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Одесса, 6-километр, открытия сезона, первый выезд, разогрев, стант, атмосфера!)
Будем чаще приезжать, было круто!
#EvgeniyKalantay #Kalantay_99 #Fraer #MYRtushka #MAO_66 #StuntRiding #Stunt #Pereyaslav_Stunt #EMoto #PereyaslavStuntClub #PSC #Kawasaki #KawasakiNinja #ZX6R #ZX636 #ClosedSeason #ClosedMotoSeason #StuntTraining #MyStyle #636Stunt #MotorSStreaM #StuntDay #KawaBanda #Ninja #YamahaSlider #MBKStunt #STREETLEGAL #MotoOdessa #МотоОдесса @motoodessa
Riding her e motorbike to and from school just wasn’t enough for Miss Ava today. We got out for another half an hour after dinner. @kubergau @kuberg_motorcycles #girlswhoskid #girlswhoshred #kuberg #emoto #ebike #e #electric #electricmotorcycle #bike #kidswhoride #dirt #dirtbike #bikelife #kubergmoto #adelaide #drone #dronestagram #dji #djispark
Выехал первый раз на площадку в 2019!)
Начинается сезон
#EvgeniyKalantay #Kalantay_99 #Fraer #MYRtushka #MAO_66 #StuntRiding #Stunt #Pereyaslav_Stunt #EMoto #PereyaslavStuntClub #PSC #Kawasaki #KawasakiNinja #ZX6R #ZX636 #ClosedSeason #ClosedMotoSeason #StuntTraining #MyStyle #636Stunt #MotorSStreaM #StuntDay #KawaBanda #Ninja #YamahaSlider #MBKStunt #STREETLEGAL
It all fits! Lots more to come. First things first, let’s get this thing moving under it’s own power.
#grom #gromnation #honda #gromlife #alta #redshift #altamotors #electric #electricvehicle #electricmotor #electricmotorcycle #conversion #electrom #ebike #ebikes #emoto #vlog #vlogger #motovlog #motovlogger #custom #build #motorcyle #motorcyles #msx125
Plug it in, change the world, you are my electric girl!
Cela fait déjà un moment que je suis curieux des véhicules électriques et dernièrement, j'ai commencé à voir de plus en plus de motos électriques. Il reste encore beaucoup à faire en termes d'autonomie de conduite, de temps de charge et plus particulièrement de recyclage des batteries, mais quelle sensation de rouler en ville sans faire de bruit. Mon premier test était le «Raker» de ETT Industries. Un design absolument magnifique. Qu'en pensez vous? Vous aimez ?
I have been curious for a while already about electric vehicles. Lately I have started to see more and more electric motorcycles / e-motos everywhere and started to think that I should test some of those. There is still a lot of developpement to do in terms of driving autonomy, charging time and specifically battery recycling, but what a feeling to ride through the city without making noise. My first test was the ETT Industries “Raker”. Absolutely stunning design. What do you think? You like it?
Thanks @greenmotorshop in Paris and @ettindustries for making this possible
#cleanenergy #conceptmotorcycle #custombike #ebike #ecofriendly #electric #electricmotorcycle #electricrevolution #electricscooter #electricvehicle #electricvehicles #emoto #energy #ev #evs #motoelectrique #nonoisepollution #ridedifferent #tesla #thefutureisbright #thefutureisgreen #unlockyourcity #wayofthefuture #zeroemissions #blossom #parismaville #instablooms
Gran dia de exhibiciones de Kabra Bike Show y aprovechando los descansos me he atrevido a darle a la zona de containers con la Electric Motion. Poco a poco voy sacando provecho a esta maravilla de moto!! #electricmotion #emoto #motoelectrica #kabrabikes #kabrabikeskool #kabrabikeshow #feriadevalencia #2ruedas @electricmotionespaña @electricmotion_officiel @polluxmotion @trialworld @trialspain
"the quiet riot" number DOS.... #ebikeshop
#BIKEPORN #bikelifenyc
My Ride videos be like... Lmao With @c0untry on the camera
#BIKEPORN #bikelifenyc
Collecter les statistiques #EMOTO effectuez une recherche à l'obtention des statistiques (Aller à la sélection).