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Только у нас аж 10 видов оригинальной американской фанты в жестяных баночках!
клубника с арбузом
ягодный микс
зеленое яблоко
красное яблоко
сочный манго
55грн. ⠀
#sweetdreamsdp_вналичии #fanta #mango #strawberry #cherry #fruitpunch #газировка #sweetdreams #sweet #dreams #hubbabubba #сладостиднепр #сладостихарьков #сладостиодесса #сладостиизевропы #сладостикиев
Hey, prieteni, concursul #Fanta Jocking Out Loud incepe chiar in acest moment! Daca ai glumele la tine vino in echipa mea #TeamIuliana! Cum te inscrii? Simplu! Posteaza un story pe Insta folosind stickerele Fanta si da tag @fantaromania, foloseste filtrele Fanta de pe Facebook sau comenteaza la memeurile de pe pagina de Facebook Fanta. Da SWIPE left la poza asta sa vezi cum am folosit eu gif-urile de pe Insta atunci când cineva mi-a baut sticla de Fanta. Abia astept sa vad ce postati, va iubeeesc!!❤ #makeyourmouthfunner
i s t y p i n g . . .
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Wusstet ihr, dass es in den USA maßlos viele Fanta Sorten gibt? Wie z.B. Fanta Ananas oder Fanta Blaubeere. Hättet ihr Lust diese mal zu probieren .
#coke #soda #shareacoke #drinks #summer #cola #drink #pepsi #travel #fanta
#vernaschediewelt #naschen #naschkatze #chocolate #delicious #foodporn #dessert #mars #caramel #sweet #chocolate #oreo #schokolade #snacktime #snacks #lunch #lecker #gesund #mealprep #snack
Эксклюзивная FANTA со вкусом винограда уже готова порадовать вас!
Газировку с таким вкусом вы точно не найдёте в магазинах Украины!)
FANTA виноград удивит вас своим освежающим и сладким вкусом)
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#сладостизевропы #сладостиизсша #fanta #фанта #kyiv #dnipro
Głodni nowości? Właśnie dotarła do nas dostawa jedzenia! A w niej znajdziecie: onigiri do samodzielnego przygotowania o smaku łososia i wakame, baton z Gudetamą o smaku białej czekolady, batoniki Kit Kat o smaku rumu z żurawiną, ⚡żelki do samodzielnego przygotowania z jednym z Pokemonów, bananowa Fanta oraz brzoskwiniowa Coca-Cola!
#yattapl #yatta #słodycze #sweets #onigiri #wakame #kitkat #fanta #cocacola #pokemon #pikachu #japońskiesłodycze #japanesesweets #banan #banana #brzoskwinia #peach
Here we are again. Tackling irresponsible marketing propaganda which idolizes consumption of nutrients within products as a majestic means to manage or change body composition...
Consumption of nutrients and quality ingredients is vital for optimal health and there is no doubt that the two juices on the left contain an abundance of nutrients. But they also contain calories and sugar. In fact, 1100 of the total 1350 calories derive from sugar to be exact. This accumulates to 275g of sugar overall. -
One could compare the juices on the left to zero calorie ‘diet drinks’ to accentuate the point of this post, but a comparison with original calorie/sugar inclusive drinks displays the point even better. Whilst the drinks on the right are bereft of any nutritional value, seven of the cans combine to 411 calories and 99g of sugar. That’s less than 1/3 of the calories of the ‘superfood’, ‘invigorating’ drinks on the left. In addition, nearly 1/3 of their sugar content.
Consuming 1350 calories from the juices on the left may fit your goal. However, consuming such a proportion of calories from swiftly consumed drinks each week may reek havoc with one’s adherence to calorie control. -
Health and fitness is all encompassing and nuance is always present amid the overlapping fundamentals which ultimately form optimal health and ideal composition. But these two fundamentals (nutrient acquisition and energy balance) run separately in their translation to our anatomy. We need to realise this before we can reap the rewards of both nutritional representations by intertwining them into an inclusive, enjoyable, nutrient dense, energy controlled diet which is the result of calm, informed choice. -
Despite what well marketed products promote, no food or drink makes you slim, fat, healthy or unhealthy. But mismanagement and poor understanding of the components of overall diet and lifestyle may do as time goes .
. @thefitnesschef_ @caloriesfd
#cleanfood#nutrition#junkfood#food#protein#organicfood#instahealth#iifym#fastfood#calorie#sugar#fanta#fruit #juice#eat#yogurt#lunch#drink#vegans#healthyfats#half#breakfast#gym#weightloss
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