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Here’s 3 really common adjectives to say you’re really tired. “I’m absolutely knackered” is a very common and colloquial British expression. #learnenglish #aprenderingles #ingles #inglese #imparareinglese #speakenglish #apprendreanglais #learnenglishfaster #aprenderingles #englishidioms #englishwords #englishlesson #englishvocabulary #englishgrammar #englishlanguage #englishschool #englishcourses #anglais #englishclass #ielts #tesol #ieltsvocabulary #toefl
#cambridgeenglish #cambridgeexam #toles #cae #cambridgefirst #pronunciation #englishpronunciation #englishadjectives
An icebreaker (noun) Do you ever use icebreakers in your job? #learnenglish #aprenderingles #ingles #inglese #imparareinglese #speakenglish #apprendreanglais #learnenglishfaster #aprenderingles #englishidioms #englishwords #englishlesson #englishvocabulary #englishgrammar #englishlanguage #englishschool #englishcourses #anglais #englishclass #ielts #tesol #ieltsvocabulary #toefl
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To turn a blind eye to something (expression) Notice that we follow this expression with a noun or the verb in the noun form (gerund ‘ing’), e.g. “Bullying” (gerund) and “homelessness” (noun) in the example in the video. #learnenglish #aprenderingles #ingles #inglese #imparareinglese #speakenglish #apprendreanglais #learnenglishfaster #aprenderingles #englishidioms #englishwords #englishlesson #englishvocabulary #englishgrammar #englishlanguage #englishschool #englishcourses #anglais #englishclass #ielts #tesol #ieltsvocabulary #toefl
#cambridgeenglish #toles #cae #cpe #cambridgefirst #inglesonline
What do you think? Are you "too busy" too often? ⠀
Reposting @papofluente: ⠀
"Priorities. That's all."⠀
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#cambridgeenglish #cambridgeexam #toles #cae #cpe #cambridgefirst #pronunciation #englishpronunciation
Here’s a tip to make your English sound more formal. #learnenglish #englishgrammar #englishcourses
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Congratulations /kənɡratjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)ns/
#learnenglish #aprenderingles #imparareinglese #apprendreanglais #englishidioms #anglais #ingles #inglese #prepositions #englishexpressions #englishvocabulary #vocabulary
#ielts #tesol #ieltsvocabulary #toefl
#cambridgeenglish #cambridgeexam #toles #cae #cpe #cambridgefirst #pronunciation #englishpronunciation #Inglesparatodos#inglesparaadultos #Businessenglish #inglesflguente
If you study English as a second language, this is probably one of those things you were told just to memorize: you say “get in” and “get out of” for a car, taxi, etc. but you say “get on” or “get off” for a bus or train.
But why do we make a distinction? For things like horses and motorcycles, “get on” makes sense, since we are literally on top of it. However, we are physically inside a bus, so why can’t we say “get in a bus?” The rule is:
If you can walk onto it and stand up inside, you say “get on”. If not, you say “get in”
To illustrate, let’s list out some other methods of transportation:
➡️ Get in a car
➡️ Get in a taxi
➡️ Get in a truck
➡️ Get in a van
These are all vehicles we cannot stand up inside (for a truck, we cannot stand up inside the part where we drive; if you’re talking about the back, you could say “get on the truck”)
➡️ Get on a bus
➡️ Get on a train
➡️ Get on an airplane
For all these, you can walk onto them and stand up inside them.
Credit : @tips4ielts
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Niche (noun) ”A niche in the market”. “They found a niche by selling their line of leather goods through small boutiques that could offer personalized service”. #learnenglish #aprenderingles #ingles #inglese #imparareinglese #speakenglish #apprendreanglais #learnenglishfaster #aprenderingles #englishidioms #englishwords #englishlesson #englishvocabulary #englishgrammar #englishlanguage #englishschool #englishcourses #anglais #englishclass #ielts #tesol #ieltsvocabulary #toefl
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