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Sultan Abdülmecid'in tuğrâsı. Saltanat: 1839 - 1861
The tuğrâ (Imperial Seal) of Sultan Abdülmecid Reign 1839 - 1861.
Sultan Abdülmecid'in tuğrası nasıl okunur @kaptanomar bizlere gösterecek.
#osmanliimparatorlugu #ottomanempire #osmanlidevleti #osmanli #ottoman #osmanlıtarihi #ottomanhistory #turkey #türkiye #istanbul #sultanabdülmecid #tuğra #cennetmekan #halife #caliph #kelimetullah #devletialiyyeiosmaniyye #hanedanialiosman #islam #islamiyet #Quran #Kuranikerim #hzMuhammedﷺ #Allahcc #iyiakşamlar #pazar #ömerkaptan
14 haziran 1826 Sultan II. Mahmud Yeniçeri Ocağını tamamen kaldırdı ve bu tarihe "Vaka-i Hayriye", ya da Hayriye Olayı olarak kaydedildi.
Sizce bu olay Osmanlı için hayırlı oldu mu? Yorumlarınızı alalım.
On June the 14th 1826, Sultan Mahmud II ended up abolishing the Janissary corps in the year 1826, which was recorded as the "Vaka-i Hayriye", or the Auspicious Incident.
#osmanliimparatorlugu #ottomanempire #osmanlidevleti #osmanli #ottoman #osmanlıtarihi #ottomanhistory #turkey #türkiye #topkapısarayı #istanbul #sultanmahmud #cennetmekan #halife #caliph #kelimetullah #zafer #yeniçeri #vakaihayriye #devletialiyyeiosmaniyye #hanedanialiosman #islam #islamiyet #Quran #Kuranikerim #hzMuhammedﷺ #Allahcc
Views from inside the Rawdah Mubarak, the Sacred Chamber in Masjid-e-Nabwi where the Prophet (ﷺ) is buried along with Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them). #rawdah #rawdahmubarak #madinah #medina #islamichistory #saudiarabia #masjidnabawi #masjidnabawimadinah #seerah #islamiclandmarks #sahabah #caliph #prophetmuhammad #prophetmuhammadﷺ
Matrakçı Nasuh’un, Osmanlı’nın kuruluşundan Kânûnî Sultan Süleyman’ın saltanatının son devrine kadarki hadiseleri ele aldığı Târîh-i Âl-i Osmân’ı yayımlandı.
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"Bağdat’ta şahım. Bizans'ın Sezar’ı ve Mısır'ın Sultanıyım"
Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Han "In Baghdad I am the Shah, in the Byzantine realms the ceasar, and in Egypt the Sultan." Kanuni Sultan Suleiman Han "في بغداد أنا الشاه و في البيزنطينية أنا القيصر و في مصر أنا السلطان."
السلطان سليمان القانوني خان
#osmanliimparatorlugu #ottomanempire #osmanlidevleti #osmanli #ottoman #osmanlıtarihi #ottomanhistory #turkey #türkiye #bağdat #baghdad #süleymaniyecamii #istanbul #kanunisultansuleyman #suleymanthemagnificent #cennetmekan #halife #caliph #kelimetullah #devletialiyyeiosmaniyye #hanedanialiosman #islam #islamiyet #Quran #Kuranikerim #hzMuhammedﷺ #Allahcc
Every day the Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community walks from his residence to the Fazl Mosque to lead the 5 daily prayers. Since 1984, when the headquarters of the Community moved from Pakistan to London, tens of thousands of prayers have been led here by the Caliphs.
The Review of Religions was granted special access to film one of the final walks of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad to the oldest mosque in London, prior to the headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community moving to Islamabad, Tilford.
#Repost @reviewreligions
• • • • • •
#Islam #Ahmadiyya #trueislam #FazlMosque
#Islamabad #mosque #prayer #peace #love #tolerance #worship #Caliph #London #Tilford
Kanuni Sultan Süleyman' ın şiiri, 1500' ler.
“Halk içinde muteber bir nesne yok devlet gibi
Olmaya devlet, cihanda bir nefes sıhhat gibi.”
Saltanat didükleri ancak cihan gavgasıdır
Olmaya baht-ü saadet dünyede vahdet gibi.”
Kanunî Sultan Süleyman Han's poetry, 1500's.
شعر السلطان سليمان القانوني خان، القرن السادس عشر
#osmanliimparatorlugu #ottomanempire #osmanlidevleti #osmanli #ottoman #osmanlıtarihi #ottomanhistory #turkey #türkiye #şiir #poetry #iyigeceler #istanbul #kanunisultansuleyman #suleymanthemagnificent #cennetmekan #halife #caliph #kelimetullah #devletialiyyeiosmaniyye #hanedanialiosman #islam #islamiyet #Quran #Kuranikerim #hzMuhammedﷺ #Allahcc
Tr: Türk-Yunan Savaşı (1897) sırasında zafer kutlama iddiasına karşın Sultan Abdülhamid Han Avrupa güçlerine sordu: "Hasta adam kim şimdi, söyle?" En: After claiming victory during the Greco-Turkish War (1897), Sultan Abdul Hamid Han posed a question towards the European powers: "Tell me, who is the sick man now?"
بعد النصر في معارك التركية اليونانية والفوز العثماني
أثناء الاحتفال قال السلطان للأمبراطوريات الاروبية :
"أخبروني من هو الرجل المريض"
ressam @reza_hemmatirad
#osmanliimparatorlugu #ottomanempire #osmanlidevleti #osmanli #ottoman #sultanabdulhamid #sultanabdülhamidhan #cennetmekan #uluhakan #hanedanialiosman #devletialiyyeyiosmaniyye #istanbul #turkey #türkiye #greece #greco #turkish #halife #caliph #kelimetullah #tarih #history #islam #islamiyet #Kuranikerim #Quran #hzMuhammedsav #Allahcc @payitahtdizi
Of the many people who tried to assassinate Muhammad (pbuh) was Umar bin al-Khattab (second khalifa) who was one of the most rabid enemies of Islam and of Muhammad (pbuh) and was a great tormentor of the Muslims.
He was one of the stern opposition to the Muslims, in fact he used to harm the Muslims and cause them much suffering.
Umar was intelligent and wise as well as being considered very brave and strong amongst all the Arabs. People would tremble at the name of Umar. Umar hated the Muslims because they brought something different to what their forefathers worshipped. He thought that their forefathers could not be wrong.
He decided to end it here and the quickest way, he thought, was by killing the prophet (pbuh). He got his sword and started heading out to find the prophet (pbuh). When the people saw Umar with his sword out, they knew that someone was in for trouble and everyone avoided Umar.
It is said that one day in sheer exasperation, Umar resolved to kill Muhammad, and thus to extinguish the flame of Islam itself. He left his home with this intention. This was the same day he embraced Islam.
#omarseries #umar #khalifa #caliph #caliphate #islam #khilafat #sahaba #companionoftheprophet #whowasmuhammadﷺ #prophetmuhammadﷺ #islam #convert
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