crownapplepopcorn bettergetyousome isellitall candyapplelady blackownedbusiness charlottesweettreats charlottevendorlife fireballpopcorn pinacolodapopcorn startedfromthebottom youniquelyyoursbytammy custompartyfavors desserttables chocolatecoverestrawberries customcakestands customhomedecor hennessypopcorn infusedpopcorn popcorn caramelpopcorn hennpopcorn hennypopcorn crownapple gourmetpopcorn keeshssweettreatsandevents charlotte custom hennessycaramelpopcorn sweetsforyourevent sweettreats pinacolodapopcorn
Sunday is the last day to order for shipment going out Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 .... (JACKSONVILLE,FL) (ALBANY/DAWSON, GA)
I have someone in those location who will schedule a meet up for a small fee so you don’t have to in-cure the full shipping charge !!!
Happy Eating #sweettreats #sweettreatsbykay #nomnomnom #infusedpopcorn #hennypopcorn #crownapplepopcorn #shippedsweets #iship #shippedpopcorn #birthdayevents #weddingevents #babyshowerevents #jacksonvilleeats #jaxeats #jaxsweets #jacksonville #florida
#isellitall #candyapplelady
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