выжигание выжиганиеподереву пирография ручнаяработа pyrography подарок wood woodburning handmade pyrographyart woodworking дерево портрет woodart творчество art портретнадереве своимируками woodwork доскиразделочные досточки досточкидлякухни картина ручнаяроспись туапсе подарки woodburningart хобби изделияиздерева woodcraft создатьблог
The artist @beesymmetry needs help: Dear IG community, I NEED YOUR HELP to realize some goals for the next phase of my business! I have set up a fundraiser (link in bio!) to raise money for a machine that will allow me to create laser burned prints of my original artwork and increase my production level to many times what I am able to do by myself. This will enable me to say yes to the many wholesale requests that I am currently having to turn down, due to lack of time and energy on my part. Having the capability to make more artwork in a shorter time at more affordable prices for more people will revolutionize my business and make a real positive financial impact on my and my family’s life. There are really beautiful gifts in store for donating, which you can read about on my fundraiser page. Please consider making a contribution if you are able. And please spread the word about this campaign with people you know. Thank you so much for your help and support. Every little bit helps!! ❤️ The link to the fundraiser is in my bio!! www.gofundme.com/BeeSymmetry #mandalas #mandalalove #mandalaart #mandala #drawings #woodcarving #zenart #ornaments #woodworker #painters #wooden #woodworking #pattern #patterns #woods #wallart #circle #wood #tattoart #дерево #выжигание #выжиганиеподереву #woodlovers
Mandala art by @beesymmetry #mandalas #mandalalove #mandalaartist #mandalaart #mandala #arts #zendoodle #zenart #zentangle #zendala #doodles #мандала #painters #patterns #выжиганиеподереву #burn #выжигание #ornaments #lineart #lines #linework #instaartist #arte #instaartwork #роспись #pyro
#burntfebruary день 3
Задание - животное #animal
Ёжик из мультфильма Юрия Норштейна "Ёжик в тумане" (1975г). Спил яблони, акрил, чай со смородиновыми веточками и задумчивое настроение
@woodburncorner @walnuthollow #burntchallenge #pyrography
#woodsliceart #выжиганиекиев #пирографиякиев #ручнаробота #випалювання #киев #kiev #выжигание #ежиквтумане #лошадкааа #норштейн #союзмультфильм #мультик #хоббидлядуши #communityovercompetition
Beautiful Lotus.... Thanks artist Lauren Elizabeth @theseoldwoods for the video ♥ #mandalas #mandalalove #mandalaart #mandala #drawings #woodcarving #zenart #ornaments #woodworker #painters #wooden #woodworking #pattern #patterns #woods #wallart #circle #wood #tattoart #дерево #выжигание #выжиганиеподереву #woodlovers #pyrography
Beautiful.Thanks artist @gaia_creation_valeriesimonet a_creation for the video ♥ #mandalas #mandalalove #mandalaart #mandala #drawings #woodcarving #zenart #ornaments #woodworker #painters #wooden #woodworking #pattern #patterns #woods #wallart #circle #wood #tattoart #дерево #выжигание #выжиганиеподереву #woodlovers #pyrography