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Did you know a local celebrity graduated from our high school? We found this news clippings while packing up the library for renovation. #micahchandler is a YPAS viola player who brings joy to Louisville! #celebrity #locallegend #localcelebrity #louisviille #louisvillelegend #ville #dupontmanualhighschool #dmhs #library #libraries #1988
oooh my face dropped too fast Favorite moment from my @courierjournal interview with Louisville reporting legend, Kirby Adams. And don’t forget to come to @bookofmormon at the KY Performing Arts Center 02/26-03/03 to hear my botchy post-college accent work
A quick sappy post-Last year Ms. P. was so stressed all the time. This year these awesome students were the most amazing aides ever. They are all valedictorians in MST!!!!, but on top of that incredible young men and women with complete kindness and thoughtfulness always. You all made my year and helped Ms. P. keep her sanity! Thank you ❤️ #myaidesarethebestaides #classof2019 #dupontmanualhighschool
Louisville, Richmond, Frankfort, Barea .. BOOKING HAS BEGUN for October 16 - November 31st ! Head on over to @angana_beauty and dm NAME, SERVICE, DESIRED DATE and CONTACT INFO! SWIPE FOR PRICING
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I have some of the most beautiful brides #sigmabeauty #airbrush #airbrushmakeup #mua #makeup #louisvillemakeupartist #bridal #kybrides #kentuckybride #bridalmakeupartist #bridalmakeupkentucky #louisvillebridal #ky #louisville #dupontmanualhighschool #sephora #temptu #indianamakeupartist #bridalmakeupindiana #southernindianamakeupartist #stila #makeupbylauryn
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