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●ちょっと刺身盛合せ #簡単レシピ #週末晩ご飯 #週末料理 #週末料理人 #カレー #自宅ごはん #自宅クッキング #簡単時短 #野菜カレー #元気 #三元豚 #ロースかつ #カツカレー #夏野菜カレー #本格派 #本格派カレー#delistagrammer #delicious #deliciousfood #deliciousness #cookinglove #cookinglover #cooking#ぶらり散歩#ニュータンタン#lin_stagramer #ぶらり #ぶらり散歩
My brain feels hazy and sticky today.
Kind of like how this batch of candied oranges almost made the hard candy stage but not quite!
My booting / loading process is larger than ever and prioritizing has never been more in play.
And to imagine I was going to be abroad for a few weeks, then catching up with jet lag and everything I missed in the states for another week or so after that.
But then again I remember the days I wished for these opportunities, LOTS of opportunities, because why would I wish for things to come easy when I can work and prove myself?
But they say be careful what you wish for, because I had no idea what lessons were coming my way haha!
Very very thankful to say the least!!!
Maybe next time I’ll consider refining the wishes hahaha!
Our #greensriracha is the perfect addition to kimchi fried rice! Grab your #srirachagranada today from @amazon ! Link in bio.
Credit to @foodbeast
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Our sugar-free #greensriracha spice blend is the perfect seasoning for seared scallops! Grab your #srirachagranada today from @amazon ! Link in bio.
Credit to @nintendough84
Homemade Lemon & Garlic Scallops .
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Ekşi mayalı ekmek. Ekmeğim yumuşacık olmuş. Puf puf yumuşak ekmek sevenler hemen pişirsin derim. Tarif bir önceki paylaşımda var. #ekşimaya #ekşimayalıekmek #sourdough #sourdoughbread #levain #cook #cooking #cookinglove #good #foodie #foodilove #cookingvideo #lezzet #tarif #sunum #turkischfood #keşfet #keşfetteyiz
Sexta feira yayy Bom dia acordamos haja alegria yayyy ! E olba só quem voltou a fazer um maravilhoso bolo de caneca?! Euu♀️! Este é de banana e ficou esta maravilha do bem ! #glutenfree #sugarfree #semfarinha e em 2m tá feito! Vais precisar somente de:
1 banana bem madura➡️2 colheres de flocos de aveia sem glúten ➡️1 colher de chia ➡️1 ovo➡️ Envolve bem leva ao microondas por 2m que a magia acontece e deliciaa te! Topping: Manteiga #semgluten da @manteiguiz_amendoim deliciosaaáa ! Desliza que tem mais fotos ♀️ #receitinhadasoninha Bem simples assim ♀️ Que tenhamos uma sexta feira carregadinha de sorrisos e amor! E saúde! Um dia feliz para todos❤❤
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