zippouch handmade zippo zipperpouch sewing zippoindonesia zippooriginal handmadepouch zippocollection zippomurah zippoori pouch zippolighter zippolove zippotricks zippousa etsyshop hediye patchwork zippocakmak zippocustom zippos bagmaker hediyelike isewbags korekzippo originalzippo zipper косметичкасфермуаром
Thank you for all the warm comments yesterday! This is how I make a zipper pouch (I hope it’s better than the last video)
I wonder if you are interested in a more detailed description? I was actually planning to make a youtube video. It would be nice if you leave a comment about it!
私のソーイングの動画に興味はありますか? 良かったらご意見お聞かせください
#syatelje #sewingatelier #sewingstudio #zippouch #handmadezipperpouch
#handmadepouch #toileterybag #pouchhandmade #necessär #synecessär #pouchsewing #dalahäst #dalarnahorse #zipperedpouch #jukisewingmachine #jukisverige
#ソーイング #ハンドメイド #ハンドメイドポーチ #洋裁店 #アトリエ #ポーチ作り#北欧生地 #北欧ヴィンテージ生地 #職業用ミシン #jukiミシン #ダーラナホース #ダーラヘスト#台形ポーチ
I love finding bargain fabrics in unexpected places, like the local thrift store. These small pouches were a joy to make with a #sashikostyle fabric (not hand stitched.)
Can you believe they’re made from tea towels!?✂️
Needle casualties: 0
Available now in my #etsy shop (see link in bio.)
swipe for more pics...
Nossas #marmiteiras estão a todo vapor!!! Faça sua encomenda também!!!! .
#saopaulo #arteemtecido #artsbelman #artesanatocriativo #artesã #atelie #costuracriativa #costuraemtecido #costurando #euquefiz #costura #tecido #feitoamao #feitocomamor #costurices #love #artesanato #costuraporamor #artesaempreendedora #comprodequemfaz #zippouch #zipperpouch #meiatigela #azul #flores #bolsatermica #marmita #almoco #lancheiratermica
Large and medium-sized PUL lined (water resistant) wash bags for a custom order
Which one’s your favourite..?✂️
Needle casualties: 0
Similar pouches available in my #etsy shop (see link in bio.)
swipe for more pics...
Nossas bolsas térmicas estão um arraso!!!!!!!!! .
#saopaulo #arteemtecido #artsbelman #artesanatocriativo #artesã #atelie #costuracriativa #costuraemtecido #costurando #euquefiz #costura #tecido #feitoamao #feitocomamor #costurices #love #artesanato #costuraporamor #artesaempreendedora #comprodequemfaz #zippouch #zipperpouch #meiatigela #bolsatermica #bailarina #marmiteira #rosa #ballet #marmita #lancheiratermica
Gorgeous pouch made by Polina, love the detail
#Repost @polina.lisitsyna
I had so much fun making this Little Friend Zip Pouch designed by Minki @zeriano This is a great pattern, I love the way the zipper is installed! And there’s a sew along you can join – check Minki’s feed for details. Playing with fabric scraps is the best way to relax ✂️ .
#littlefriendpouch #littlefriendzippouch #minkikim #zippouch #zipperpouch #useallthescraps #noscrapleftbehind #fabricscraps
Сумочка "Цветочная капелька". Сшита из американского хлопка и льна.
#японскийпэчворк #пэчворк #аппликация #цветынаткани #сумкалетняя #сумка_текстильная #сделаносвоимируками #ручнаястежка #сумкитекстильные #ручноешитье #japanpatchwork #patchwork #handmade #application #patchworkInstagram #pouch #patchworkquilt #bagineer #bagmaker #fmq #bagtextile #isewbags #zippouch #bagmaker #sewcute #helene_kloto
This pair of cute little boxy pouches are by @patternsbyannie and called All bottled up. One for me, and one for my daughter. I can't believe how close I am to the end of my #52zippers project... Only two more left to post! More photos and details on my blog, link is in my profile. .
#zipper #zippouch #zipbag #zipperpouch #zipperbag #boxypouch #boxybag #cottonandsteel #tulatroops #tulapink #patternsbyannie #freespiritfabrics #scrapquilt #scrappyquilt #polkadotfabric #sew #sewinglove #isew #sewingproject #sewsewsew #quiltdesign #quiltlove #quiltingfun #patchworkquilt #allbottledup