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So here I was, just casually minding my own business at @shanklincafe, when they brought me my OWN PLATE OF BACON! #thisisnotadrill #heavenreallydoesexist #melbournedogfriendlycafe #thisisliving #itdoesntgetbetterthanthis #melbournefoodie #melbournecafe #amazingservice #bestcafeintown #vizslasofmelbourne #vizslasofinstagram #vizslasofig #dogsofmelbourne #dogsofinstagram #dogsofig #shanklincafe
Details of mum’s shop, Jenny’s Alterations & Dry Cleaning located on 323 Glebe Point Rd. I can absolutely guarantee that your clothes will be in the most loving and artistic of hands. Her scope ranges from a good ole hem to crazy architectural reconstructions of vintage dresses. Last week a customer came in and told her that he drove through rush hour from half way across the city just to visit mum - his favourite seamstress! She is simply the best! Come and pay us a visit from Monday to Friday 8:30am-6pm, Sat 8:30am-2pm. #alterations #mending #drycleaning #dressmaking #seamstress #care #amazingservice #clothing #jennysalterationanddrycleaning
Shout out to our wonderful sponsors!
Looking good thanks to @usanimo (#animoboots #animobreeches #animojacket)
Feeling good thanks to @cavallo.pulse.therapy (#pemftherapy)
And a great horse/rider connection thanks to @cwd__alberta__saskatchewan (#cwdsaddles)
@animo_is @cwd_official #lookgood #feelgood #ridegood #thankyou #amazingsponsors #amazingproducts #amazingservice
Pc: @nikkilarson13
Hospitality exceeding itself. The faces and people that make
@montageloscabos exceptional. This was my day at the pool! #montageloscabos #thepreferredlife @preferredhotels #cabosanlucas #luxurytravel #dreamvacation #destinations #loscabos #amazingservice #togetherisbetter #foodadventure #poolparty #amazingdestinations
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