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Clicking with a person is definitely more difficult than clicking a mouse. However, the best things come from doing difficult things. Like it you agree.
Shout out to @theantithesisoflove for the original #repost picture. Follow this girl now for related NoFAP visual awesomess!
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Porn cheats our brain by providing us a safe outlet which is highly sexual (appealing to everyone of us), highly graphic (shocking and thrilling) and high definition (real looking fantasy). Men's sexuality is based mainly around physicality and looks and porn business industry knows how to do it well. Men sexuality is highly graphic in nature and that's why porn can highjack men's sexuality.
Porn distracts you from the real beauty of women and their sexuality.
Ultimately porn makes you more lonely, depressed and even suicidal.
At the end of the day, porn is a product that is sold and business executives track the sales as numbers and profits.
"How many people we fucked up in the process of making our profits" is not one of the metrics they use.
Porn is not harmless. Using it usually leads to escalation and sometimes severe addiction.
Ultimately, watching porn always make you susceptible to negative mind programming and paradigms which distort your view of the reality.
Watching porn leads to missed opportunities to connect with another human we are attracted to, wasted time, lost love, lost life energy and psychological self absue.
Like if you agree and comment "no more porn".
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When you orgasm, your body is releasing a lot of neurochemicals like dopamine, prolactin, oxytocin and more.
These neurochemicals are not bad. They are a part of very intelligent design and they are there for a reason.
For example, our body releases oxytocin during childbirth and breast feeding. This design serves the purpose of creating the bond between the mother and child so that the child is being taken care of and has a chance of surviving.
Our body also releases oxytocin during orgasm and is responsible for LOVE and staying long term with the partner. Oxytocin is also released when we hug, cuddle, give money away, take a walk, laugh, breathe deeply, eat healthy, listen to soothing music or connect with an old friend.
The same applies to dopamine and other neurochemicals. Essentially, it's a reward for a good behavior and these neurochemicals are responsible for making us feel happy, important, needed and like we achieved something.
However, it is possible to get this neurochemical release to make us feel good without doing anything or achieving anything. It is possible to trigger neurochemical release by taking cocaine, heroine and/or using porn and orgasming to it.
The problem with porn is that, it releases these neurochemicals at much faster rates and higher concentrations than normal rewards. Moreover, we can be lazy, don't work hard and not achieve anything and still get this neurochemical release which is faster and more potent than normal rewards, so why try hard?
That's why porn is highly addictive.
That's why porn makes you unsuccessful in life.
The only difference between drugs and porn is that. Drugs are expensive and generaly harder to access than porn which is free and much more easily accessible to children and teenagers.
I remember from 3 years ago, when I was addicted, the orgasm would literally knock me out, half-unconscious for a couple of minutes. I've never done heroine in my life but I imagine the high is somewhat similar.
#GivingUpPorn #GUPGang #GUPMax
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Like if you agree and comment "I AM!". #GivingUpPorn #GUPGang
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Everything going well in terms of NoFap and NoPMO. I'm feeling a tingling like sensation, sort of ligke a sexual flame. It feels good to be so alive haha.
However, for the past a couple of days, I had a couple of things on my mind.
1. I am thinking about officially recognizing and registering this Giving Up Porn movement as a Non-Profit Organization to spread our cultural and educational objectives and help people who want to give up watching porn.
I've been reading out Non-Profit Organizations on the Internet so I have a rough idea what to do, however, I've never did anything like that.
** If there is anybody clever than me, please get in touch. **
Opening this Non-Profit Organization will be like planting an oak tree seed. It will be growing exponentially because I believe more people will be affected by porn as the time goes on. I will be gone one day, but I want this movement to continue running to spread its message.
2. As I will be transitioning to become a Non-Profit Organization, my NoFap and NoPMO Counters are not appropriate anymore and I will have to replace them with something else. The reason why I decided to post these counters in the first place was to connect with "NoFap" and "NoPMO" community and to also have a cool middle column layout.
So, do you find value in my "NoFap" and "NoPMO" Counters, should I continue doing it? ~ Max
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NoPMO day 43 NoFap day 3 was on Wednesday, 08 August 2018.
Supporting tags:
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This is critically important breaking news. First, it will help those suffering get the treatment they need. Second, the existence of a formal diagnosis in the world’s premier medical manual will facilitate future research and help future generations.
The current proposed definition is:
"Compulsive sexual behaviour disorder is characterized by a persistent pattern of failure to control intense, repetitive sexual impulses or urges resulting in repetitive sexual behaviour. Symptoms may include repetitive sexual activities becoming a central focus of the person’s life to the point of neglecting health and personal care or other interests, activities and responsibilities; numerous unsuccessful efforts to significantly reduce repetitive sexual behaviour; and continued repetitive sexual behaviour despite adverse consequences or deriving little or no satisfaction from it. The pattern of failure to control intense, sexual impulses or urges and resulting repetitive sexual behaviour is manifested over an extended period of time (e.g., 6 months or more), and causes marked distress or significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Distress that is entirely related to moral judgments and disapproval about sexual impulses, urges, or behaviours is not sufficient to meet this requirement." The World Health Organization publishes its own diagnostic manual, known as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), which includes diagnostic codes for all known diseases, including mental health disorders. It is used worldwide, and it is published under an open copyright.
Sources: (Your Brain on Porn) (WHO website)
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#Repost @gaveuppmo
• • • • •
One of the most gratifying experiences we get as humans is our sexuality.
Erectile Dysfunction in teenage youth shot up in recent years and it’s labeled as the new epidemic. Why?
EXTRA: Towards the end, we reveal how to cure erectile dysfunction based on a true story from one of our porn recovery coaches.
Nowadays, way before teens hit puberty and become sexual, they are already exposed to highly graphic and sexual visuals. Our society is ignorant and not aware of the dangers. Innocent teens fell into a lie that watching porn is “okay and harmless” and that it is part of “discovering our sexuality”. Continuous use of porn eventually leads to desensitization to what is normal, escalation of the behavior to get the same satisfaction and finally causing Erectile Dysfunction.
Read more about it on the blog.
or at
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