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Such a beautiful weekend spent pottering about at home in the sunshine whilst the kids played garden games. To round the weekend off, an impromptu barbecue today with the family. Perfect end to a lovely half term!✨
Happy Friday lovelies. Well the forecast isn’t looking as promising for the weekend ahead as it has been. We have my nieces Holy Communion and eldest son’s birthday this weekend so hoping the sun is going to pop it’s head out again!In other news the boys did a fine job on the lawn supplied by @wheatleyfarm . Other than needing to invest in some new sun loungers that aren’t going to break the bank the garden is almost looking summer ready. Have a great weekend whatever your up to! .
We got the bifold doors open! #winning .
As I’ve said on stories, the kitchen isn’t finished and the courtyard still resembles a builders yard but it is so nice to have some sunshine and open the bifolds doors that we spend so much of our budget on. .
The kitchen was three rooms, which we knocked into one and took the side wall of the chapel out to have the large bifolds fitted. .
It feels so much nicer than Christmas time when we had ply board for walls in the freezing cold, with no kitchen or heating! ... so worth it tho! .
It’s time for a gin! Happy Friday Folks! .
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Happy Friday Lovelies! ☀️The sun is shining and we finally have the bi folds & windows in!! Woohoo!!! Excuse the stickers Hope you all have the best weekend...
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Any one else have the heating on where the hell are you summer ♀️! Wishing for warmer days so I can use my gifted @rattandirectltd set use code thelittleterracehouse for £20 and free delivery swipe for before ➡️➡️ #homedeco #homeaccount #homeinterior #garden #gardendesign #interiordecorating #bifolds #refurbishment #renovation #reno #myhome #vibes #summer #interior #exteriors #openplan #interiordesign #fromwhereistand #gifted
One minute the bifolds are wide open with beautiful warm sunshine, the next a cold chill blows in and Molly’s unicorn school for teddies and dolls has to be decamped into the living room. Typical English weather!
I wasn’t quick enough to get a pic of the sun ♀️ It’s suddenly gone very and grey - any minute now the skies are going to open up big time over Hove... And Worley was just getting into her role as class teacher
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Some times it’s good to remind your self how far we’ve come especially when you think this time last year we hadn’t even started!
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Clearly I did not take this photo today as it’s been pouring and howling gales outside most of the day! Just thought its been a while since I’ve shared a #transformationtuesday and after lots of requests I’ve included our floor plans so if you fancy a SWIPE ➡️➡️➡️ to get a better idea of our layout and the space we gained! I realise it’s not always easy to visualise so I hope you find this helpful. If you’ve recently started following it’s quite a transformation from its early drab and dreary state.
As you can see we opened up the back and side of the house to create an open-plan living space. The old coal shed was removed to maximise the available space and we leveraged space from the garage to create a utility room. The entrance to the larder was bricked up and then converted to a WC with new access from the hallway. Being a north facing garden, we designed the extension with a vaulted ceiling to maximise the light, which was probably the most challenging part of the build but it was totally worth all the blood, sweat and tears to get it right!
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