abortionfund prochoice reproductivejustice abortionaccess reprojustice abortionishealthcare fundabortion humanrights wrrap abortionrights fundabortionbuildpower stopthebans wewontgoback 1in4 charityfundraiser gofundme healthcare keepyourlawsoffmybody nogagrule protectroe roevwade lgbtqia letdocsspeak abortionsolidarity clinicfundraiserla dowehaveaproblem empower makingadifference abortion reproductiverights двериназаказспб
#wrrap stats show that 79% of partners abandon the person seeking an abortion - providing no financial assistance. WRRAP funds abortions across the US, including Southern States. We are the largest independent abortion and EC fund. Donate to help us fund more patients. wrrap.org/donate. #AbortionIsHealthcare
Being an abortion funder is life-changing work. We are looking for powerful leaders on team #reprojustice — in San Antonio, Houston, and Austin — to join our board and be part of funding abortion in Texas. For more info, including how to apply, go to bit.ly/LFBoard2019. ⏰ Deadline to apply is Monday, August 5.
#TXabortionfunds #FundAbortionTX #reprojustice #ifundabortion #reprorights #prochoice #texas #abortion #reproductivejustice #repro #feminist #abortionfund #reproductiverights #fundabortionbuildpower #abortionisfreedom #abortionishealthcare #needabortiontx #Texas #Austin #SanAntonio #Houston
A new study in Annals of Internal Medicine looked at the long term health outcomes of women who had first-trimester abortions, second-trimester abortions, and those who were denied abortions and gave birth.⠀
Researchers found that women who wanted, but were denied, abortions were more likely to report feeling in poor health and having chronic back, abdominal, and pelvic pain.⠀
There was no significant difference in health between women who had first- or second-trimester abortions.⠀
#sexualhealth #sexpositive #oneinfour #mariestopes #abortion #fundabortion #abortioncare #abortionaccess #wefundabortion #abortionfund #reprorights #reprojustice #reproductivejustice #reproductiverights #prochoice #prochoiceisprolife #abortionisnormal #feminist #feminism #socialjustice #mybodymychoice #mybodymyrules #womensrights #womensrightsarehumanrights #womenempowerment #humanrights ⠀
#openaccess #roxannegay #abortionfund #abortionaccess #womenshealth #womenshealthcare #womensrights #womensrightsarehumanrights #reproductivehealth #reproductiverights #reproductivejustice #roevwade #yourvoicematters #yourvotematters #1973 #prochoice #neworleans #louisiana #louisianawomen #nola #noaf #neworleansabortionfund #openaccessnoaf
Digging on my new #nnaf shirt while I do an #abortionfund helpline shift. Got to talk to someone about #medicationabortion, which is pretty much one of my favorite things to talk about.
#fundabortionbuildpower #fundabortionnow #abortionaccess #AbortionIsAMiracle #RU486 #MifeprexIsBae #misoprostol200mg
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