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#Astazi în istorie: #14aprilie1912
Vasul de pasageri RMS Titanic lovește un iceberg în Atlanticul de Nord la ora 11:40 PM (se va scufunda în dimineața zilei de 15 aprilie). RMS Titanic a fost cel mai mare pachebot din lume când a plecat în călătoria sa inaugurală din Southampton, Anglia cu destinația New York, pe 10 aprilie 1912. La patru zile de la plecare, la ora 23:40 în data de 14 aprilie 1912, s-a ciocnit de un iceberg și s-a scufundat la ora 2:30 în dimineața următoare. În urma naufragiului și-au pierdut viața 1514 persoane din 2228 în unul din cele mai cumplite dezastre maritime pe timp de pace din istorie.
La data de 10 aprilie 1912, transatlanticul Titanic a plecat de la Southampton, Anglia, spre New York, în voiajul său de inaugurare. După ce a mai primit persoane la bord din Cherbourg, Franța și Queenstown, Irlanda, Titanic a navigat în Atlantic cu 2224 de persoane la bord. Căpitanul a ordonat viteză maximă, 23 Nd (43 Km/h), apoi, după ce a primit avertizări de iceberg, a mărit-o la 46 Km/h. Vaporul genera 59.000 de cai putere. Viteza a fost unul din factorii principali ai scufundării. La acea viteză, nava avea nevoie de 3 km pentru a se întoarce la 90 de grade. Pe data de 14/04/1912, Titanicul s-a lovit de un iceberg, provocând o tăietură în carenă pe o lungime de 90 m din cei 300 m ai navei (cinci compartimente). După 2 ore și 40 minute, pe 15 Aprilie 1912, Titanicul, s-a scufundat rupându-se în 2 părți. În cele 20 de bărci de salvare au intrat 710 de oameni. Restul de 1514 au murit în apa înghețată a Atlanticului.
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The Viking Longhouse: A Crowded, Cozy Home. Vikings lived in a long, narrow building called a longhouse. Most had timber frames, with walls of wattle and daub and thatched roofs."
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Foto de: @_pauloguto.
Data: #br140419.
Location: Tiradentes, MG.
Seleção: @sallesan.
Admins: @chbrasil & @sallesan.
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Now I want to show you some lost place pictures again, hopefully they will please you as much as I do. I look forward to your comments ☺️.
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Jousting Armor (Rennzeug) from Dresden or Annaberg circa 1580-90.
This particular suit of armor is presumed to have been worn by Karl Christian von Breitenbach, who was an officer in the Saxon court from 1694-1726. This particular suit is on display at the @metmuseum A horse’s shaffron is also included.
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*EXCLUSIVE* Last Tuesday , former Queen Beatrix wore her favorite tiara: Queen Emma's Diamond Tiara during the Corps Diplomatique Diner. Previously assumed that this tiara was made by the royal jeweler Begeer. Dutchroyaljewels, in cooperation with the Dutch Royal Jewel expert Edwin Fellner can reveil a recent discovery. King Willem III of the Netherlands ordered this diamond tiara for his wife, Queen Emma, who had chosen it from a selection of designs presented by the Royal Kempen & Begeer. But recently the Dutch royal jewel specialist, Edwin Fellner discovered the real origins of this tiara in the archives of Kempen, Begeer & Vos. The original design was made by Jac. Vos & Co. This jeweler from Rotterdam also created the tiara in his role as subcontractor, which was quite normal at that time. By the time the tiara was ready in 1890, the King had passed away. But the tiara was indeed used by his wife, by their daughter Queen Wilhelmina, and now by Wilhelmina’s granddaughters and great-granddaughters-in-law. The tiara features three central clusters of diamonds, each featuring a large center stone surrounded by eight slightly smaller stones. Each cluster is surrounded by a scrolled diamond frame, and more diamond collets decorate the tiara between the central elements and along the frame. It was originally designed to be worn with or without up to five of the diamond stars Queen Emma received as wedding gifts on the very top. #dutchroyaljewels #royalty #instaroyals #tiara #diadem #jewels #diamonds #gold #silver #jeweler #antique #historical #instanews #royaljewels #dutch #queenbeatrix #queenmaxima #queenemma #vankempenenbegeer #stars
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