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preach such a powerful mantra for all of us, but especially those with a third line in their profile (human design profile will either be 1/3, 3/5, 3/6, 6/3). . the magic for those with a third line is that their journey is all about discovery — discovering what works and doesn’t work simply by trying it. it’s never about “failing” or “making mistakes” but learning all the things that don’t work, so that you can step into those that do. and sharing those lessons with the rest of us ✨ . so helpful to know when our kids or those we hire carry a third line, so we can support this process of experimentation rather than make them wrong for it or expect something different. . do you have a third line? what is your relationship to this process of discovery and experimentation? do you feel like you accept or resist it?

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[СИЮМИНУТНЫЕ И НАСТОЯЩИЕ ЖЕЛАНИЯ] ⠀ Вам знакомо чувство, когда вы что-то очень хотите прям здесь и сейчас? И когда вы не ждёте, пока эмоциональная волна желания спадёт и начинаете в этом состоянии действовать? ⠀ Конечно, большинству из нас это знакомо И каждый раз, когда вы хотите сиюминутно предпринять действия, чтобы получить желаемое, что происходит: 1. Вы не получаете желаемое 2. Вы получаете желаемое и уже через пару часов или дней вам это уже не интересно. ⠀ Почему так происходит? Желанием движут гормоны, будь то желание получить игрушку, вкусняшку и проч у детей, так и у взрослых соответствующие мимолётные желания ⠀ Если вы думаете, что тот мерзавец, который воспользовался вашей наивностью провёл с вами ночь и исчез из вашей жизни удовлетворён от этого? Вы ошибаетесь. Любое действие, совершенное из желания получить здесь и сейчас всегда ждёт эмоциональных крах. Это волна которая движется от надежды к боли, поэтому любое действие, направленное на сиюминутное удовлетворение своих хотелок ведёт к разочарованию, чувству вины и стыда‍♀️. ⠀ Как же отличить мимолетное желание от истинного? Настоящее желание - оно зреет. Мы всегда встречаемся с одним и тем же шаблоном проживания как в хорошем, так и плохом настроении. И в хорошем это сильное желание получить нечто, а в плохом это нечто может вызвать отвращение или просто вы об этом забудите. ⠀ Истинные желания вызревают. Вы встретили мужчину, он вам очень понравился. И вот вы уже хотите от него семью, детей... Подождите, притормозите, наблюдайте, что будет с этим желанием завтра, а послезавтра... а через неделю или месяц Ждите столько, на сколько это возможно, чтобы распознать это движение эмоций во времени. Потому как в моменте для желаний никогда нет ясности ⠀ Так устроена механика эмоционального энергетического потока, который раз за разом проходит эмпирический опыт в желании попробовать что-то новое ⠀ Только разница в качестве проживания этих желаний. Идя у них на поводу, вы неизбежно опустошаетесь А дожидаясь ясности проживаете невероятный яркий опыт, который всегда приводит к новому росту☀️ ⠀ Какой способ принятия решений при желании получить что-то вы выберите теперь #дизайнчеловека #эмоции

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[5 ЛИНИЯ В БОДИГРАФЕ] Продолжим развивать тему линий. Ваши лайки меня очень вдохновляют❤️ Где бы вы не встретили 5 линию в Бодиграфе, это то место, где вы никогда не знаете, какой на самом деле человек. Все думают он такой, а потом оказывается он совсем иной Ожидания рождают разочарования. Проекции это нормальное явление в отношении 5-й линии и здесь же рядом идёт чувство вины из-за неоправданных ожиданий Единственным ключом к корректному проживанию 5-й линии является необходимость вовремя снять ложные проекции и ожидания других, тогда она не встречает обвинений, которые приводят к чувству вины Представьте на минутку, что значит быть человеком с 5 линиями в эмпирическом коллективном контуре, где человек получает постоянно новый опыт (путешествия, секс, новые увлечения, еда) через взаимодействие.. Другие смотрят на вас и думают, что могут получить через вас новый опыт. Но часто у вас может не быть внутреннего согласия на это. И если вы вовремя не сняли проекцию и не сказали «Со мной ты не получишь тот опыт, который хочешь», то запросто можно обнаружить себя втянутым в эти вещи Мой профиль 5/2 - это двойное поле проекций, отбиваться и отстаивать границы это непрерывный процесс в моей жизни А у вас есть 5-е линии в карте? Как вы их проживаете?) Поделитесь, будет интересно послушать #humandesign #дизайнчеловека #дч #hd #астропрогноз #дизайнчеловекаспб #дизайнчеловекаонлайн #дизайнчеловекамосква #humandesignsystem #humandesignchart #базовоечтение #манифестор #humandesign #дизайнчеловекаспб #дизайнчеловека #дч #hd #humandesign #проектор #рефлектор #манифестирующийгенератор #humandesignsystem #humandesignchart #расширенноечтение #бодиграф

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Let's chat about the G Center! If you haven't pulled up your chart, go to and enter your deets. The G Center is the center of identity, love and your life's direction. Those with a defined/closed G Center have a pretty strong sense of who they are. They have a deep inner knowing of themselves and they spend most of their life living it in a consistent manner. Yes, you still grow and evolve but you are following a similar, reliable path. For example, I've always been a teacher, author and coach in some way. My ENTIRE life has been this way, and since I was tot my dad would say "you know yourself more than any human I've met." I have a defined G! Those with an undefined/open G Center have much more diversity in their direction and they often feel like they are searching for their purpose. If you have an open center, you must know that you are INCREDIBLY sensitive to geography-- from where you live to where you eat. Often, if you feel "stuck" in life, it's because you're physically not in the right place and maybe it's time you move somewhere to further your evolution. If you have an insatiable desire to pick up and move, or redecorate your home, that's why! People with an open G Center often question their lovability-- if you feel this is you, know that you are loved, my dear, and it's your open center searching, searching, searching. Learn to play with that energy rather than get frustrated at it. Open G Centers can often fuse with others-- taking on the identity of your lover, family or even pet! Healthy boundaries, alone time and slowing down before you take action is your bff. You have a strong ability to feel into the energies of others because of this openness, and you can fall in love with anyone because you feel into their beauty. Take it slow with relationships so that you can not only feel what your heart is saying but ALSO let your other authorities (emotional / spleenic) touch base. . . . #humandesign #rauruhu #learnaboutyou #selflove #selfcare #loveyourself #humandesignchart #projector #reflector #manifestor #manifestinggenerator #reflector #personality #astrology #birthchart #mindbodymusings #mbmpodcast

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Let’s talk about the Heart Center , also known as the Will Center, this afternoon. If you haven’t pulled up your chart yet, go to to get yours. The Will Center is the place for WILL POWER, ego and money. It is where we get the mojo we need to follow throw with things on the material plane. It’s the place we “get things done” with the going gets tough. The closed/defined Will Center means you have access to will power— and guess what? Only 1/8th of the population has this defined…which means our entire world is obsessed with will power and very few people actually have it! A closed Will Center is very attractive and can often feel persuasive to others— imagine a big motivational speaker saying “You can do this! Just start today!” and everyone goes home feeling on FIRE about their dreams. If that speaker had a closed Will Center and the attendees all have open Will Centers, it won’t be a surprise when they go home and struggle to keep up. Because the Will Center is all about will power, somebody who is defined will feel like they can go and go and go. That’s not true though, as the Will Center needs cycles of rest and work (unlike like the sacral center). Regardless of whether you are open or closed, you need to rest your will power muscles. Those who are closed need the rest to TRULY be rest, though, or else they’ll reach major burnout. The open/undefined Will Center does not have will power. Nope. But that’s okay, love, it means you can stop trying to summon up this imaginary thing and instead, focus on living your type and strategy to know what to say yes to rather than saying yes to everything. For example, if you’re a generator you'll want to wait to respond (read previous post on generators) before spending your energy on something that will require your work force. If you’re a projector, you’ll want to wait for the invitation. And so on. Because the Will Center is also about money, it’s common for those who have an open center (7/8ths of the population) to undercharge for their services. Acknowledge your worth and charge accordingly so you can continue to share your gift while living comfortably! ✨❤️

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As I sit here reflecting on 2018 and dreaming up 2019 // A powerful thing that @jennazoe and my #humandesignchart have revealed to me is that it is okay to not be a planner or a specific goal setter. Realizing that I am a non specific manifestor has given me permission to let go of the guilt I have felt about not enjoying planning, specific goal setting, and so many other things that surround the act of manifesting. It has always seemed like there was something wrong with me for not being the most organized person, enjoying making plans, specific goals… etc. I spent so much time trying to be what I wasn’t and 2018 was the year that I became free of that limited thinking, embraced my strengths as a little bit of a chaotic cathclaire, and enlisted the help of other beautiful people for the things I am not so great at. This year as I reflect on all of the beauty, pain, and growth of 2018 - I am setting general intentions instead of what I have done in the past: struggled to fit into the mold of a specific manifester. I feel so inspired about my intentions for 2019 and with that, I am embracing the unknown that comes along with being general with my “plans” for the next year. This time around, I am going to let the Universe surprise me beyond my wildest dreams. Wondering if you are a specific or a general manifestor? Take a look at the corner in the bottom right of your Human Design Chart. If it is pointing to the left, you are a specific manifestor. If it is pointing to the right, you are a general / non-specific manifestor like me! Let’s all get to know our charts so we can enjoy each other for what we are - magical humans dancing on a Universe of sparkles. Love you guys and happy new year <3

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it’s been a whirlwind of podcasts over the last couple months and I have to say this was one of my very favorites. I chatted with powerhouse manifesting generator @blairbadenhop about how we can leverage human design in our career, in business and so much more. . turn the sound on for a clip from the podcast and episode link in bio ✨ . photo by the magical @inna.shnayder

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Starting today, I'm going to share a steady stream of ✨ Human Design body graphs ✨ explaining what it means when each center is either open/undefined or closed/defined. Find your chart by entering your birth details at Today we are starting with head Head Center! First thing's first-- no matter if your head is open or closed, the head is NOT a good place to make ANY decisions. EVER. If you have an open head center (it's white), you frequently feel pressured to figure everything out-- the head is a pressure center. As an open head, you are constantly feeling inspired-- you're taking in the world through the ideas of others, podcasts, movies, food, culture-- it's all inspiring you. Sometimes it can be overwhelming because it doesn't "turn off" exactly. If you have an open head, be aware if you feel inundated with ideas and know that sometimes they aren't yours....they are coming from others. Your job is to discern what really lights YOU up, versus what may be inspiring, yes, but not where your focus is needed. If you have a defined head center, you are always questioning things and you have a consistent source of self-generated inspiration. You may frequently have a quizzical look on your face, because you're always pondering something, looking for the "correct" answer within yourself. Because your ideas come from you, it's not a great place to make decisions because your mind is "locked into" a particular way of thinking...and that's soooo dependent on your upbringing and belief system as a kid. A defined head center can deposit questions and doubts onto an open head center (subconsciously) and the open center will obsess over it all day long trying to find the answers. Be aware if this happens to you-- both open and closed centers need to give their minds a break, feel more into the body and set some mental boundaries! . . . #humandesign #rauruhu #learnaboutyou #selflove #selfcare #loveyourself #humandesignchart #projector #reflector #manifestor #manifestinggenerator #reflector #personality #astrology #birthchart #mindbodymusings #podcast #maddymoon #mbmpodcast #mindbody #podcast

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The way people think about you does not hold weight against your innate worthiness. *things I tell myself when I want to wear a sequin dress at 11 am* The Universe does not waste energy on a soul that doesn’t need to be here. IF YOU ARE HERE, YOU ARE HERE FOR A PURPOSE. Thank you for your angel baby wisdom @jennazoedaily PS is it just me or do you think Justin Bieber would agree with Jenna? #purpose #asseenonme

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