List of the most popular hashtags for theme #НЬЮ_ЭЙДЖ

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09012321035453663457890X I accepted the postulate that "I know everything", and then rejected it completely and absolutely sincerely. Investigated the feelings of life on the basis of each postulate as mundane. Feelings of life (feelings of self-awareness) created on the basis of the postulate "I know everything" as mundane - for me, as an independent researcher of the CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE NOOSPHERE, were quite interesting and giving pleasant Possibilities, but not the most optimal of all that was possible. Therefore, after analyzing the semantic essence of all world concepts and religions known to society, I came to the conclusion that "Truth is in fractals and the point of assembly". That is, it is a model that reflects the truth in the highest instance available for understanding human intelligence. All the same, everything depends on the fact that any object, and in general something, is information, and information is a sensation of "attention", and attention focused on "sensation." Actually, this interpretation clearly demonstrates the fractality of the universe, and, accordingly, of consciousness, since the universe and consciousness are interdependent. Therefore, everything that is possible to imagine is possible, the question is only in the technology of fixing attention and the difficulties of transferring from one desired fixation point to another.

Hashtags for theme #НЬЮ_ЭЙДЖ

Я так отвыкла быть дома. Холод на улице и учеба совсем не по мне Выводы и конец моего путешествия ещё впереди. А пока хочу сообщить, что благодаря нашему новому Культурному кальянному клубу #Нью_Эйдж я все время в делах и заботах. Я привыкла работать! А кто хочет пообщаться, покурить и хорошо отдохнуть, забегайте к нам! На дымный кальян! Подробнее о нас расскажу немного позже) #кальян #крск #красноярск #newagekrsk #newage #loungebar #hookah

Hashtags for theme #НЬЮ_ЭЙДЖ

Вашему вниманию лечебная музыка (подходит для расслабления, медитации и сна) Исполнитель: Various Artists Название альбома: Healing Therapy Music Жанр: #Нью_Эйдж 2015 • 42 треков • 3:30:01 Слушай весь альбом в аудиозаписях группы @good_vibrations_abraham (Учение Абрахама-Хиксов | Good Vibrations) Ссылка для PC . #Good_Vibrations_Deep_Sleep . #Good_Vibrations_Meditation .

Hashtags for theme #НЬЮ_ЭЙДЖ

Предлагаю послушать: Yoga Meditation - Deep Sleep Отличный альбом для глубокого сна! 2016 • 36 треков • 1:38:23 • #Нью_Эйдж [слушать все|]

Hashtags for theme #НЬЮ_ЭЙДЖ

Океанские волны и звуки природы для снятия стресса Исполнитель: Robbins Island Music Group Название альбома: Natures Stress Relief: Ocean Waves & Sounds of Nature for Deep Relief Жанр: #Нью_Эйдж 2014 • 15 треков • 1:07:17 Слушай весь альбом в аудиозаписях группы @good_vibrations_abraham (Учение Абрахама-Хиксов | Good Vibrations) Ссылка для PC . #Good_Vibrations_Meditation .

Hashtags for theme #НЬЮ_ЭЙДЖ

Исполнитель: various Название альбома: Piano for Relaxation Жанр: #Нью_Эйдж 2015 • 40 треков • 2:36:22 Слушай весь альбом в аудиозаписях группы @good_vibrations_abraham (Учение Абрахама-Хиксов | Good Vibrations) Ссылка для PC . #Good_Vibrations_Meditation .

Hashtags for theme #НЬЮ_ЭЙДЖ

098776660354 A small excerpt from my book. #∆11 WE ARE MEETING ONLY BY THOSE WHO ALREADY EXIST IN OUR CONSCIOUSNESS ...- By the way, since we’ve gone so deeply, who knows - and why, for example, Buddhists are considered enlightened, and Boko Horam are ignoramus and fanatics, although in fact both of them try to recode their human perception of the world in such a way live happily and not get smeared on any vain x * em? - thoughtfully issued Psychocode. “So everything is simple,” replied Thought Form. - By their actions, Buddhists choose their own spectrum of awareness, realize that feelings, thoughts, the world around us and, in principle, any sensations are only a consequence of themselves, and they themselves are a consequence of these sensations, and until they take responsibility for their choices - vanity will continue. Thus, they gradually encode their sensations, and become masters of their world, gods, and not suffering from ants, driven only by instinctive-reflex impulses. “And what about Boco Choram then?” - asked Psychocode. - And they ask Allah to make one of them - inferior subhumans - full-fledged monkeys. And they, too, can be understood, perhaps a full-fledged monkey lives happier than an inferior subhuman, on whose poor consciousness was placed an unbearable burden in the form of the freedom to create and choose sensations. - thoughtfully pronounced the Thought Form. - Hmm ... what a smart girl. - reached out with satisfaction Stirololschik. - There is nothing more to add. All the same, no wonder we were here. The stirrer connected the capacitors, set up the device, and around them a sphere with a radius of about 7 meters was formed from barely noticeable transparent waves of multicolored energy: - The process has begun, we will soon move to the starting point. - Styololschik said benevolently, pulled the armored car over his face, leaned his finger to the throat just below the dashboard and after 30 seconds. a cloud of strange transparent multicolored smoke enveloped all three. ∆12 FRACTAL ENLIGHTENMENT. Brightening up fractally ..- There is no birth certificate without a birth certificate. After all, if there is no one to

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01020343536372278190810918810354 POWER OF SUBCONSCIOUSNESS or "25 FRAME" - SETTING OF HIDDEN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. ESSENCE: A person is (is) a program whose program code (actual algorithm) is a gene.  A program is relative (in the first place, as far as possible [perception limits]) according to the actual hierarchy of truth. EXPLANATION / PROOF: According to the current model of the atom: - Any matter is energy compressed by vibration, and the values ​​of frequencies determine the perceived differences. Frequency values ​​can be measured in figures [0.000 (0) 1 ..... 99999 (9)] and in images (for example, life). Simply put - the genetic combination determines the position of the assembly point (the moment of self-awareness) in the fractal matrix (chaos), and the position of the assembly point determines the genetic combination (Universe). This interaction generates some effect that we perceive as life (the Effect of the Observer). CONCLUSION / COMMENTS: 1) Any self-aware being is God (god = subconscious) a priori, on the basis of evidence: I think = I exist, that is, in fact confirming my existence with my existence. This is very similar to the model of the Eternal Motor. 2) Knowledge of the relationship of objects and the ability to use them at their discretion determines the Level of Consciousness. 3) The level of consciousness determines the power of the relative freedom of possible-real probabilities (the position of the assembly point). #фракталы #нью_эйдж #истина #инфинититаллос #подсознание #subconsiousness #квант #psy_power #НЛП #infinitytallos #new_age #biocentrism

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Когда дыхание замирает, приходит тишина мысли. И осознание настоящего, открывается с новых граней. Это похоже на сумасшествие, оказывается что ты ничего не знал и не видел до этого. Мир удивителен, огромная благодарность жизни, за возможность учиться, развиваться, и двигаться дальше! #парапсихолог#таро#храм#колокольныйзвон#молитва#василиск#новое_мышление#нью_эйдж#метаморфоза#мастер#эзотрека#викка#вера#cross#taro#miracle#bellringing#church

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