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Proverbs 31:25 | she’s clothed with strength & dignity && she laughs without fear of her future
so proud of the woman i’m becoming
relaunch of AmberNicoleLIVE 11•07•18
In honor of National Suicide Prevention Month, I have decided to kickstart it with highlighting a fellow SCSU Bulldog!
@blackanddepressed_ was created to break the stigma and bring awareness to mental health within the black community by sharing her personal journey with mental health!
This brand includes mental health awareness, tips & advice, a podcast, and t-shirt line!
BTW: i have my shirts, so you should grab one or a few too! ❤️
Happy 1 year engagement anniversary to my King ❗️❗️❗️ I really can’t believe it’s been a whole year I Been engaged to my best friend life has been so much easier having you to walk with side by side...thank you for showing me that it’s safe to Love again and that you aren’t here to play, your here to stay❗️I appreciate Everything you’ve brought to my life being who you are to me and re crowing me !❤️ Luh you Papasitooooooo
#mybestfriend #engaged1year #prisonlove #mcm #itsalmostover #battletested #celibacylife
IN THAT ORDER. while i’m believing God for myself, i’m believing him for you too!
#celibate #celibacy #celibacyissexy #celibatedating #celibatewomen #celibatecouples #celibatetilmarriage #celibatelifestyle #celibacyrules #celibacyiskey #celibacylife #celibatelife #celibacychallenge #celibacyclub #celibacyjourney #celibacyisdope #celibacyuntilmarriage #celibacylifestyle #celibacyworks #celibacyiscool #celibacymatters
Good morning!!! Say this affirmation with me out loud! "I release ALL dis-ease from my body and welcome health, love and happiness into my life!" And so it is. Make the day great! ❤
#thegirlwiththepearls #wombhealing #womenshealthmagazine #lawofattraction #impact #transformation #healing #solutions #restoration #divahpearls #divas #atlantahairstylist #eatontonhairstylist #putnamhairstylist #warnerrobinshairstylist #macongahairstylist #milledgevillehairstylist #milledgevillega #covingtonhairstylist #putnamcounty #sacredhealing #ladieswear #moontea #celibacy #celibacylife
Well as of today It’s officially 8 years of celibacy!!! No sex! It’s funny how men/women get talked about for doing the wrong! Hell I get talked about for doing the right thing! I’m so glad I been holding out because I could have easy had sex, but it would have been with the wrong person and a waste of time! #goodafternoon #handsome_black_king #celibacylife #8yearsofcelibacy #blackisbeautiful #godisgood #damhefine #sexyblackmen #selflove #selfworth #selfrespect #knowyourworth #iknowmyworth #repost #sharewithfriends #message #melanin #model #blackmenarekings #inspirationalquotes #love #blacklove #powerfulblackman #sex #temptation #blackwomenarepoppin #kemet #hotep #sexyman #faithful
Get to know each other on a spiritual level. Ask God for discernment. Sex clouds your judgement and although it is important in a relationship, it will not pay the bills, give you respect and the sincere love that you need etc. @lamoywilliams -
Don’t settle for less than God’s Best!Link in my bio.
Watch the video on my YouTube channel or blog at www.lamoywilliams.com
#devonfranklin #meagangood -
#letgod #godstiming #godfidence #faithblogger #christianblogger #godlydating #churchmemes #christianliving #sprinkleofjesus #singleandwaiting #jesusandcoffee #propelwomen #godlymarriage #celibate #worththewait #christianwedding #stephanspeaks #relationshipadvice #nosex #abstinence #celibacy #thewait #worththewait #dontsettle #trustgodbro #proverbs31woman #celibacylife
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