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Upcoming Movie this May on Blockbuster Cineplexes Kluang Parade ! #Kalank
Set in 1945, in pre-independent India. The hidden truths of an elite family living in the North Indian town of Husnabad begin to unfold as communal tensions rise. The encounter between Roop Chaudhry, who comes from the elite Chaudhry family, and Zafar, a daredevil from Hira Mandi, unleashes the deep-buried truths that threaten to bring their worlds crashing down.
Cast: #MadhuriDixit, #SonakshiSinha, #AliaBhatt, #VarunDhawan, #AdityaRoy #Kapur, #SanjayDutt
Director: #AbhishekVarman
#blockbusterCineplexesKluangParade #comingsoonmovie #aprilmovies2019 #april2019#Kalank
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Movie title : 4th Republic
Release date : 12th April, 2019
4th Republic' is plotted around a female politician during an electoral period and the administration of the government she formed.
4th Republic starrs Kate Henshaw, Bimbo Manuel, Sani Muazu, Eyinna Nwigwe, Linda Ejiofor, and Yakubu Mohammed.
Directed by @ishayabako
Co-produced by @lalaakindoju
#NollySilverScreen #Nollywood #Africancinema #aprilmovies2019
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