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Visit From Mo♀️♀️: Earlier after drinking my tea, I tried to takec a nap but I just couldn’t fall asleep. Mason def knocked out though. I picked Mason up & dragged his bassinet into the living room along with his diaper bag. His dad was on his way to grab him so I could get some rest. I put him to lay down then plopped myself onto the couch. I tried so hard to get comfy but it just wasn’t happening. Ended up laying in a very awk position. After a lil bit, the doorbell rang. At first I thought it was his dad but he told me a hour. Had only been 10-15 mins since talking to him but then I remembered I was texting Mo earlier and she told me she’d come check up on me. As she came in, I got up to sit properly. She asked me how I felt & I told her like crap. Crap. She had suggest I try some herbs, didn’t sound bad. Truthfully I just wanted to know what I had, figured I caught something while in Paris. She said we should prob google my symptoms & try to piece it together. I don’t trust WebMD at all b/c they always come up with the worst diagnosis. Could really have a cold but they’re telling me I’m dying. Despite that, I decided to have a look with her. I had an achy body, headaches & stomach pains. From that it gave us 2 results of food poisoning & flu. We were a bit iffy b/c I didn’t have a fever. After looking for a bit we just gave up. She had to head out & asked if I needed anything before she left but I assured her I was fine. Her checking on me was more than enough. Appreciated that more than anything. As she left I check Mase’s diaper & felt that it was a little wet. I really didn’t want his skin touching mine b/c I didn’t know what I had. Didn’t want to risk him getting it. I zoomed into the bathroom to grab some gloves & ended up finding a face mask as well. Great. I picked him up & took him over to the couch then changed his diaper. I redressed him & put him down so he was ready for his dad. I just laid on the couch & dozed off. Looks like my body was finally ready for a quick nap. -
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Red Queens! New Sizes Tick & BBW❤️NEW at SHOP DEZA! Fashion for all Sizes!! . .
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I don't own the rights to the music.
ThanK you @officialleeke
for this Track Get This Money
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