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don't forget to save this down for inspiration! .
It's time to feel good about dessert again! ❤️ This avocado chocolate mousse is smooth, rich and creamy without using any cream. It's made with @califiafarms almondmilk so it’s dairy-free, gluten-free and refined sugar-free. Free up 10 mins and try this recipe! #califiafarms #whole30 #veganrecipes #plantbased #chocolatemousse #refinedsugarfree
½ cup bittersweet chocolate
¼ cup almond milk
¼ cup cocoa powder
2 large ripe avocados
2 tablespoon maple syrup
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Pinch of sea salt
Toppings: coconut whipped cream, shaved chocolate and strawberries (optional)
1. In a food processor or high-speed blender, combine coconut milk, cacao, melted dark chocolate, avocados, maple syrup, vanilla extract and salt. Blend until smooth and creamy, stopping as needed to scrape down the sides.
2. Divide the mousse equally into four bowls or jars, and chill for at least one hour to get a more mousse-like consistency.
3. Serve mouse cold with coconut whipped cream, chocolate and strawberries, if desired.
Cc: @feelgoodfoodie -
#vegetarians #vegetarianrecipes #vegetarianlife #vegetariansofig #vegetarianism #vegetarianeats ##vegetariancooking #healthyfats #healthyfat #ketolife #ketofam #avocadomousse #vegandessert #vegandesserts#avocadosalad #vegetarianlifestyle #avocado
#vegetarianfood #avocadolovers #vegetarian #veggie
Another way to sneak some veggies into your day. It may sound weird, but you don't taste the avocado if you get the right portions, so play around with it if you don’t like it the first time. I prefer to use dates whenever I can to sweeten things, but if you must use another sweetener, I’d go with honey, it’s up to you. It’s great the way it is, but feel free to throw some berries, citrus fruit, pineapple, mangoes, etc. in it as well. Great way to get that chocolate fix! And if you’re keto, just use one of those no carb sugar substitutes instead of the dates.
Did you try my CHOCOLATE AVOCADO MOUSSE ? Sooo Yes, I am using dates in the video BUT I am also providing the 100% sugar free/keto option on my blog using sugar free crystal sweetener!
Honnestly, I am eating both version! I eat 95% sugar free. I indulge on some 85% dark chocolate almost everyday and sometime in a month I will make a dessert like this one using few dates ! .
Am I ok with it? .
I am ok to give my body some sugar once in a month if it is:
.Not refined sugar, the good one from wholesome food like fruits or dried fruits
. In moderation, because the problem with me is that too much of sugar even the good one make me sick so I cant overco it anyway. .
So all you need to make this dessert is
Ripe Avocado
Coconut cream
Sugar free crystal sweetener or dates
Full recipe with ingredients and nutrition panel on my blog:https://www.sweetashoney.co/paleo-avocado-chocolate-mousse-keto/
#cleandessert #lowcarbdesserts #paleodessert #paleorecipes #paleofriendly #ketofriendly #keto #ketodesserts #sugarfreedessert #chocolateavocadomousse #refinedsugarfree #paleodiet #paleolife #paleofood #paleolifestyle #paleotreats #healthydessert #instadesserts #instahealthylife #fitrecipes #lchf #proteindessert #dairyfreedessert #chocolatemousse #avocadomousse #avocado #avocadolover #paleoinspo #vegandessert #sweetashoneyrecipes
chocolate avocado mousse, anyone? got a tooth pulled yesterday afternoon, so cold + soft foods were on the menu all of last nighti had to get my chocolate fix somehow, so the fact that i had 2 really ripe avocados on hand could only mean one thing!!
this recipe requires simple ingredients you probably already have at home, and honestly couldn’t be any easier to make! i’ll leave it below so you can try for yourself happy tuesday friends!
chocolate avocado mousse
-flesh of 2 medium ripe avocados (280g)
-1/2 cup cocoa powder (40g)
-1/4 cup pure maple syrup (80ml)
-1/2 tsp vanilla (2.5ml)
-1/4 cup milk of choice (60ml)
add all ingredients to a food processor or blender and blend until smooth and creamy. spoon into 4 ramekins and serve. should keep in the fridge for a couple days!!
#vegansweets #veganchocolate #quickandeasy #homemadevegan #vegancomfortfood #chocolatedessert #quickdessert #vegantreats #vegandesserts #plantpowered #veganfoodshare #goodmoodfood #forthemaking #kitchn #sweets #healthyfats #avocado #tryvegan #whatveganseat #avocadomousse #chocolateavocado #veganmousse #feedfeedvegan #food52 #plantbasedpower #plantbaseddiet #healthyrecipes #simplybalancedliv #simplerecipes
Get ready for some healthy Halloween treats, friends! ♂️ this year I’m showing you how to turn some of my favorite @simplemills products into delicious, nutritious and perfectly spooky treats that can be served at your Halloween bash (or just for funsies)! Like these Chocolate Dirt Cups that have three amazing layers of editable goodnesss:
• chocolate pudding as our “mud”
• @simplemills chocolate crackers for our “dirt”
• & matcha green pistachios for our “grass”
They’re really simple to make, taste amazing and are great for a crowd! Snag this recipe PLUS two others up on my channel today ♀️ and happy early halloween!
(link in bio) #ad
#simplyquinoa #Vegan #veganfood #veganfoodshare #whatveganseat #bestofvegan #vegetarian #plantbased #plantpowered #Healthy #healthyfood #healthyfoodie #cleaneating #eatclean #glutenfree #wholefoods #wholefoodie #feedfeed #huffposttaste #foods4thought #healthyhalloween #veganhalloween #vegandessert #avocadomousse #avocadopudding #chocolatepudding
muchos muchos de ustedes ADIVINARON: el ingrediente secreto para esta mousse fan cremosa es PALTA❤️
Si, una mousse de chocolate con palta, confíen! Tiene gusto a chocolate de verdad y la palta aporta esa cremosidad increíble✨
No dejen de probarla, es fácil y se hace muy rápido y los va a sorprender!receta:
-2 paltas maduras.
-1/4 taza cacao amargo en polvo
-1/4 taza chocolate derretido
-1/4 taza dátiles
-stevia a gusto
-cucharadita vainilla
•Paso a paso:
-derretir el chocolate y mezclarlo con el cacao en polvo, si necesitas podes agregar un chorrito de leche veggie o agua.
-mezclar y procesar todos los ingredientes hasta que no queden pedacitos de nada y este lisa y homogénea.
-dejar en la heladera unas horas, se pone más firme y servir con lo que más te guste! Nosotros elegimos: banana, almendras y una buena cantidad de @mantequilladepi (usamos la que es sabor coco, es una LOCURA lo cremosa y rica que es, 100% recomendada)
Esta receta es fácil, rápida, con pocos ingredientes, muyyyy chocolatosa (fiel al reina style) y riquísima! Prueben y después me cuentan
Agradezcamos todos al genio creativo rey de los vídeos @thisismarte ❤️ que no solo es un excelente músico sino que hace los mejores vídeos de recetas✨ multifacético y genial
Pd: los lompas increíbles, cómodos y cancheros? Si, son de @liderpage ✨ ya les conté que son lo más no? Estén atentos que su creatividad la rompe toda✨
#recetassaludables #ketogenicfood #chocolatefudge #bolochocolate #veganocomeoque #veganos #recetasvegetarianas #recetafit #nutritips #videorecipe #veganfoodshares #recetafacil #avocadorecipes #avocadomousse #chocolatevegano #veganfoodvideos #postresfit #postresaludable #cocinafacil #aptovegano #aptoceliacos #sintaccargentina #veganchocolate #sinazucar #sugarfreerecipes #veganfoodvideos #chocomoussereina
Hello Monday || beautiful day with a special breakfast bowl >> Chocolate Mousse Avocado - amazing flavour for healthy breakfast or healthy dessert || click in my BIO for the RECIPE - on my YouTube Channel
Καλημέρα αγαπημένοι μου φίλοι || υπέροχη ζέστη μέρα με ενα εξαιρετικά νόστιμο πρωινό >> η Σοκολατένια Μους Αβοκάντο - εδώ σέρβιρα με granola • choco ball • ινδική καρύδα - απίθανες γεύσεις για υγιεινό πρωινό ή γλυκό χωρίς τύψεις || κάνε κλικ στο λινκ στο προφίλ μου για να βρεις τη συνταγή - στο Κανάλι μου στο Youtube
#avocado #chocolate #avocadomousse #lifokitchen #eattherainbow @foodblogfeed #foodblogfeed #healthybreakfast #foodstagram #breakfastideas #fuelyourbody #cleaneats #healthyfoodshare #ilovebreakfast #foodstyling #nutrition #feedfeed #homemadefood #nourish #f52grams #eeeeeats #healthychoices #beautifulcuisines @beautifulcuisines #gloobyfood @food_glooby @thefeedfeed #fitnessfood #healthyrecipes #breakfastbowl #avocadolover #homemadegranola #granola #oats
As the heat is starting to creep up here and I'm noticing all of the succulents bask in the sunlight, I've been thinking about this terrarium trifle I made for my friend's birthday party a couple of weeks ago! I wanted to fill it with herbal goodness and plenty of chocolate flavor. My favorite part, though, were just how many vegetables I crammed into it! From chocolate zucchini cake to avocado mousse, spinach herb cake to a layer of basil jelly, this trifle contained a veritable garden (not that you would guess while eating it, though.) I can't wait to share the recipe with you in the dog days of summer since this would be so perfect on a patio in the evening! But I'm getting ahead of myself. It's still rose and elderflower season, and those recipes are going to come washing through my instagram posts like a glorious floral flood. Stay tuned
#terrarium #trifle #herbal #avocadomousse #zucchinicake #vegetabledessert #succulents #misswondersmith #thewondersmith #foodart #foodasart #theartoffood #wildfoodlove #foragedherbs #greenery #gbboinspired #gbbsinspired
buat yg udah menungu resep, rame bgt ya di postingan video sebelah maaf belom di jawabin satu2 ya, ini ya mommies langsung aja resepnya... perhatikan loyang nya ya, kalo gak punya loyang kecil bisa di kalikan 2 resepnya, trs ini kurang ijo ya kalo ijonya mau jelas bisa jg di tambahkan pewarna ijo dikit aja ya mommies, basic cake nya jg bebas sih biasa aku di bake tp ini baru nyobain yg di kukus.
Happy baking gaesss
by @genikayu
bahan cake : .
2 butir telur
50 gr gula
1/2 sdt sp
1/2 sdt vanili
40 gr terigu
20 gr coklat bubuk
1/4 sdt baking powder
35 gr DCC
60 gr mentega .
cara buat : .
- lelehkan dcc & mentega, sisihkan.
- kocok telur, gula, vanili, sp, sampai kental berjejak
- masukkan terigu, coklat bubuk, baking powder, aduk rata. - masukkan lelehan dcc & mentega, aduk rata.
- tuang kedalam.loyang bulat D 16/18 cm.
- kukus 30 menit, angkat & dinginkan. .
Avocado Mousse : .
270 gr daging Alpukat
2 sdm gula pasir
30 ml susu cair
10 gr Gelatine
25 ml air
150 ml whipping cream cair (aku Rich's) .
cara buat : .
- Blender Alpukat, gula, susu cair, sisihkan. - kocok whipping cream sampai mengembang, - rendam gelatine dlm air sampai lemas, lalu tim sampai meleleh. - campurkan gelatine ke dalam alpukat yg sudah di blender, aduk cepat sampai rata. - masukkan whipping cream sedikit2 sampai habis, aduk rata. .
Chocolate ganache : .
Tim 80 gr dcc & 50 ml whipped cream cair .
Penyelesaian : .
- siapkan loyang bongkar pasang diameter 14cm
- belah cake jadi 2 bagian, taruh 1 bagian di dasar loyang bongkar pasang. - tuang avocado mousse, hentak2an loyang lalu tutup dgn satu cake lg. - siram chocolate ganache, tutup rapat atas loyang. - simpan semalaman di freezer. - nikmati keesokan harinya...yummy...
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