emdr trauma therapy psicoterapia terapi mentalhealth mindfulness psicologia psikoloji ptsd anxiety emdrterapisi emdrtherapy happy positivity psikolojikdan psikoterapist psychology stress ailedan cinselterapi coaching depression healing istanbul klinikpsikolog psicologa psikiyatrist psikolog traumarecovery
If your wounds have led you to these beliefs, please know:
You are enough. Just as you are.
You are not too much. You don’t need to make yourself small. You deserve to take up space.
#embodiedcounseling #healing #innerchildprotector #cptsd #attachment #traumahealing #youareenough #innerchildwork #emdrtherapy #emdr #innerchild #ifs #somaticexperiencing #empower #wounds #nervoussystem #therapy #counseling #somatic #yoga #traumaresolution #issuesinthetissues #embrace #traumainformed #woundscanheal
Being kind is a good thing!
People pleasing for the sake of building your self-worth or getting people’s love and validation is a dead-end road...to feelings of worthlessness and resentment.
People may take advantage of you. They may feel entitled.
You enable this behavior when you continue trying to please them.
Being loved isn’t determined by what you do for others....especially if what you do for others is at the expense of yourself.
#selfmastery #humanexperience #personaldevelopment #healthyrelationships #maxxmethod #mindfulness #emotions #thoughts #healing #ownyourdreams #doitnow
Uzm. Klinik Psikolog
Birey, Çift ve Aile Terapisti
Selin Aktaş
#psikoterapist #klinikpsikolog #aileveçiftterapisi #ruhsağlığı #uzmanpsikokog #virginiasatir #altunizadepsikolog #şematerapi #bilişseldavranışçıterapi #emdr #kaygıbozuklukları #kişilikbozuklukları #panikatak #eğitmen #bdt #şema #psikolog #danışmanlık #kurumsaleğitim #terapi #değişim #dönüşüm #okb #narsist #bağımlı #borderline #depresyon #zekatesti
Bugün #31Mayıs #DünyaTütünsüzGünü!
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'ne göre dünyadaki en önemli sağlık sorunu başta sigara olmak üzere tütün kullanımıdır. Sigara kullanmanın bireylere ve topluma verdiği zararlara dikkat çekmek için her yıl 31 Mayıs günü Dünya Sigarasız Günü olarak kutlanmaktadır.
Dünya Tütüne Hayır Günü (WNTD), Dünya Sigarasız Günü, Dünya Tütünsüz Günü veya Dünya Sigarayı Bırakma Günü her yıl 31 Mayıs tarihinde Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO) üye devletlerince 1987 yılından bu yana tüm dünyada kutlanan önemli gündür. Bu günde, sigara kullanıcılarının 24 saat süreyle sigarayı bırakmaları teşvik ediliyor. Günümüzde her yıl dünya genelinde 5.4 milyon kişinin ölümüne neden olan ve yaygın bir hale gelen tütün kullanımının küresel olarak sağlık üzerine etkilerine dikkat çekilmesi amaçlanıyor.
Dünya Tütüne Hayır Günü (WNTD), Dünya Sigarasız Günü, Dünya Tütünsüz Günü veya Dünya Sigarayı Bırakma Günü her yıl 31 Mayıs tarihinde Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO) üye devletlerince 1987 yılından bu yana tüm dünyada kutlanan önemli gündür. Bu günde, sigara kullanıcılarının 24 saat süreyle sigarayı bırakmaları teşvik ediliyor. Günümüzde her yıl dünya genelinde 5.4 milyon kişinin ölümüne neden olan ve yaygın bir hale gelen tütün kullanımının küresel olarak sağlık üzerine etkilerine dikkat çekilmesi amaçlanıyor.
8- NİKOTİN TERAPİSİ: Sakız veya bant şeklinde nikotin tedavisi bırakmanıza yardımcı olabilir.
Sigarayı bırak, hayatı bırakma!
Uzman Psikolog İclal Gözcü Atayay
Reem Nöropsikiyatri / 0212 281 91 91
#iclalGözcü #iclalGözcüAtayay #Psikolog #KlinikPsikolog #Reem #Depresyon #Psikoloji #Psikoterapi #Npistanbul #Nöropsikiyatri #Takıntı #SosyalFobi #PanikAtak #Özgüven #Anksiyete #OKB #Ergenlik #Migren #emdr #hipnoz #hipnoterapi #RuhHalim #Terapi #Destek #GününSözü #DünyaSigarasızGünü #sigara #sigarasız
Those who suffer from trauma carry shame.....from why can’t I “get over it”, to why did this happen to me, to why couldn’t I stop it. They don’t need any extra shame. External shaming prolongs the healing process and makes the already unbearable much worse. Let’s stand up and work as a community to stomp out the stigma of trauma. Let’s work together to help others heal. Let’s work together to heal depression and anxiety. Let’s work together to lower the suicide rate. Let’s talk about Trauma and stop the stigma so people can heal. TC Trauma Sensitive Yoga Training for mental health, health or yoga professionals, Bend OR May 17,18,19 / Wales, WI June 28,29,30 Link in Bio #openviewyoga #ptsd #somatictherapy #addiction #trauma #traumasensitiveyoga #traumainformed #traumainformedyoga #traumainformedschools #brainspotting #emdr #psychology #clinician #therapist #ptsdawareness #ptsd #survivor #veterans #advocate #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #recovery #healingthroughyoga #inbend #bendoregon #tulamovementarts #yoga4allwi #milwaukee #madison #yogateacher #yogateachertraining
Vaak wordt er tijdens een bevalling gebrekkig of onduidelijk gecommuniceerd tussen medische professionals en de kraamvrouw. Zo wordt er bijvoorbeeld vaak over het hoofd van de moeder gesproken, in plaats van tegen haar. Als het gaat om een situatie die hangt tussen leven en dood, is dat begrijpelijk. Maar ook in minder nijpende situaties, gebeurt dit vaak en wordt er bijvoorbeeld een knip gezet, zonder dit van te voren even te zeggen. Ik vind dit ten opzichte van de bevallende vrouw, erg patiënt onvriendelijk. Ik bedoel, ze knippen je vagine open. Kan het nog intiemer?
Dit zorgt ervoor, dat er veel angst en paniek ontstaat bij de moeder die daar de strijd van haar leven voert. Bevallen is al geen kattenpis, maar de slechte communicatie doet vaak een enorme (negatieve) duit in het zakje. Ik schrijf dit niet om met het belerende vingertje richting verloskundigen of artsen te willen wijzen. Ik zeg dit, omdat ik hoop dat hier verbetering in komt en dat het aantal bevaltrauma’s hierdoor behoorlijk zal dalen. Want, dat is hard nodig, mijns inziens. .
Mijn man is traumachirurg en vertelt me regelmatig over totaalrupturen, waarbij hij vaak moet helpen hechten samen met de gynaecoloog. Omdat het goed moet gebeuren en je als moeder niet levenslang met de gevolgen van zo’n ruptuur wil blijven zitten. Vaak weten vrouwen van te voren helemaal niet, dat dit soort dingen gaan of kunnen gebeuren. In het moment zelf, is de roes van de bevalling vaak zo allesomvattend aanwezig, dat moeders het allemaal maar laten gebeuren. Om later met een heel naar en soms leeg gevoel achter te blijven.
Lees verder via de link in mijn bio!
#trauma #bevalling #moeders #zwanger #verloskundige #gynaecology #birth #ptss #postpartum #mama #mamacoach #bevaltrauma #emdr #therapeut #geenrozewolk #nadebevalling #angst #depressie #boosheid #onzekerheid #ervaringsdeskundige #zoekhulp #open #eerlijk #moederschap #amsterdam #postnataledepressie #moedercoach
To those parents who have LGBT kids… Please, please celebrate them. Our world is still debating much of someones worth based on sexuality and no one should be exposed to that. .
And for those who are on the fence on whether or not being gay is a sin… Focus on your fence...then come join us! ❤️
My next blog/podcast episode will be out in 1 week. Click link in bio to catch up...
#banconversiontherapy #conversiontherapy #itdidntwork #boyerased #ownyourstory #lovenothate #lovehasnogender #comingout #comingoutgay #instgay #spiritualabuse #badtherapy #gaytherapy #childhoodtrauma #nationalcomingoutday #transpeople #transcommunity #transawareness #emdr #emdrtherapy #gaychristian #timesupnow #godlovesgays #godlovesall #comingoutstory #theothersideofsaved #youarewanted #lifecoach #mystoryisntoveryet
I can understand that you yelled at me because your boss set you off earlier in the day, and still not have to tolerate your yelling at me.
I can understand that you got jealous because you’ve been betrayed by a previous partner, and still not have to tolerate your jealousy toward me.
I can understand that someone was emotionally abusive toward me because they themselves were hurting, and still not have to tolerate abuse.
I can understand that you are powerless over your addiction and it is not your fault, and still not tolerate you abusing substances around me.
I can understand that serial killers are wounded individuals who are inflicting pain on others as an attempt to reduce their own pain, and still not tolerate people who harm other people.
I can make sense of your behavior, and still not justify it.
I can understand that you are doing the best you can, and still request that you do better.
Video post on this concept coming soon!✨
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