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Hashtags sur le sujet #ANESTHESIA

Let’s Taco bout self love I know personally I go through brief periods of time where I feel like I’m not as far along in my life or career as I’d like to be, or where I saw myself being a decade ago, now that I’m into my mid 20’s. Truth is, who cares ‍♂️ Goals are set and plans are made to give your life a general direction. If you don’t appreciate the journey and make the most of the process, you’ll miss out on a whole lot of life and love. Reflecting back, there’s a ton of chances I wish I would’ve taken, but then again there’s well over a dozen I’m glad I did take. Life doesn’t stop for anyone . Don’t feel defeated if you aren’t quite yet where you feel you should be. Focus on making the most of today, every single day. Work hard, love your work, and most importantly love yourself too. If you’re single, the only way you’ll ever be happy with anyone else is when you become happy with yourself first If you’ve got a plan, you’ll get in the general ballpark if you work hard at it (whatever it is), appreciate the struggle, and be thankful for the all the moments that eventually became the building blocks of your future success. ✊ No it’s not and wasn’t taco Tuesday, but I love tacos. So I made them. And ate them. That’s a little self love Anybody else enjoy a good taco, and a great margarita #nurse #murse #nursesofinstagram #powerhousenurses #scrublyfe #anesthesia #tacos #blakethemurse #getyouamursethatcandoboth‍ #goodvibes #positivemindpositivelife

Hashtags sur le sujet #ANESTHESIA

What scared me the most when I first started clinical? PEDIATRICS! I'd only done adult ICU prior to school and the thought of pediatric anesthesia made me so nervous! They're so small. The med doses are so small. They always seemed so fragile to me. - So naturally my first ever clincal rotation was at the children's hospital. Fun fact: I used to have to bring deodorant in my clinical bag because I was so nervous I would literally sweat the entire day - Fast forward to now and I'm back at the children's hospital as a senior! It's crazy to think back to the first time I was here. Now I actually love peds! I don't sweat through my shirts anymore and I'm not scared of kids! - What changed over the past 2 years? Well I have 1500+ hours of anesthesia experience now and so much more knowledge. Experience and knowledge are the keys to confidence in the clinical setting. When you're new you can't rely on your experience so you have to really focus on that knowledge. So read up on what you don't know. Ask questions. Come to clinical prepared every day. Take initiative and remember, you are learning! It's okay if you don't know something as long as you take the steps to figure it out! And don't forget your deodorant!! - @wellsrn

Hashtags sur le sujet #ANESTHESIA

#tbt to CVICU days ⬇️ knowledge gains incoming . . IABP (Intra-Aortic Ballon Pump) indications: Cardiogenic Shock, unstable angina, MI, post cardiac surgery. . . IABP (Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump): is a mechanical device that sits in the aorta. It has an inflatable balloon at the tip that inflates and deflates via “counter pulsation” meaning deflates during systole, inflates during diastole: to increase Myocardial 02 perfusion & decreases 02 demand, indirectly increases CO (cardiac output) and decreases SVR (afterload). . . Cool thing is when this deflates during systole, a vacuum is created which decreases afterload and increase forward flow of blood from the heart. Diastolic inflation increases blood flow through the coronary arteries by way of retrograde (backwards flow). **remember the LT Heart is perfused during diastole, NOT systole. . . The Net result is decreased myocardial oxygen (02) demand, and increased myocardial oxygen (02) supply. . . The ballon is inflated with helium, which is inert and won’t typically hurt us. . EKG leads are attached and the ballon syncs with the EKG rhythm to determine when to inflate and deflate. . Inserted through the groin and sits in the aorta, visible on Chest X-ray : should be in the proximal descending aorta, 2cm or so underneath the origin of the Subclavian artery (AP Window). . Complications: malplacement, infection at the site, aortic dissection, subclavian occlusion, thrombosis, plt dysfunction, occlusion of the femoral artery which leads to limb ischemia & decreased renal perfusion are possible. . . #srna #crna #throwback #throwbackthursday #nurse #nursing #nurselife #anesthesia #nerd #knowledge #knowledgeispower #murse #icu #er #or #doctor #heart #medical #enfermero #enfermera #enfermagem #fitnurse #fit #tatted #blog #blogger #gains #hospital

Hashtags sur le sujet #ANESTHESIA

Which photo set describes you? What’s your most helpful learning strategy? SWIPE LEFT and educate yourself on the benefits of sleep, exercise, and spaced repetition, as it relates to memory retention and mood . PS loving my nintendo rebooted with 620 games! Who would still play this with me?

Hashtags sur le sujet #ANESTHESIA

Denna vecka och kommande veckan kommer jag och kollegan ha två nyanställda som kommer ha sin introduktionsutbildning enligt ”Peer learning” Det är en metod som är nytt inom ambulanssjukvården och innebär att jag handleder två nyanställda kollegor samtidigt och de tillsammans samarbetar, reflekterar och stöttar varandra under passets gång. Fokuset ligger på samarbete, kommunikation, reflektion, kritiskt tänkande och självständigt arbete. Med peer learning får de nyanställda träning i teamarbete, ledarskap och handledning! Har du hört talas om peer learning eller fått uppleva det själv som student/nyanställd

Hashtags sur le sujet #ANESTHESIA

. . کارشناس بیهوشی و مداح . ارسالی از: @abbas.h1394 . #عاشق_هوشبری#زنده_باد_هوشبری#هوشبری #بیهوشی #آنستزیولوژی #هوشبر #من_عاشق_رشتمم#آنستزیست#علوم_پزشکی#دانشجویان_علوم_پزشکی#دانشجویان_بیهوشی#انجمن_بیهوشی#انجمن_هوشبری#انجمن_هوشبری_ایران#دانشجویان_هوشبری#پزشکی#دانشجویان_پزشکی#پزشکی#پیراپزشکی#اتاق_عمل #Anesthetists #anesthesia #anesthetist #anesthesiology #anesthesiaschool #I_love_anesthesia#iran_anesthesia_community#medicine#medical#med_student

Hashtags sur le sujet #ANESTHESIA

I really love the impressions around the change Anesthesia lenses brought to my eyes! And so! Here comes the big surprize.. #Anesthesia and I have decided to offer a 15% discount to you all so you enjoy the vibes just like I did. Just use my discount code: Evcenf on Anesthesia’s official website (link in my story) enjoy the offer لون جديد اخر لقد أحببت فعلاً ردة فعلكم الكبيره والرائعة لتجربتي لعدسات انستيزيا والتغير الجميل والطبيعي الذي اضافتة لجمال عيوني ...... المفاجاءه قررت انا وعدسات #انستازيا ان تعيشو التجربه وتتمتعو بجمال الألوان وان نهدي متابعيني خصم ١٥٪؜ عند الشراء من موقع انستازيا الموجود في الستوري فقط استخدمو كود الخصم الخاص بي Evcenf مع عمل تاك لصديق على صفحه عدسات انستازيا الرسمية تمتعو بالعرض Gözlerime Anesthesia lenslerinin getirdiği farklılığı çok sevdim. Vee bu nedenle #Anesthesia ve ben sizler de bu farklılığı deneyimleyin diye %15 indirim yaptık. İndirim kodu Evcenf; Anesthesia resmi internet sayfasında- link hikayemde. indirimin keyfini çıkarın @anesthesia.monros

Hashtags sur le sujet #ANESTHESIA

If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it. You’re gona have haters, people clown on you, people who doubt you. Let you’re results do the talking. . . . Do what makes your soul passionate, nothing else matters. . . . #mood #vibes #feels #goals #srna #crna #anesthesia #practice #knowledge #brain #nerd #muscle #RN #nurse #nurselife #medicine #enfermagem #mypath #journey #enfermero #murse #fitlife #friday #motivation #motivated #inspiration #inspired #loveyourself #blogger

Hashtags sur le sujet #ANESTHESIA

What exactly do anesthesiologists do all day in the operating room? Most people have no idea. We induce anesthesia (put people to sleep), wake them up, and manage pain. But a lot else is going on while the patient is asleep. During surgery we must analyze and interpret information continuously with the help of various monitors. Using this information we can have a good idea of what’s going on with patients physiology. If needed we can make rapid interventions to keep the patients safe during the surgery. Swipe for some information on some of the monitors we use on a daily basis. If you had to choose just one of the ASA standard monitors which would you choose . . . . . #criticalcare #Anesthesia #Anesthesiology #crna #Anesthesiologist #doctorsintraining #doctorlife #medstudent #medschoollife #emergencymedicine #icu #surgery #medicalmemes #futuredoc #cardiacsurgery #surgerylife #painmanagement

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