ldnont locallymade londonontario handmadeldnont handmadelondonontario handmadewithlove madeincanada madeinldnont madeinlondonontario shop519 shop519local shopsmallbusiness 519ldn 519london handsewn customorder kidsinteriors felttaxidermy smallshopstylecanada fauxtaxidermy unicorn feltunicorn felt unciornmoms unicorntaxidermy deer kidsplay canadianfeltshop deerheadband felttaxidermy
Felt ball car diffusers, perfect for your stinky family!! Oh wait is that just mine ♀️
$8 ea
#momofboys #dogmom
#felt #feltballs #shop519 #shopsmallbusiness #shop519local #londonontario #ldnont #519london #519 #519ldn #handmadewithlove #handmade #handmadelondonontario #locallymade #madeincanada #madeinlondonontario #madeinldnont #handmadeldnont
Swipe to see why I use a glass skull as my model ♀️
#shop519 #shopsmallbusiness #shop519local #londonontario #ldnont #519london #519 #519ldn #customorder #handmadewithlove #handsewn #handmadelondonontario #locallymade #madeincanada #madeinlondonontario #madeinldnont #handmadeldnont #kidsplay ##canadianfeltshop #unicorn #uniconheadband #unicornmomsunite #unicornmom
Anyone else finding that every project is taking twice as long with their littles home for summer vacation
Yes I know, “enjoy your time with them”, “they’re only young once” blah blah blah and I do love and adore my little Parasite (Kash), and Symbiont (Knolan), but damn summer is long
#customorder #felt #feltballs #shop519 #shopsmallbusiness #shop519local #shop519london #londonontario #ldnont #519london #519 #519ldn #mobile #feltmobile #handmadewithlove #handmade #handmadelondonontario #locallymade #madeincanada #madeinlondonontario #madeinldnont #smallshopstylecanada #handmadeldnont #kidsinteriors
This was such a fun little custom order to make. Mama sent me a picture of the birthday girls outfit and gave me full creative freedom, so obviously I had to try a new horn
#shop519 #shopsmallbusiness #shop519local #londonontario #ldnont #519london #519 #519ldn #customorder #handmadewithlove #handsewn #handmadelondonontario #locallymade #madeincanada #madeinlondonontario #madeinldnont #handmadeldnont #kidsplay ##canadianfeltshop #unicorn #uniconheadband #unicornmomsunite #unicornmom
Shared from @_a_world_in_colour •
@_a_world_in_colour Got a special request for some woodland ornaments from another local maker, can’t wait to see what she’s going to use these for
#felt #woods #woodland #bears #fox #mountain #locallymade #ldnont #londonontario #shop519 #shop519local #shop519london #519
#shopsmallbusiness #londonontario #ldnont #519london #519ldn #handmadewithlove #handsewn #handmadelondonontario #locallymade #madeincanada #madeinlondonontario #madeinldnont #smallshopstylecanada #handmadeldnont #kidsinteriors
Shared from @_a_world_in_colour •
@_a_world_in_colour Love me a custom order
#customorder #fauxtaxidermy #unicorntaxidermy #shop519 #shopsmallbusiness #felttaxidermy #shop519local #londonontario #ldnont #519london #519 #519ldn #unicorn #feltunicorn #handmadewithlove #handsewn #handmadelondonontario #locallymade #madeincanada #madeinlondonontario #madeinldnont #smallshopstylecanada #handmadeldnont #kidsinteriors
When should you take a cookie to the doctor? .
When it feels crummy.
But seriously, how “sweet” is this custom order pillow
#shop519 #shopsmallbusiness #shop519local #londonontario #ldnont #519london #519 #519ldn #customorder #handmadewithlove #handsewn #handmadelondonontario #locallymade #madeincanada #madeinlondonontario #madeinldnont #handmadeldnont #kidsinteriors #cookiepillow
And now, my sons favourite joke last week. Well the one that actually makes sense anyways.
Why did the kid cross the playground?
To get to the other slide ♀️
#shop519 #shopsmallbusiness #shop519local #londonontario #ldnont #519london #519 #519ldn #customorder #handmadewithlove #handsewn #handmadelondonontario #locallymade #madeincanada #madeinlondonontario #madeinldnont #handmadeldnont #kidsplay
What do unicorns call their dad?
Pop corn. ♀️ .
#shop519 #shopsmallbusiness #shop519local #londonontario #ldnont #519london #519 #519ldn #customorder #handmadewithlove #handsewn #handmadelondonontario #locallymade #madeincanada #madeinlondonontario #madeinldnont #handmadeldnont #kidsplay #unicorn #unicornheadband
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