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Insanely sensitive skin? Try out our barsoap hand made with lavender, virgin coconut oil, and most importantly, love.❤⠀
Baby S has a case of cradle cap. This has caused her hair to stop growing on the sides. I'm using the Premium Virgin coconut oil to remove the flakes. Lots of improvement now. ⠀
We like to keep a bottle of our All Natural lotion beside the sink. These hands won't stay soft on their own after a round of dishes, pans, and baby bottles.⠀
Throwback to when #HunterJamesPitt was just a wee bit younger... happy 1st birthday!#Repost @cristallebelo
9kg vs 2.3kg. Hunter reached that 6 month mark 2 days ago but technically he’s only supposed to be 4.5 months. Everyone asks, what vitamins he’s on. The answer is: NONE. It’s pure breastmilk (ok let me give a little credit to @justinpitt77’s genes too!) #HunterJamesPitt .
.blankie from and outfit from @bairnsclothing ❤️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #littlekph
The heat dries out baby's skin even faster than usual. Dab a little lotion after every diaper change and help keep that skin stay smooth and supple.⠀
Baby skin is very sensitive and dries out easily. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Slather on the moisture to keep baby's skin supple. ⠀
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