious heritage and events. You could find medieval Braga cathedral in the city center and to the east there is Bom jesus Monte. It is really fantastic here.
Read the latest blogpost from our #indonesian #volunteer Harun @pabrikprosa in Braga here (link in bio)
Whats up, people? Here we are #rumahpintar with these super talented bands #wavefestival. We will be here again tomorrow with workshops, inspiring talks about social entrepreneurship and music performance. If you are in #denpasar #bali and missed today's event, don't miss tomorrow's free event!! EVS #ActGlobal #RumahPintar #WaveFestival #YouthNetworkForSocialEntrepreneurship #YoungEntrepreneurs #Bali #Entrepreneurs #SocialEntrepreneurship
Founder Act Global, Sebastian Graca Da Silva melatih remaja untuk membangun jaringan di Denpasar. Workshop ini melatih mereka agar semakin percaya diri dan berani membangun jaringan yang nyaman dengan sesama. Masih banyak acara menarik di #WaveFestival sampai malam nanti. Gabung yuk bareng kami di Rumah Pintar, Jl Kamboja No. 4 Denpasar.
The Act Global's founder, Sebastian Graca Da Silva trained the youth on networking in Denpasar. This workshop trained them to be more confident and dared them to build comfortable networks with others. There are still many interesting events at #WaveFestival until tonight. Join us at Rumah Pintar, Jl. Kamboja No. 4 Denpasar.
#EVS #ActGlobal #WaveFestival #YouthNetworkForSocialEntrepreneurship #YoungEntrepreneurs #Bali #Entrepreneurs #SocialEntrepreneurship
Anak- anak Sekolah Dasar di Denpasar sedang mengikuti workshop daur ulang kertas yang dipandu oleh Tim @akademihijau
Masih ada workshop melukis dengan kopi dan teh oleh #lapastik , bercocok tanam oleh @futurefarmers.indonesia dan Talkshow bersama #socialentrepreneurs
Yuk datang ke #RumahPintar Jl. Kamboja no. 4 Seminyak
The elementary schools students in Denpasar are participating in #paperrecycling #workshop with @akademihijau
There are other workshops here, such as painting with coffee and tea by #lapastik, learn, plant and grow workshop by @futurefarmers.indonesia and #socialentrepreneurship #talkshow. Join us at #RumahPintar Jl Kamboja No.4 Denpasar
#EVS #ActGlobal #WaveFestival #YouthNetworkForSocialEntrepreneurship #YoungEntrepreneurs #Bali #Entrepreneurs #SocialEntrepreneurship
Anak-anak sekolah dasar di Denpasar sedang asyik mengikuti kegiatan workshop daur ulang banner bersama @trashstockbali dan #ActGlobal workshop bersama @imp.true mempelajari perilaku makhluk hidup yang hidup di alam. Seru!
Masih banyak kegiatan seru lainnya di #WAVEFESTIVAL sampai nanti malam! Yuk datang ke #RumahPintar JL Kamboja No.4 Denpasar.
The elementary students are having fun studying at banner recycling workshop with @trashstockbali and @imp.true #ActGlobal #Volunteer. They are also learning how living things behave in nature. It's so much fun.
There are still a lot of cool activities until tonight at #WAVEFESTIVAL. Come to #RumahPintar JL Kamboja No. 4 Denpasar
#EVS #ActGlobal #YouthNetworkForSocialEntrepreneurship #YoungEntrepreneurs #Bali #Entrepreneurs #SocialEntrepreneurship
The 1st day of #WaveFestival went smoothly. Thank you all participants for their valuable contributions, interest and enthusiasm for our #WaveFestival workshop. We are particularly grateful to our partners @trashstockbali #merahputihhijau #lapastik @bluebearskateshop @ukm_kwuunud for sharing valuable #SocialEntrepreneurship experiences. Thank you to Eva, Isami & Friends and Istirahat Sejenak for amazing music performances.
There are many workshop and Talkshow at the 2nd day of #WaveFestival at #Rumahpintar
It's free event, everyone is welcome. Join us!
#EVS #ActGlobal #WaveFestival #YouthNetworkForSocialEntrepreneurship #YoungEntrepreneurs #Bali #Entrepreneurs #SocialEntrepreneurship
#ActGlobal #EVSvolunteers enjoyed their visit today at @triupcycle in Ubud!
TRI is a social enterprise founded by Ben Fijal (a student of Green School Bali) and his father, Tim Fijal, who have a dream of world reforestation. TRI’s mission is to act on the climate change and mass extinction crises by protecting the forests, the lungs of our earth. TRI raises funds for grassroots organizations working on the ground in Borneo and Sumatra to stop deforestation.
If you nurture your idea and follow your vision, you can make great impact even starting with small steps. Keep up the good work!
#socialentrepreneurship #Actglobal #EVS #Volunteers #ActGlobal #Erasmuslife #EVSActivity #Erasmusplus #YouthNetworkforSocialEntrepreneurship