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What do you guys think of the new OP10 Ultimate Rares?
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#yugioh #yugiohcards #yugiohultimaterare #yugiohmisprint #ultimaterare #yugioh5ds #ghostrare #yugiohcardsforsale #yugiohcardsale #yugiohtrades #blueeyeswhitedragon #japaneseyugioh #yugiohtcg #pokemon #pokemoncards #pokemoncardsforsale #pokemoncardsfortrade #secretrare #ultrarare #yugiohcollection #yugioh1stedition #yugiohmisprint #yugiohcollector #blackrosedragon #shadowless1st #shadowlesspokemon #stardustdragon #ddsblueeyes #yugiohzexal #yugiohgiveaway #yugiohcommunity #yugiohtcg
3 OTS packs tonight! And there is a NEW OTS PACK we will be giving out tonight! That’s right, three packs! Make sure you stop by Galaxy Gaming for our Thursday tournament! Entry is $11, so only a dollar more is getting you a whole other chance for an Ultimate Rare! Tournament starts at 7:30pm, and signup begins at 5pm, so make sure y’all stop by! Happy dueling! #yugiohcommunity #gghtx #yugiohmemes #pc #houston #tcg #yugiohtcg #tcgplayer #tcg_events #ygo #yugioh #yugiohcards #yugiohtrades #gaming #htx #fun
Watch it to the END!.
Her: and i only date guys who have a massive D.
Me: say no more fam, i got a massive yugioh Deck collection.
#yugioh #yugiohmemes #yugiohmeme #yugiohfan #yugiohcards #yugiohtrade #yugiohcardsforsale #yugiohcollection #yugiohcosplay #yugiohtcg #yugiohtrades #yugiohcollector #yugiohcard #yugiohcardsforsale #yugiohcardsfortrade #yugiohcommunity #yugiohcommunity2 #yugiohcommunity3 #memes2good #memesforlife #dankmemesgang #memes_jokes #memester #dankmemesmatter #memestgram #dankmemesig #dankmemesdaily #malaysians #malaysiaboleh #malaysiakini #malaysia