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Beautiful !!
#Repost @thebodyisnotanapology
Gorgeous shot of @bigmomma_kiki_ ✨ : @pintora_ Posted @withrepost • @tomboypress DECOLONIZE YOUR BEAUTY STANDARDS #intersectionalfeminism #beauty #colour #model #art #decolonizebeautystandards #blackgirlmagic #bigisbeautiful #community #fuckwhitesupremacy #fuckwhitebeautystandards
[a person with brown skin and an expansive belly and thighs stands nude before a white background. They are clothed only in bright multicolored paint streaming down the top half of their body. On their face are white painted tribal markings. They look into the camera with a poised and serious expression. They hold onto a paint-covered mannequin torso that is placed partially in front of them.]
Fact for the day: I love the beach but hate getting all sandy. The posts now thru Thursday are dedicated to @amberlewisphoto since I'm shooting with her Thursday evening! Amber hasn't gotten to see me since I lost more of the weight. I was probably 40-50 lbs heavier here. The shoot should be dope! Amber does awesome natural light photography ❤
#plussizemodel #tuesday #swim #plussizeswimwear #beach #bigisbeautiful #ownyourcurves #honormycurves #plusandproud #curvyandproud #celebratemysize #feelingsexy #flauntit #workitgirl #loveyourbody #loveyourself #bopo #effyourbeautystandards #confidence #inked #inkedgirls #floridagirl #dimples #kissy
*Make sure to follow all my pages: @kissy_bbw @kissy_kris82 @kurvykissy
Check out this magnificent dusty pink crystal cluster. Nothing else would fill your home quite like this big dollop of Samadhi Himalayan Quartz! ➕At a massive 30kgs this gentle giant is an exquisite collectors item and incredible investment piece ! Purchased only on request he therefore is available at wholesale (W/S $3900, RRP $7800) DM to find out more about this exclusive and impeccably structured A Grade Crystal Cluster! #stonedcrystals #giantrocks #himalayanquartz #love #crystalporn #bigisbeautiful
You get what you buy, this what you paid for. So make sure the stars is what you aim for.
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