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Happy National EMS Week. Salute to those who go above and beyond the call of duty. For myself, no shift starts without @celsiusofficial giving me the healthy energy I need to be my best.
#emsweek #emt #paramedic #firefighter #firstresponder #CELSIUSLiveFit #CelsiusLifer #miamifitness #ebonyfitness #blackexellence
Happy Paramedic Services Week
A huge thank you to all the paramedics out there who put in the hard work day in and day out
I’ve been in the field only a short while so I cant imagine what it would feel like being on the job for 10yrs or more! But it’s not easy!
Paramedics work long hours and handle high stress situations! They will be there for you on your worst day! They remain calm, professional and provide care in unideal situations!
Take the time to thank a paramedic in your life or in your community!
And also a shoutout to all #firstresponders for what they do!!
Stay safe!
#paramedicservicesweek #paramedic #emsweek
Late to the National EMS Week party cuz I’ve been working. Wanted to take the time to thank those of you out there who are first responders, no matter your level.
It’s a scary feeling sometimes, just you and one partner on a 911 call. There’s no 912. You’re it.
All that hero nonsense goes out the window real quick in the reality of the job. It’s real. Raw. Gritty. Dirty. Unglamorous.
I’ve went back to the station covered in vomit, someone’s else’s blood dried in my hair, wet from water rescues and covered in soot and dirt.
You just do the very best you can to keep it together and provide the best possible care to everyone, judgements aside. In the end, the outcome isn’t yours, it’s God’s, good or bad.
Thank you to everyone who defends the thin red/blue/yellow/white lines. You have a calling. You matter. You make a difference.
#paramedic #emsweek #nationalemsweek #firefighter #firefighterfitness #firefighterworkout #ambulance #emt #thinredline #911 #firefighterlife #emsfamily #firefightergirl #thinwhiteline #firefightertraining #firedepartment #firerescue #firefightergirls #femalefirefighter #firefighterwomen #femaleparamedic #medic
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