greenlanterns greenlantern greenlanterncorps dccomics haljordan batman guygardner jessicacruz superman theflash wonderwoman arsenal atrocitus batgirl blackhand blacklantern blacklanterncorps bluelantern bluelanterncorps bluelanterns dcmemes dcuniverse greenarrow heroesincrisis hope indigolantern indigolanterncorps johnstewart дерьмотивация
I really wish we still had a book that consistently featured the Four Corpsmen, like Hal Jordan and the GLC Rebirth did. Kinda like how I prefer Batman with the Bat Family more than when he's alone, I really like when these four Lanterns are together, rather than when they're solo. That's why I wish we still had an ongoing series to read that featured Hal & Pals (as they're often called ) again, rather than more Hal Jordan solo series. Here's to hoping we get something like that again in the near future.
Panel from Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps [Rebirth] series, I forgot the issue # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #GreenLantern #GreenLanterns #JohnStewart #HalJordan #KyleRayner #GuyGardner #JusticeLeague #DC #Comics #DCComics #batman #batfamily #Comic #superhero #superheroes #WhiteLantern #greenlanterncorps #lanterncorps #ComicBooks #ComicStuff
Batman has been rejected by more than Catwoman fellas
#Batman #BruceWayne #GreenLantern #HalJordan #JohnStewart #KyleRayner #GuyGardner #SimonBaz #JessicaCruz #GreenLanterns #GreenLanternCorps #Sinestro #SinetroCorps #Nightwing #Robin #Batgirl #Spoiler #RedRobin #RedHood #Catwoman #Batwoman #JusticeLeague #WonderWoman #Superman #Aquaman #TheFlash #BarryAllen #WallyWest
I’m going to make facts again This one is just cause I had Simon on my mind, but which lantern do y’all want to see facts about?
#SimonBaz #JessicaCruz #GreenLanterns #GuyGardner #HalJordan #KyleRayner #JohnStewart #GreenLantern #Kilowog #GreenLanternCorps #HalJordanAndTheGreenLanternCors #Arisia #TeenLantern #Sinestro #CarolFerris #StarSapphire #JusticeLeague #Batman #Superman #WonderWoman #TheFlash #Aquaman #YoungJustice #Titans #JusticeLeagueOdyssey #JusticeLeagueOfAmerica #JusticeLeagueInternational #JusticeLeagueUnlimited #GreenLanternTheAnimatedSeries
Something that really got be to like Jessica was that she felt like the most real green lantern. Other lanterns got their ring and made it look so easy to wield the ring. Yet Jessica couldn’t even gather the willpower to make a construct. Which made her first construct a significant milestone in her career
Comic: Green Lanterns (2016) #6
#GreenLanterns #JessicaCruz #SimonBaz #GreenLantern #GreenLanternCorps #HalJordan #JohnStewart #GuyGardner #KyleRayner #JusticeLeague #Batman #Superman #WonderWoman #Aquaman #ThFlash #BarryAllen #ClarkKent #BruceWayne #MartianManhunter #Cyborg #DCRebirth
Spoilers for the new issue of Injustice 2.
Hal Jordan joins Atrocitus army that has an extremely powerful member.... Starro The Conquer. OA and the Guardians will face a great danger #greenlantern
#haljordan #greenlanterns #greenlanterncorps #redlantern #atrocitus #dccomics #dc #dcmetal #dcrebirth #superman #batman #wonderwoman #darkseid #new52 #pre52 #injustice #injustice2 #justiceleague #captainamerica #ironman #avengers #thor #thanos #xmen #deadpool #marvelcomics #marvel
I'm currently finishing this run and I will be making a video on its greatness and why DC should restore this and make Babs permanently Oracle again. In the last years DC realized they didn't want Batgirl to be dark but colourful and quirky, more appealing to the Tumblr audience so in many ways they bastardized the stoic character of Barbara Gordon. They did while Stephanie Brown was exactly the Batgirl DC wants. Young and going to college, quirky and awkward, out of her depth but still relatable and it makes sense with Oracle being her mentor. It furthers her character because Steph being her student is a bigger challenges than Cass. In someways their dynamic reminds me of Batman Beyond. The stoic mentor who can't do the job physically anymore and needs this optimistic kid to feel the boots. I just love it and this run gets Oracle so right. If you didn't know Oracle is one of my favourite characters.
Link to my Youtube Channel in my Bio
#DCUniverse #JusticeLeague #Titans #Arrow #TheFlash #Legendsoftomorrow #BlackLightning #Supergirl #Robin #Superman #Batman #WonderWoman #Aquaman #LexLuthor #LoisLane #doompatrol #GreenLanterns #GreenLantern #GreenLanternCorps #Youngjustice #youngjusticeoutsiders #JasonTodd #DamianWayne #RedHood #Superboy #Nightwing #Batgirl #BirdsofPrey
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