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Kríž s kapsou je úplne ten najnajnajzákladnejší úväz viazaný pevnou šatkou a je vhodný od novorodencov až po odvrávajúcich šarvancov. [pre video potiahni fotkou doľava]
Je naozaj pravdou, že ak sa za celý svoj nosiaci život hoci aj žiaden iný úväz nenaučíte, nič sa nestane. Pokojne si ním vystačíte. Viaže sa šatkou veľkosti 5-7. Presná dĺžka už potom závisí od konfekčnej veľkosti mamky.
A ak niekde náhodou uvidíte promofotky na novú šatku, s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou je tam tiež použitý tento symetrický úväz.
Tento KSK som viazala merinovo-tencelovým Soffa Steel od českej značky @loktu_she, ktorí mi ju láskavo poskytli na testovanie. A teda poviem vám - to bola radosť!
Priznávam úprimne, že hoci ma na prvý pohľad dizajn Soffy až tak úplne nechytil, bola to láska hneď na prvý dotyk. Šatka je trochu hrubšia, ale jemná a hladká a úplne úžasne sa viaže.
Poznáte to isto. Sú šatky a šatky. Okolo niektorej chodíte ako okolo maľovaného vajca a aj tak sa vám zatiahne či zožmolkuje. Táto mi ale prišla taká nezničiteľná. Doslova. Zodpovedná a pracovitá. Pohodlná a mäkká. Ale podľa mňa - pokojne by odniesla aj Dedinskú ozrutu.
A ešte než sa spýtate - oblečenie je zo @zoot_sk @zoot_cz a topánky z @tarasandals. Účes som si robila sama.
Za foto a video ďakujem Dcére dedinskej susedy @5ka_kalavska
#dedinskamat #dedinskamatnosi #dedinskamattestuje #dedinskamatvideo #loktushe
Who else has days where it seems like there’s a circus of kids running circles around them? These are all the Snuggle Mama & Mini choices you’ll be able to choose from tonight on the website at 7pm PST. I’ve received a lot of queries about being new to my releases. I’ll try to answer some here. .
Do I sell out fast? That’s tough. All the favourites go within minutes but I have made a lot more this release. I’d recommend setting an alarm if you want a specific one.
Do I shop internationally or to the US? Yes. I routinely ship to the US every release. However, international shipping is only available upon request because of the variance in shipping cost. So contact me for a quote prior to purchase.
I hope this helps all the new supporters hoping to get a doll. If not, shoot me a dm and I’ll respond as quickly as I can. But please be patient! I still am straddling business life and life with an eight week old
.#babywearing #babywearingmama #babywearingmom #persuepretty #thatsdarling #unitedinmotherhood #stopdropandmom #bunniesofinstagram #eastergiftideas #supportsmallbusinesses #lovemymakers #letthemplay #florals #mytinytribe #motherhoodintheraw #motherhoodrising #ohheymamas #brandrep
Super important question! Do you have any favorite birthday traditions you do for your kids or that your parents did for you on your birthday? We like to focus on experiences for our girls rather than things. Do you have a special breakfast, food, game? Would love to hear! We have some we do for Gracie and Norah but I really wanna make sure we have them all figured out now before they get too old.
Hope you have an amazing weekend! We’ve got Vampire Weekend’s “Father of the Bride” on repeat!
I miss warmth. I miss sunlight. I miss walking through the trees. This spring has been absolutely brutal and I know I’m not the only one feeling this way. Low-key convinced we’re never going to have summer.
My beautiful Tula is from @littlezenone - head over and use ASHLEY10 on your next carrier purchase!
These are the two most common ways to wrap with a meh dai: with the straps first going under OR first going over babys legs. How do you like to wrap with a meh dai?
I always get questions about babys comfort when I wrap the straps over the legs. And I will say: No, it's not uncomfortable (as long as you don't tighten too much of course).
What I like about wrapping over the legs is that it close the openings on the sides. For me it feels safer.
#mehdai #babywearingforthewin #didyklick #didymos #babywearingconsultant #carrythem #bæremamma #babywearingmom #newborns #norskbæregruppe #viklemor #bärsjalar
Hoy queremos desmontar el mito de que el porteo es para hippies.
El porteo es diseño, arte, moda, cariño, calor y amor. No entiende de edad,
de sexo, de colores ni de gustos. Hay tantos portabebés y diseños como familias y estilos. Puedes portear en chándal y también con vestido largo. ☺️ Puedes ir con portabebés de algodón, de bambú, o hasta de seda.
Tod@s somos diferentes y las diferencias nos hacen especiales.
Cuando compréis un portabebés, pensad que lo vais a llevar muchísimo así
que un punto importante a tener en cuenta es el estilo y el diseño.
¿Sabéis que Vane y Mar nunca se ponen de acuerdo con los portabebés? Ellas
no se van a pelear nunca por un mismo estampado, a una le encanta la Julieta y la otra es fan de Lola. ¿Adivináis quién es quién?
Estamos cerrando nuevos diseños que os van a encantar.
Esta semana es la semana internacional del porteo y estaremos preparando
más tutoriales y unas fotos muy especiales. ¡No os lo perdáis!
Had to share another one of the poppies because those pigtails give me life.
#lakeelsinore #lakeelsinorepoppies #superbloom #sabrinagrantpresets #californiabeauty #wildflowers #californiawildflowers #mywildbird #babywearing #babywearingmom #naturalwonders #getoutdoors #motherdaughter #ringsling #babycarrier #floralfriday #wildbird #californiapoppies #californiapoppy
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