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Hashtags sur le sujet #DAUPHIN

Repost from @awethenticday - There are only 47 Hong Kong Dolphins left (China White Dolphin), and they are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN’s endangered species list. . . . They are threatened by construction, ocean traffic and both water and sonic pollution. Before we start building even more infrastructure and more artificial islands, let’s remember that there are other inhabitants of our local beautiful waters. . . We recently went out on a dolphin watching trip, keeping a safe distance, with @voguehongkong and local celebrities Laurinda Ho @laurinda_ho, Nicola Cheung @nicolacheungyoung, Ana R @ana_r, Stephanie Ngai @chaukeiyoga to raise awareness about their plight to coincide with World Oceans Day. . . They’ve all pledged to respect marine animals and their environment. . . Let’s join hands with our little ones to safeguard our precious living dolphins!. . . #LaMerBlueHeart #VogueHongKong #saveouroceans #dolphins #worldoceansday #hongkong #oceans #conservation #sea “. . . Directed / Produced by @seanleedavies Supported by @projectcchange, Video production by @awethenticstudio. . . 海洋,為孩子帶來歡笑,也為我們留下難忘回憶。海洋值得我們珍愛,更值得我們尊重。 名人何超蓮 、張新悅 、Ana R、魏秋琪 與其子女一起出海觀賞深受港人喜愛的中華白海豚,提醒大眾欣賞美麗大自然時,也應保持友善距離,不騷擾海洋生物,不破壞牠們的生態環境,守護牠們的家園。齊來響應 6月8日世界海洋日,大手牽小手一起保護珍貴海洋,讓我們下一代繼續擁有充滿生命力的海洋吧!

Hashtags sur le sujet #DAUPHIN

Il y a des choses que l’on ne peut pas expliquer, il faut les vivre . . . #dauphins #mexico #dolphin #dolphins #dolphines #dauphin #ilovedolphins #welovedolphins #cutedolphins #sealife #oceanlove #oceanlover #eauturquoise #caribbean #caraibes #dolphintrip #blueocean #bluewater #dauphins #paradise #paradise #island #photography #naturelovers

Hashtags sur le sujet #DAUPHIN

Mauvais signe pour un des deux animaux ! PC : @maxijonas #orque #killerwhale #orca #whale #dolphin #dauphin #baleine #wearetheorca #whalewatching #emptythetanks #blackfish #marinelife #wildlifephotography #photoanimaliere #apex

Hashtags sur le sujet #DAUPHIN

Lorsqu’un pod de plus de 20 individus se déplace ça donne ça PC : @janinemarx_photography #orque #killerwhale #orca #whale #dolphin #dauphin #baleine #wearetheorca #whalewatching #emptythetanks #blackfish #marinelife #wildlifephotography #photoanimaliere #apex

Hashtags sur le sujet #DAUPHIN

Très bonne nouvelle au sein du J-Pod qui viens d’accueillir un nouveau-né PC : @salishseaorcas #orque #killerwhale #orca #whale #dolphin #dauphin #baleine #wearetheorca #whalewatching #emptythetanks #blackfish #marinelife #wildlifephotography #photoanimaliere #apex

Hashtags sur le sujet #DAUPHIN

Du souffle des orques jailli la lumière ✨ PC : @fix4eyes #orque #killerwhale #orca #whale #dolphin #dauphin #baleine #wearetheorca #whalewatching #emptythetanks #blackfish #marinelife #wildlifephotography #photoanimaliere #apex

Hashtags sur le sujet #DAUPHIN

Orion (CA51B) vous souhaites le bonjour PC : @ace_visuals #orque #killerwhale #orca #whale #dolphin #dauphin #baleine #wearetheorca #whalewatching #emptythetanks #blackfish #marinelife #wildlifephotography #photoanimaliere #apex

Hashtags sur le sujet #DAUPHIN

Bon dimanche PC : @chrisvanderweijden #orque #killerwhale #orca #whale #dolphin #dauphin #baleine #wearetheorca #whalewatching #emptythetanks #blackfish #marinelife #wildlifephotography #photoanimaliere #apex #oilfreelofoten

Hashtags sur le sujet #DAUPHIN

Le nord n’a pas encore livré tout ses secrets PC : @lina.grube #orque #killerwhale #orca #whale #dolphin #dauphin #baleine #wearetheorca #whalewatching #emptythetanks #blackfish #marinelife #wildlifephotography #photoanimaliere #apex #oilfreelofoten

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