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#harvesttable #harvesttables #harvesttablecg #harvesttotable #harvesttablesdurhamregion #harvesttableculinarygroup #harvesttablefarm #harvesttabledecor #harvesttablesclarington #harvesttablenewark #calistogaharvesttable #myharvesttablesa #harvesttableart #rusticharvesttable #harvesttablerunner #harvesttablebistro #harvesttablerental #harvesttablejb #harvesttablescape #harvesttablepictures #harvesttablerentals #harvesttablerestaurant #harvesttablefun #harvesttableideas #heritageharvesttables #harvesttablesetting #harvesttablecompany #harvesttablesbrooklin #harvesttablesoshawa #harvesttablenapa #harvesttablelunch

harvesttable food huonvalley

Hashtags sur le sujet #HARVESTTABLE

How about that for a classroom!? Earlier in the year we built two Harvest Garden Tables for an outdoor learning space at @crofton_house school. The school is now growing a variety of edibles on the tables including kale, tomato, rosemary, basil, bell pepper, lavender, and peas. See the link in our bio for more info on the Harvest Garden Tables we build. What do you think? Pretty nice learning environment for the students, eh? - - - - #selfwatering #outdoorclassroom #getgrowing #urbanfood #urbanagriculture #harvestgardentable #harvesttable #growingtable #schoolgardens #teachgardening #outdoorlearning #lifespacegardens #schooldistrict #vancouverschoolboard #gardeneducation #growyourownfood #organicgardening #gardendesign #urbangardening #ediblegardening #agritecture #sustainabledesign #cedargarden #urbandesign #gardenwell #selfwatering #subirrigation #hydroponics #wickingbed #yvr #madeinbc

Hashtags sur le sujet #HARVESTTABLE

Delivery day for this 42”x7.5ft reclaimed oak table. The wife wanted a 8ft table and her husband wanted 7ft so they compromised at 7.5ft - the beauty of having a table custom made. Have a great weekend and blessed Easter everyone! #reclaimedoak #reclaimedwood #barnwood #rustic #reclaimed #solidwood #woodjoinery #mortiseandtenon #customfurniture #customtable #farmhouse #farmhousetable #harvesttable #roughcut #roughsawn #sawmarks #circularsawn #handmade #handcrafted #madeiniowa

Hashtags sur le sujet #HARVESTTABLE

These pics of my table I made were taken and shared by a local business @rustydesigncanada they are a great business for your rustic design needs. Go check them out. Finished with @osmocanada #epoxytable #epoxyresin #ecopoxy #epoxyrivertable #rivertable #liveedgetable #liveedge #harvesttable #luxury #luxuryfurniture #toronto #muskoka #vancouver #sanfrancisco #la #nyc #oneofakind #unique #rusticdecor #rusticdesign #hotel #restaurant #restaurantdesign #hoteldesign

Hashtags sur le sujet #HARVESTTABLE

She coming together beautifully!! Finished with @osmocanada #epoxytable #epoxyresin #ecopoxy #epoxyrivertable #rivertable #liveedgetable #liveedge #harvesttable #luxury #luxuryfurniture #toronto #muskoka #vancouver #sanfrancisco #la #nyc #oneofakind #unique #rusticdecor #rusticdesign #hotel #restaurant #restaurantdesign #hoteldesign

Hashtags sur le sujet #HARVESTTABLE

Happy Thanksgiving from our table to yours! #harvesttable #thanksgiving #givethanks #thanksgivingpie #freshpie #thisoldhouse #oldhouse #oldhouselove #oldfarmhouse #farmhousetable #oldpewter #countryliving #countrylife #historichome #historicfarm

Hashtags sur le sujet #HARVESTTABLE

Well, we got the beast delivered! At 12’8 I think this is the biggest table I’ve ever made. Turned out great and the clients were thrilled. We also made the brackets to mount the massive propellers. #beetonbarnboard #beeton #maker #barnboard #reclaimed #reclaimedwood #wood #woodworking #rustic #rusticdecor #design #interiordesign #harvesttable #table #massive #installation #steel #propellers #barrie

Hashtags sur le sujet #HARVESTTABLE

My free ebook is ready to share. Preserving the Harvest is easy to download. Simply go to Blog page and click on the Subscribe link in the side bar and follow the prompts Or go to Home page scroll half way down and a flowery rose photo will come up saying Subscribe and follow the prompts Or you can go to my Home page and up the top in the menu click on My Ebooks and follow the link. Yell out if my tech guru Miss Lil can help you if these options don’t work Two Things: 1. Why did I write it? Because I want to pay forward what others have so generously taught me. 2. There is freedom in letting go of my old life before my injury and working out how I can still be as independent as possible, get the help I need and still do things I love. Like Preserving! The ebook shares ways I have learnt to navigate my way in the kitchen (no poor me stories). Maybe your circumstances have changed? Age, illness, injury, a young family, a full time job? I hope that by sharing these simple ideas it might help you too! • • #preservingtheharvest #slowfood #aseasonalyear #eatbeautiful #eattheseasons #preservetheharvest #plottoplate #eatlocal #seekthesimplicity #theartofslowliving #homesteading #thekitchn #foodblogfeed #harvesttable #heartofthehome #lifeandthyme #atmytable #myopenkitchen #thisismycommunity #mycommontable #myseasonaltable #slowliving #thesimpleeveryday #embracingtheseasons #creative #slowandglow #beautyundermynose #mymagicaltabletop

Hashtags sur le sujet #HARVESTTABLE

Happy Mother’s Day Instagram!! I hope all of the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, daughters and friends.....all of you amazing women, have had the most blessed Mother’s Day ever! I am so very thankful for all of the amazing women I’ve met over the past 9 months on this wonderful social media platform. You all have enriched my life beyond measure! Happy Mother’s Day to my amazing daughters!! I’m so very proud of the ways you mother! @jennysboyd @katiesdearman @christineschaible I love you!! . . . . #mothersday #mother #tulips #tuliplove #mothersdayflowers #centerpiecesideas #flowercenterpiece #curtiscreation #breadboard #milkglass #milkglasslove #hobnail #hobnailmilkglass #whitepitcher #whitepitchers #yellowtulips #farmhousetable #harvesttable #clintharpmademytable #woodsandwhites #woodtable #flowersalways #neutralhome #neutraldecor #katecodkindreds #thedesigntwinslove #thedesigntwinslovespring

Hashtags sur le sujet #HARVESTTABLE

if you’ve been following along with our stories you would of seen this epoxy river table come to life! this was one of our first major epoxy pours, and we are LOVING the finished product- a coffee table with metal legs! ⭐️ we made a media unit as well- stay tuned for that bad boy later how incredible is that colour though?! special thanks to @jeffmackdesigns for replying to my emails with tips and suggestions & of course the Rubio which made this come to life! Thank you! . . . #epoxy #rivertable #darkwalnut #suitsandsawdust #custommade #livingroomfurniture #harvest #rubiomonocoat #jeffmackdesigns #jeffmacksupply #rustydesigns #metallegs #homedecor #rustic #harvesttable #epoxytable

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