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Easy to make fruit infused water combos for natural detox...
#infusedwater #detoxification #greentea #mint #lime #cucumber #lemon #orange #kiwi #strawberry #DIY #CLEANSE #detox #detoxwater #plantbased #foodismedicine #healthylife #healthy #happy #healing #holistic #naturalhealing #natural #naturalcures #naturalremedies #naturalmedicine #holistichealth #ilovenaturalmedicine #fueledbyplants #healthiswealth
Ini salah satu minuman terbaik buat tubuh. Yg suka gampang kena flu, meriang2 faktor cuaca boleh buat minuman ini, tiap hari juga bagus kok.
Eh tapi ga boleh nyalahin cuaca sih ya, qta ajah yg salah kurang pinter jaga badan .
Kadang kita suka lupa hak tubuh,seenaknya buat ini tubuh kerja rodi,hujan badai, terobos, makan apapun dimasukin, makan yg penting enak. Hasilnya, tubuh ngasih alarm kalo dia udah didzolimi. Kerasa lah ini itu, bersin2, badan demam, tp jgn mencela demam yah, karena demam menghapuskan anak adam dari dosa dan mengingatkan akan panasnya api neraka *cari haditsnya ya . Jd siapa yg salah kalo sakit? Qadarullah sih, cuma kan tubuh itu titipan Allah Ta'ala jadi kita yg dititipun ya kudu jaga baik2 karena ntar ada hisabnya .
Biidznillah, yuk jaga badan pake #produkAllah murmer, penuh berkah. Aamiin.
Air 300ml (sesuai sama botol yg dipunya ajah)
3 butir kurma
2 ruas jahe
Cara :
Kurma dipotong kecil2, masukin ke botol sama bijinya. Jahe kupas, iris tipis, bisa juga diparut sama parutan keju, biar jahenya lebih berasa. Tambahin air ke botol. Simpen di kulkas semaleman. Klo yg ga suka dingin boleh disimpan di suhu ruang ajah. Pagi nya minum deh, boleh disaring dulu pindahin ke gelas. Enak manis meski tanpa madu.
Cobain ya, tularin ke sodara, temen, keluarga buat infused water kek beginian. Pokoknya jgn lupa #ayominumrimpang .
#jurussehatrasulullah #infusedwater #madujsr #jahejsr #resepjsr #ayominumrimpang#hidupsehatjsr
Bismillah ....
Nanas ...
Masukan nanas yg sudah dipotong2. Simpan semalaman dalam kulkas. Besok ketika akan diminum, campurkan madu dan seujung sendok teh garam himalaya.
Manfaatnya - Anti inflamasi
- Menurunkan berat badan
- Melancarkan pencernaan
- Membunuh parasit
- Meningkatkan fungsi tiroid
- Mencegah kanker
- Menyeimbangkan kadar elektrolit
- Menghilangkan racun dalam tubuh
- dll inshaAllah
Here is the thing you guys: I struggle to stay hydrated. What about you?
I’m just hardly ever thirsty, or at least I don't feel when I'm thirsty. .
There are days I catch myself not having drunk ANY water all day long and in the evening I'm dry as a raisin. My skin is dry, my throat is dry, my hair is dry. Everything is dry! .
I love that water kills my thirst, I love the health benefits of it, and I even really like the flavor (or lack thereof) when I drink it but let's face it, who "craves" water? Yah, me neither. .
It's not like I wake up in the morning and think, OMG I can't wait to drink my first glass of water today! So I tried to come up with healthy ways to make water "craveable" (that's totally a word, right?)
Here is the first suggestion of several (so stay tuned): LEMON INFUSED WATER .
#summerdrink #lemonwater #lemonade #infusedwater #infused #lemon #healthydrink #healthydrinks #drinkingwater #stayhydrated #hydration #hydrate #cleaneatingrecipe #cleaneatingideas #keto #paleo #summervibes
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