inspiresomeonedaily inspiresomeone lifecoachmanas inspire coaching addiction addictionquotes addictionrecovery bossfreesobriety dancefitwithamanda fitmomof4 fitnessjourney hipsobriety inspireothersaroundyou inspireothersdaily inspireotherstobebetter inspireotherstoday inspiresobriety inspiresomeoneelse inspiresomeoneeveryday inspiresomeoneinspireyou inspiresomeonenow inspiresomeonetoday ipreview motivate recoveryispossible recoverylife recoveryquotes recoveryrocks recoverywarrior inspiresomeoneelse
There’s so much power, beauty, love and connection in the present moment. Take time to consciously let yourself go there, freeing yourself from thoughts of the future and just feeling your flow.
Make it a priority and practice in your life and see how your happiness, mindset and heartset EXPAND .
ps. Since many people assume I am, I’m not a yoga instructor (why does that feel like a confession? ). I’ve studied and love holistic fitness though and use it in how I coach, live and of course in @tnl58 #noboxes . This photo was taken during the warm-up of a mash-up workout co-created and coached with kickass women @soulsistersfitness and @sajehtava last month) @adidas training creator squad #heartfirst .
@jana.heusinger ✨
#liveconsciously #soulawakening #justkeepbreathing #weareoneforever #intheflow #higherawareness #sportschangelives #strongheart #stronglegs #strongmindset #evolvingdaily #strongwomenrock #inspiresomeone #inspiresomeonedaily #tnl58 #heartfirstlife #notayogateacher
Accept your flaws, they are just as much a part of you as your strengths. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, wear your heart on your sleeve, proudly own your scars just don’t let them define who you are meant to be. Use them as reminders of where you’ve been. Go after all your hopes and dreams, and show all who ever doubted you that you are perfectly imperfect and you are perfectly fine with that.
First competition done under my belt. It was an exciting and learning experience that will only help me grow and get ready for the next. Even though I didn't get a call out, no one can deny the results of hard work and dedication. The pic on the right is one year ago when I was just talking about getting into a better diet and workout regiment. Pic on the left is this last weekend at #illinoisstate #npc. Every day was a choice to push forward, stay the same or step back. It has not been all forward as I learned about my body, managed life and fought the only real competition I have had which is myself. My supporters showed the love consistently and some have even stepped up to the challenge of a healthier life. THAT is why I did this and will continue to do this. Next prep starts tomorrow! #dowhatyoulove #chiro #npc #fitpitfitness #fitness #transformation #chicago #fitspo #fitfam #inspiresomeonedaily
A great friend of mine who is a great photographer & an excellent voice over artist posted a picture on Instagram and shared that I didn't realise while clicking that it will come out as such a great picture. When I came across the post,I again became #curious why such a thing happen with most of us often and then realised,oh yes! "Serendipity is the first step to Excellence".Isn't it?
#curiouscoachmanas #lifecoachmanas #quizwithmanas #bookswithmanas
Get ready folks,who knows the serendipity bug may bite you guys as well today.If it happens to you,congratulate yourself & strive towards achieving excellence.
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