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First things first #ripnipseyhussle
Today's #quotivation post is dedicated to Nipsey. "Hussle in the House" will always be a legendary pre-workout music .
Hear me out, one thing you must have in your fitness journey is "BELIEF". You have to believe your body will transform. Don't rely on other people to believe for you.
️♂️Without self-belief back in 2012, I wouldn’t be where I am today. The physique I am in now, was just an imagination of a skinny guy made in to reality.
Without self-belief I wouldn’t even step in to a Muay Thai class and be brave enough to get hit in the face. Now I'm more functional than ever.
Without self-belief I wouldn’t have gotten my Krav Maga Orange belt. I've gotten poked in the eye, kicked in places you don't wanna know and shoulder locked all over the place.
Without self-belief, I wouldn't have gotten far in my investment banking career. Having 5 round interviews with VPs/Managing Directors. Bare in mind, no one in my family worked in finance before and no lie, my school grades were dudu.
✅Lesson learnt: Believe in yourself, in all aspects of life!
So believe you will be cut by summer, believe you will lose ✖️ amount of weight, believe you will complete your lean bulk, believe in that last rep, believe in your IG page, and believe you nailed that job interview!
Mentally BELIEVE ➡️ Physically ACHIEVE!
#lunchworkout #fitnesslunch #quotestoremember #quotesoftheday #quotes4life #quotescreator #nipseyhussle #exerciseplan #letsgetsweaty #findyourfitness #sweattheraphy #personaltraininglondon #fitnesstruth #fitnessmoment #feelstronger
Nezapomínejte, že základ zdravé stravy je potřeba hledat v plnohodnotných potravinách a musí zastupovat hlavní část jídelníčku.☝️ Jsou zde nejvíce kvalitní bílkoviny, sacharidy a tuky a kvalitní mikroživy. Pamatuj na pravidlo 80:20. 80% kvalitní stravy a zbytek 20% nějaké dobrůtky a mlsky navíc. Na tom se staví kvalitní jídelníček! A nikdy nenaženete kvalitní živiny do těla různými náhražkami, protože tohle je opravdové jídlo. Držím se hesla, že se radši pořádně, kvalitně a hlavně dostatečně do syta najím, než si ubírat a pak mě bude honit mlsná a budu přemýšlet co bych kde snědla. Není nutné se toho bát a tělo vám poděkuje.
#lunch #lunchtime #meat #proteins #freshfood #foodspo #food #potatoechips #eatclean #eathealthy #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #zdravyobidek #healthylunch #dnesobedvam #fitness #fitandhealthy #fitnesslunch #fitlunch #creamyrissotto #smakounadler #fitrecepty #instafoodie #fitfoodinspiration #fitgirlcook #asparagus #chrest #asparagusrissotto #rissotto
Dnešní oběd byla parádní volba. Tuto kombinaci jsem už neměla hodně hodně dlouho. Brácha si nejvíc mlaskal, musím se pochválit.
Kuřecí maso na kari s kokosovým mlékem.K tomu celý pytel rýže pro mě a já jsem spokojená.
Recep na 2 porce:
300g kuřecích prsou
jarní cibulka
cuketa, červená paprika a mražená zelenina wok (miluju jí a k tomu se skvěle hodí)
1/2 plechovky kokosového mléka v plechovce sůl, kari koření, cayenský pepř, sušený česnek
Rozpálíme si pánev a na troše olivového oleje osmažíme kuřecí prsa, žampióny, jarní cibulku, všechnu zeleninu a restujeme. Poté podlijeme trochou vody, přiklopíme pokličkou a dusíme. Až je vše téměř hotové přidáme koření, kokosové mléko, necháme chvíli probublat a podáváme s přílohou. Já zvolila mou milovanou rýži.Dobrou chuť!
#lunchtime #eatclean #rice #coconutmilk #curry #chickencurry #chicken #healthyfood #coconutmilkcurry #meat #burgers #freshfood #foodspo #eatclean #eathealthy #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #zdravyobidek #healthylunch #fitness #fitandhealthy #fitnesslunch #fitlunch #healthylunch #lovefood #followforfollow #foodporn #uzasnejedlo #fitrecepty #fitgirlcook #instafoodie #fitfoodinspiration #fitmotivation
Esta receta es de mi mamá súper natural y deliciosa❤️.
•Receta para 4 personas:
-1/2 cebolla cabezona cortada en cuadritos.
-1 pimentón verde.
-1/2 tallo de Apio.
-5 hojas de culantro picadas.
-Perejil, orégano, sal al gusto.
-1 Otoe mediano (pueden sustituir por yuca)
- 1 ñame baboso mediano( puede sustituir por papa)
-1 Mazorca.
-Pechuga de pollo en cuadritos(No me gusta el pollo en presas), si es en PRESAS quitar la piel por qué eso es grasa.
1️⃣En una olla con 1.5 litros de agua poner todas las verduras y condimentos.
2️⃣Cuando este ya tenga la textura de una sopa agregar el pollo porque si lo agregamos desde el principio nuestro pollo se deshace esperar que se cocine y listooo tan fácil como eso.
#homemade #healthyfood #healthyideas #healthylifestyle #healthylunchideas #healthydinner #comidafit #comidareal #comidasana #comidafitness #comidasaludable #recetassanas #recetasfitness #recetasaludables #almuerzosaludable #mealprepideas #mealprepping #mealprep #fitness #fitrecipes #fitnessfood #fitnessmotivation #dieta #dietasana #dietasaludable #sopadepollo #cenasaludable #fitnesslunch #fitnessdiary
When meetings run long & you scarf down your delicious lunch at desk! Who else is counting down the hours until the weekend♀️? IT CAN’T COME SOON ENOUGH! #healthylunch #fitnesslunch #basicbitch #basicfitness #officelunch #fitthickarmy #eatrightnotless #eatrightfeelright #nutritioniskey #nutritionmatters #thatchickentho #fitlife #fitfam #fitfoodies #bepatient #makesmallchanges #smallchangesbigresults
Dsqu◾️red Hat &-Shaped Back
The KEY to an aesthetic build is creating the V-Shape illusion and there is ONE exercise (in fact, my favourite ❤️) that you should always INCLUDE on your BACK day = (PULLUPS). Not only does it widen your lats, it also works on your biceps. Woah what a side effect
This might just be me; but I do pullups at the beginning of all my workouts. As a way to warm up and stretch the body.
4️⃣ Pullup Tips
✅ Maintain control throughout the range of motion (no harlem shaking)
✅ Don't go all the way down (that's what she said ) to keep the muscle tension
✅ If too easy, use Dipping BELT and ADD WEIGHTS
✅ Mind Muscle Connection .
Shout out to my “Pull Up Skrrt, get in the ride” gang .
#lunchworkout #fitnesslunch #lunchbreakworkout #lunchtimefitness #lunchhourworkout #lunchfitness #lunchworkouts #gymforlunch #gymlunch #lunchtimegymtime #afternoonworkout #middayworkout #noonworkout #quickworkouts #quickworkout
Hardly any effort and time but so yummy and tasty That's the way I like it
I simply oven-roasted some veggies and pan-fried the prawns just before the veggies were done.
For one portion (the photo only shows 3/4 of what I had because I couldn't fit it all on one plate ):
1 large sweet potato (~200g)
1/2 zucchini (or courgette for my peeps out there )
1/3 broccoli
1 medium carrot
1 large handful spinach
120g prawns
1 tsp olive oil
seasonings (herbs, paprika, all purpose, pepper, garlic,...)
Nutritional value: 399kcal 55g carbs 6g fat 32g protein
Pollito al Horno condimentado con Ajo, Pimienta Blanca, Perejil, Ají, Orégano, Paprika.
Papas en la Airfryer 15 min 190•C.
Tomate en rodajas.
#healthy #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthydinner #healthylunch #healthyrecipes #healthylifestyle #healthy_hair_journey #fitness #fitnessfood #fitnesslife #fitnesslifestyle #fitnessgirl #fitnesslunch #recetassanas #recetassaludables #comidasana #comidasaludable #mealprep #mealprepping #mealprepideas #vidasana #vidasaludable #cenasaludable #diet #dieta #dietasaludable
No saben lo delicioso que queda y es una manera más de comer pollo sin aburrirte del mismo sabor todoooooos los días si a mi también me pasa aunque amo el pollo aveces me canso de hacerlo de la misma forma por eso siempre trato de hacerlo de diferentes maneras y sabores❤️.
*Pechuga de Pollo.
*Zumo de una Naranja.
*Zanahoria en Rodajas.
*1/2 de Miel.
*Sal rosada, Pimienta, Cebolla en polvo, Ajo en polvo, Perejil, Albahaca.
Primero en una sartén con aceite de oliva pon el pollo con todos sus condimentos, cuando esté ya esté cocido agrega el zumo de la naranja y la media cucharada de miel y listo espera a que se dore.
Lo acompañe de una ensalada básica de lechuga+tomate cherry+zanahoria y una mazorca.
#healthyfood #healthyrecipes #healthylifestyle #healthydinner #healthy #healthy_hair_journey #healthyeating #healthylunch #fitness #fitnessgirl #fitnessmotivation #fitnessfood #fitnesslife #fitnesslifestyle #fitnesslunch #fitnessaddict #recetassanas #recetassaludables #comidasana #comidasaludable #vidasana #vidasaludable #dietasana #dietasaludable #diet #dieta #mealprepideas #mealprep #mealprepping
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