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The Al Fattan Crystal Towers Dubai is mainly composed of a 35-floor apartment block and 30-floor hotel.
The towers are framed in a glass skin of a silver solar coated glass specially designed for the middle east.
The transparent multifaceted towers were designed by @tabanliogluarchitects
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Achmea in Leiden was designed by VVKH architects and completed in 2010.
The building is supported by twelve steel trees, the primary purpose of the building’s architectural design is to create a comfortable urban area at ground level.
The facade is made of aluminum elements. The glass surfaces are interspersed with dense yellow, red and blue panels, the colors are a reference to the use of color by Theo van Doesburg, who founded the De Stijl art movement in Leiden in the 1920s.
By staggering the positions of the closed panels, a pattern has been created in which the floors are not clearly recognizable. Seen from the inside, each room therefore has its own character.
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The tallest building in Shenzhen and the second tallest in China Ping An Finance centre is 599.1 m / 1,965 ft tall, it was designed by @kohnpedersenfox and completed in 2017.
Designed for local weather resistance, the tower’s tapered façade reduces wind loads by forty percent and its stainless steel piers form a protective net against lightning strikes.
The building features a high performance glazing façade which limits heat penetration while maximising daylight, thus reducing the dependency on artificial lighting.
The façade also incorporates external vertical stone fins for shading.
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Two International Finance Center was designed by Cesar Pelli and associates @pcparch and completed in 2003
It is the second tallest building in Hong Kong at 412 m / 1,352 ft.
The curtain wall that lines the tower is slightly reflective glass in combination with more opaque and porous glass that helps visually smooth the surface of the tower.
The vertical window mullions are shaped like airfoils, tracing sharp lines from base to the top culminating with a crown that reaches inward and upward.
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A nice view of Moscow International Business Center also known as Moscow City.
From the left 246 m (807 ft) Evolution Tower designed by Tony Kettle
239 m (784 ft) Empire Tower designed by Enka Design
339m (1,112ft) tall Mercury City Tower with its shimmering bronze-tinted glass facade designed by Russian architect Mikhail Posokhin and Frank Williams & Partners Architects
373m (1226ft) tall Federation Tower designed by Sergei Tchoban and Peter Schweger
354 m (1161ft) tall OKO designed by @skidmoreowingsmerrill
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MD place office building in Jakarta with an all glass facade surrounded by an aluminium eco skeleton.
Designed by Indonesia architect firm Aurasia design.
The building is 13 stories high and was completed in 2013.
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One of our favourite buildings beautifully captured by @egil.andresen
The stunning glass facade of the Emporia shopping centre in Malmö was designed by @gertwingardh.
The amber colour of the curved glass units was achieved using a Vanceva interlayer, this colour was reached by combining 3 colours, Vanceva Coral Rose with Vanceva Golden Light and Vanceva Smoke Grey.
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