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Pornography is fueling the demand of trafficking. Every time you click on porn, you support trafficking. It is impossible to know when you are watching porn if that person is there by choice. Many are forced into the industry, drugged, beaten made to do the unthinkable for your pleasure. Lets stop the demand by educating, talking about it.
#stopthedemand #endsextrafficking #endexploitation #endchildexploitation #togetherwecan #PORNDESTROYS #pornlies #pornkillslove #FIGHTAGAINSTPORN
Not all men watch pornography. The fact that all men do it is a lie, a myth pornography consumers use to feel less guilty and more entitled to do it. Yesterday my boyfriend confessed me that he knows some guys who hate porn and who are proud to say it to other men,without being afraid to be judged for it. He used to work with these guys a couple of years ago, but obviously he didn't told me anything about it before because he was addicted to porn and he wanted to believe that all guys watch porn and that watching porn is a normal thing. He told me that these guys were disgusted about pornography and that for they watching porn makes no sense , especially if you have a girlfriend to have sex with.
By hearing these words I felt more hopeful and optimist because I have proofs day by day of the fact my boyfriend he's getting rid of porn and also because I can say NOT ALL GUYS WATCH PORN!
Of course, the amount of boys,men and even women who watch porn is high anyway, but not all people in this world do it.
The only way to fight pornography is not to be afraid, not to be ashamed to talk about it and to say we are against it, even when we are among people who watch it and who talks positively about it. I just want to shout it loud PORN KILLS LOVE.
#pornkillslove #fightthenewdrug #ihateporn #antipornfeminist #radicalfeminist #againstporn #nopornanymore #pornischeating #pornkillsintimacy #nofap #nopmo #fightagainstporn #stoppornindustry #stopsextrafficking #ilpornouccidelamore #pornotossina
@nofapguide @nofapguide
Please like and follow @nofapguide . #Nofap #nopmo #nomastrubation #nopmo #nofapchallenge #nofapnovember #pornkillslove #pornkills #pornkillslove #today #fitness #motivation #health #fightagainstporn #meditation #pornaddiction #pornaddict #addiction #antiporn #nofapforever #nofapmotivation #nofapjourney #nofap2018 #nofaplife #nofaprelapse #rewirecompanion #90daychallenge #quitporn #antisocialsocialclub #insta #america
TRUTH! we all want that human connection, somewhere along the line we got sidetracked. As we sought bbn to feel that need with porn our ideas of relationships, intimacy, friendship, sex, the opposite gender all became distorted and disturbing. Society is pushing this as something that is normal. Nomralizing porn and objectifying the opposite sex. Its scary. Instead of what we can give to a relationship (I mean any relationship) porn foucsis bnb on what we can get. The thing is Porn isnt real. It tells lies about al the things we desire in connecrion with a human being. Leaving us unsatisfied with what we have always looking for the next video or picture to fulfill a need that can truly only be met bu another person and before that a loving God. Lets fight together for love. Healthy love. #pornkillslove #PORNDESTROYS #pornruinslives #Godoverporn #lovetakestwo #pornlies lets #FIGHTAGAINSTPORN
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