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ESSENTIALS #7: GOOD CARB AND GOOD FAT DIET: There is so much noise about Carbs and Fats in Weight Loss Diets these days, but it is really simple!!! Always start with your personal Protein at every meal beginning with a Protein-Rich Shake for breakfast. Time your meals and snacks and then tackle the remaining major or “macro” nutrients- Carbs and Fats by choosing the right foods to go along with lean protein at every meal and snack! Good Carbs are those that don’t raise your blood sugar too much or too quickly including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Good Fats are found in wild fish, fish oil supplements, nuts, olive oil, and avocados. Use these fats to enhance taste but add just what you need on salads and other dishes. Avoid foods rich in sugar or hidden fats such as colas, soft drinks, cookies, cakes, pastries, candies, and snack chips designed to get you hooked on eating too much and too often! You can vary the Good Carbs vs Good Fats as long as you get the protein you need to personalize your diet, control hunger, and build or maintain your lean muscle and Best Personal Shape with purposeful exercise and a Healthy Active Lifestyle!!! Next time I will talk about how to Eat Mostly Plant Foods!! -So stay tuned!!! #drdavidheber #carbs #fats #diets #weightlosstransformation to learn more go to and
Holding guilt around food is never a good feeling. Rather enjoy and treat yourself, but in moderation. This honeybun goes great with coffee ☕️
This amazing post from @confessionofadietitian really shows the shocking differences between calories - but also is eye opening to the fact that both options are acceptable and can be justified! Some days you may want the cinnamon roll! So why not - the regular high quality workouts in a healthy and fit lifestyle offer some added bonuses sometimes ⌚️
♂️Have a great Monday!
#cinnamonrolls #cinnamon #calories #diets #dieting #foodstagram #foodforthought
⚠️Follow @calories.success.tip ⚠️ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇
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Quem topa esse desafio
Deseja emagrecer de 3 a 5 quilos em apenas 10 dias de forma 100% Natural?
Para isso preparamos para você um livro digital com 200 receitas lowcarb:⠀
✅Separadas em café da manhã, almoço e janta;
✅Receitas fáceis e práticas;
✅Livro digital ilustrado;
✅Receitas avaliadas e aprovadas por nutricionista;
✅Receitas que vão te ajudar definitivamente a queimar gordura;
✅4 bônus exclusivos
✅Grupo Vip no Facebook
E o preço por tudo isso? APENAS 49,00 Reais Hoje, com GARANTIA de 7 dias ou seu dinheiro de volta!
Para adquirir e-book CLIQUE no Link em azul no nosso perfil: @receitas_e_dicas_fit1
Ok so, how many of you guys are pizza lovers? ♀️♂️ We know that pizza hasn’t always had a good reputation. Many people associate this food with grease and high calories, and will not eat it if they are on a diet. There are also some who classify it as comfort food or just something quick to grab for dinner when they are short on time.
Continue reading this excellent post from @mealpreponfleek
What many people don’t know is that pizza can actually be good for you. Pizza has a lot of benefits besides the fact that it is super delicious and brings joy to whoever eats it.
So here are the top 3 benefits pizza provides:
✅ Pizza sauce can boost your immunity: The sauce on a pizza is loaded with Vitamin C. Your body needs this nutrient to fight against germs that can cause illnesses like the common cold. If oregano is included in the sauce, it will increase your immunity even more. Carvacrol, the active ingredient in oregano, can help keep your liver healthy and balance your blood sugar.
✅ You can control your ingredients: Whether you make this meal yourself or order it from your favorite pizza shop, you control which ingredients are served. You can ask the restaurant for the exact ingredients you want and also specify if you would like them in larger or smaller amounts.
✅ Pizza brings JOY: Let’s face it, pizza is DELICIOUS! But most important, this food reunites families around the table and gives us the chance to share and spend time with the people we love.
This is why pizza is not the enemy and if we are craving it, we should have it
Struggling with losing fat, gaining weight, with having a healthy relationship with food? Or with how you train in the gym? Click the link in my bio to join my FREE Facebook Group - I answer all questions in there!
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☝Как избежать ошибок в лечении гипертонии? Нас - гипертоников - почти половина взрослого населения планеты! (Почему «нас» - так я тоже гипертоник «со стажем»). Ещё недавно нас была треть - 35% взрослого населения развитых стран. Оценивалось, что ещё около 15% людей просто не измеряют своего артериального давления и не знают, что они гипертоники! С прошлого года ситуация изменилась. Мы вообще живем во время, когда меняются привычные представления в повседневной жизни, политике, буквально во всем. Вот эта тенденция задела и медицину. В 2018 году официально изменились нормы Артериального давления. Сначала в США, потом и в Европе! Теперь последняя цифра нормального АД - 119/79, 120/80 уже предгипертония! (120/80-129/80),
130/80 -это уже гипертония первой степени, (130/80-139/89 мм рт.ст);
140/90 мм рт.ст и выше - уже гипертония второй степени. Обоснованием столь радикальных изменений явились наблюдения, что даже небольшое повышение АД влечёт за собой увеличение рисков инфарктов, инсультов, внезапной смерти. Но таким образом просто «росчерком пера» количество гипертоников увеличилось почти в двое. И самое главное: теперь и начинать лечение лекарствами надо ранее: при 140/90, а при наличии других факторов риска (курение, повышенные холестерин, сахар) - и с 130/80! И также число потребителей таблеток от гипертонии практически удвоилось. Отвлечемся от «теории заговоров» и зададимся вопросим: при каком АД надо лечение таблетками начинать? Ведь надо поймать грань когда потенциальная польза будет превышать риск побочных явлений препаратов. Итак, при начальной степени Артериальной гипертонии необходимо ограничить соль, постараться снизить вес и активно заниматься физической культурой. А вот таблетки... Пока многие врачи дискутируют с новыми рекомендациями и рекомендуют рассматривать гипотензивный терапию как и раньше - при повышении АД до 150/90 мм рт ст, при условии, что общие риски развития инфарктов и инсультов у пациента низкие.
Всем подписчикам скидка 30% на книги доктора Мясникова – на сайте (активная ссылка в шапке профиля). Промокод: МЯСНИКОВ
Новое видео о головной боли и обезболивающих — на сайте Сегодня.
ATENÇÃO: o Instagram só está liberando as Receitas para quem INTERAGIR,se possível curta,e comente: VOU FAZER
Você fazendo isso,as RECEITAS aparecerão para vocês sempre
Não esqueça de nos seguir por favor : @receitas_e_dicas_fit1 ⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️
Repolho Refogado Delicioso Muito Facil
- Ingredientes:⤵️
1 repolho lavado e fatiado fino
1 dente de alho
2 colheres de azeite doce
Sal a gosto
1 lata de ervilha
1 lata de milho
1 pimentão vermelho bem picado
Salsinha a gosto - Modo de
Em uma panela coloque o azeite e o alho batido, deixe aquecer levemente.
Acrescente o repolho e mexa até murchar um pouco.
Salpique sal e coloque o milho, ervilha, salsinha picada, abafe um pouco com a tampa e desligue o fogo.
Pode servir com arroz branco e frango assado no forno.
Repost: @low_carb_receitasfit_ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ➖
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Você irá Receber tambem mais 3 bônus especiais Exclusivos❤❤
✅Perca até 8Kgs Em 14 Dias ✅Alimentos que Queimam Gordura
✅Acelera o Metabolismo
✅Alimentos que Previnem Doenças ✅Fique mais Saudável e Fitness
Para Saber Mais e Fazer parte da dieta Basta Acessar clicar no link azul, na Bio do nosso Perfil !!⤵
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