customcatfurniture catfurniture cattree cats cattower kitty kittycat catsofinstagram instacat meow catbed catscratcher kittyfurniture kittytree lovecat madeinengland catgym happycat kalvencats kalvencatscratcher kittygram kittyscratcher pets petsofinstagram purrfect handmade catshelves petfurniture catlady catlove woodstyle
When I die, this cat tree will remain. One of my life works, "The Indefensible II" resides in a lovely home in Manhattan with four friendly felines who get to enjoy this piece on the daily I have no idea where all the time went building this, the meditation gets so deep and makes the work so addicting. There's absolutely nothing like taking a seat before your work and enjoying the silence after the madness. Blood sweat and tears are present in this work, it's an overwhelmingly passionate career path but the reward is every moment I get to do this The things we do for our little lion creatures! •
#manhattan #cats #kittens #cattree #catlove #ilovecats #ilovemycats #kitties #furnitureforcats #customcatfurniture #catfurniture
I drove 2 cat trees up to the Calaveras Humane Society, in Angels Camp in Calaveras County, CA. It was about a 5.5 hour drive with some great natural wonders on the way. If anyone lives in the Sacramento region, this adoption center is very great & extremely classy. They are at 1209 Highway 49
Angels Camp, CA 95222. Their Facebook page is at The "Picasso Tree #2" can be ordered at #hollywoodkitty #customcatfurniture #customcattree #catfurniture #picassotree picassocattree #highendcattrees #moderncatfurniture #retrostyle #that70slook #dyedsisal #scratchpost #turquoiseandorange #carpetinlays #rescueorganization #catfriendly #catadoptions #calaveras
I received this amazing plate from @perfect_posies !
I am sure Mama won’t steal it, there is my name and a drawing of me !!
Thank you so much @perfect_posies I love it
#handmade #customplate #customcatfurniture #customized #customizedesign #designdaily #etsy #spoiledcat #marble #marbledesign #drawing #catdrawing #cutecat #gift #catfood #petphotography #catphotography #fluffycat #weeklyfluff #azzarothecreampoint
Back at the customer's home where the first "Enchanted Forest Kitty Sanctuary" is entertaining 5 great cats. And, here is @kingleonidas_thegreat enjoying an "Emoji Purple Goblin Toy" on this "Sweetheart Scratch Post" ❤. Leo is definitely one of the coolest cats I've ever met #hollywoodkitty #customcatfurniture #customcattrees #catfurniture #dyedsisal #dyedrope #sisal #enchantedforest #mainecoon #leo #kingleonidas #sweetheartscratchpost #sweetheart #heartthemed #heartcattree
Almost done with this "Enchanted Tree Stump Condo" I ❤ these silk flowers!!! #hollywoodkitty #customcatfurniture #customcattree #catfurniture #catcondo #enchantedtreestump #workinprogress #underconstruction #kittycondo #sisal #scratchpost #carpetinlays #pinkflowers #carpetsculpturing #detailedcatcondo #highendcatfurniture
This was a custom cat tree that I did for someone in Guam a while back. I actually shipped it to a military base using the post office. This item is on my website. It's called the "Willow & Mushroom Perch, and it was made with a real tree branch. I'm going to start offering this item with a carpeted tree branch, as well. #hollywoodkitty #customcatfurniture #customcattrees #catfurniture #catcondo #grapevines #rusticcattrees #rusticcatfurniture #cattreeswithgrapevines #grapevine #grapevinecattrees #organic #organicdesign #sisal #mushrooms #scratchposts
Completed... The Enchanted Forest Kitty Sanctuary for @wolfie_smiles & @kingleonidas_thegreat #hollywoodkitty #enchantedforest #custom #customcatfurniture #customcattree #catsanctuary #kittysanctuary #carpetedtreebranches #fauxalpacafur #awesomecattree #catfurniture #catcondo #treethemed #silkvines #wisteria #artificialjasmine #vines #customcatsanctuary #progress #greatsofar #workinprogress #almostdone #bestcattreeever
Completed 4-level "Enchanted Tree Stump Cat Condo" with pink roses, baby's breath, toadstool scratch post & honey bee cat toy . The size is 32" x 36" x 52". #hollywoodkitty #customcatfurniture #customcattrees #enchantedtreestump #treestump #treethemed #treestumpcatcondo #catfurniture #catcondo #moss #sisal #scratchpost #silkflowers #pinkroses #babysbreath #beautifulcattree #beautifulcatcondo #elegant
Today I added some honey bee catnip toys to the Enchanted Forest Kitty Sanctuary for @wolfie_smiles & @kingleonidas_thegreat. These toys are really cute, and they're well made. So, I will be offering them on my site soon! #hollywoodkitty #enchantedforest #catsanctuary #kittysanctuary #enchantedtreestump #enchantedlog #cattoys #honeybees #honeybeecattoys #bees #beecattoys #hangingcattoys #scratchpost #sisal #dyedsisal #bestcattree #customcattree #customcatfurniture
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