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Good morning! This is so true. Our perspective is what's matter. If you try to stand still and listen to your body and relax your thoughts you can start feeling the the skin of the front of your body and that is your wall! You are the limitations and the fears and all negativity that you experience, but don't be! As you can choose not to be. As you can choose being a maker, doer, positive, energetic. It's not what's going on outside that is matter but what is going within. And all your reactions. We can control it! and be happy! and do the right things that will influence positively on our environment. Let's all look at the half full glass! Happy Thursday :) #motivation#perspective#choose#bewise#bepositive#positive#energetic#life#choices#beyou#starttoday#read#fitfam#mind#body#soul#we#us#people#creativity#word#мотивация#сила#выбар#start#goodmorning#buongiorno#bonjur#gutenmorgen#утро