integralphilosophy kenwilber integral integraltheory consciousness spiraldynamics philosophy travelphotography кенуилбер integralart higherconsciousness india meditation photography selflove интегральнаяжизнь artist authenticself awakening beauty mind mindfulness openmind podcast podcasts интегральнаяфилософия интегральныйподход медитация осознанность integralmeditation
В четверг 27.06.2019 посетили Британский музей. Основные музеи в Лондоне и вправду бесплатные. Британский не исключение. В XIX в. именно сюда приезжал великий русский мыслитель В. С. Соловьёв, мистик-визионер, поэт, основатель философии цельного знания и всеединства, повлиявшей, как минимум, на два поколения мыслителей и культурных деятелей в России и за рубежом. Теперь понемногу возрождается интерес к его Мысли. (Рекомендую, кстати, почитать пронзительное описание последних дней философа, которое приводит в своей книге о русской философии о. А. Мень.) Итак, приехав в Лондон в 1875 г., Соловьёв приступил к изучению мистической литературы, индийского миросозерцания, каббалистических и гностических текстов в Британской библиотеке (она раньше, в те времена, находилась за моей спиной, а потом переехала в отдельное здание). Именно здесь ему во второй раз явился образ Софии, Премудрости Божьей, велевшей ему отправиться в Египет, что он и сделал.
#ВладимирСоловьёв #ЦельноеЗнание #всеединство #софиология #ИнтегральнаяФилософия #РусскаяФилософия #turiyatita_txt #VladimirSolovyov #IntegralPhilosophy #turiyatita_uk
Yesterday at dinner: Michael E. Zimmerman, his wife Teresa Toulouse, and their friends choosing food at the wonderful cafe near Palace Square. | ■ Вчера за ужином с проф. Майклом Зиммерманом, Терезой Тулуз и их друзьями в кафе «Брат» рядом с Дворцовой площадью. Зиммерман — один из ведущих в мире интегральных исследователь, соавтор книги «Интегральная экология» (Integral Ecology), несколько десятков лет проработавший профессором философии на высоком академическом уровне. Специализировался на Мартине Хайдеггере, Фридрихе Ницше, Кене Уилбере, разрабатывал вопросы и критику глубинной экологии и энвайронментализма. Тереза Тулуз, бывший профессор в различных университетах (включая Гарвард), специалист по американской культуре и в особенности Эмерсону.
#МайклЗиммерман #ТерезаТулуз #ИнтегральныйПодход #ИнтегральнаяЭкология #КенУилбер #Эмерсон #Хайдеггер #Ницше #ГлубиннаяЭкология #энвайронментализм #MichaelZimmerman #TeresaToulouse #IntegralEcology #IntegralPhilosophy #KenWilber #Emerson #Heidegger #Nietzsche #DeepEcology #environmentalism
Yesterday I spent an evening having dinner in a very good company—with Michael Zimmerman (an ex-professor of philosophy, if there ever can be such thing as an ”ex-professor“), and his wife Teresa Toulouse (a retired professor as well, an expert on American culture, especially Emerson) and their friends. They came to visit Moscow and especially St. Petersburg.
Professor Zimmerman is a very important figure in the field of Integral Studies. With Sean Esbjörn-Hargens he co-authored the book INTEGRAL ECOLOGY.
Having been a professor of philosophy, Michael has spent his life studying the works of Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Nietzsche, Ken Wilber (whose works he first read in 1982). He showed the importance of their ideas, especially Wilber's expansion of interiority, to contemporary environmentalism.
After the dinner I recorded an interview with Michael for our EROS & KOSMOS online magazine. We talked about Integral ecology; Heidegger and Dasein as a clearing of beingness; the significance and extremities of Nietzsche; the contribution of Wilber; meanings of transhumanism, and transpersonal motifs in Fyodor Dostoevsky's works.
I hope to be able to process this material in the nearest future and publish it online.
#MichaelZimmerman #IntegralEcology #environmentalism #Dostoevsky #Heidegger #Nietzsche #KenWilber #TranspersonalPsychology #IntegralPhilosophy #МайклЗиммерман
Макаренков Сергей, генеральный директор Группы компаний "Рипол Классик", рассказывает о проекте KARMALOGIC, а я приглашаю вас на презентации в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге. Будет интересно, обещаю.
26 января, Московский Дом Книги, начало в 20.30
27 января, Парк Культуры и Чтения "Буквоед" (Невский, 46), начало в 19.00 #кармалоджик #ситников #законысудьбы #судьба #карма #кенуилбер #интегральнаяфилософия #kenwilber #integral #integralphilosophy #интегральныйподход #человек #москва #питер #санктпетербург #книга #презентация #риполклассик #приглашаю @ripolclassic
What are the roots of distraction? The spiritual path is romantic and appealing until upon it; then it's the pain of stripping away the self-made mechanisms of distraction we’ve created to avoid the intensity of the current moment and the power of a truer and deeper self.
Distractions aren't outside of us, perceived as stimulus we think we ought to tend to. They are created within. When we experience stillness as restlessness, we either push into the convenience of distraction, or the discomfort of transformation. The underlying current of clinging to such pursuits facilitates an eternity of tasks that leaves one even more thirsty and desperate for the next distraction.
The reconciliation lies in developing an intuitive assessment of stimuli - either as apparent distractions to avoid because they are not congruent with our greater capacities, or as gifts calling us to mine deeper into the light and power of ourselves. Our willingness to confront our distracted selves, and consciously contrast that attention with what intimidates and scares us to grow is our prescription for awakening. Releasing our predetermined self, allowing the root of playful creativity to channel through us and open us to the possibilities of what initially scares us, yet what we intuit as our path of transcendence, is a recognition of our own need and sacred desire for resurrection. We can give ourselves permission to be born again - here, in this life - by listening deeply and heeding the call to tread through our darkness for a light that shines beyond the vision of our current Kosmic location. We know this lights location because we are the channels by which it shines and we feel the flicker of its conception with even our first committed step through darkness to yield it.
The kaleidoscopic nature of life begins to reveal itself through the diamond cracks in our souls, emanating its lustrous light from the potential self that yearns to be uncovered. Let go of the expired you. Have the will to heed your deepest call, demand the self discipline to engage it, and live in the power of your faith to stay the course; awaken motherfucker. From my upcoming 2nd book, “Deeper” #sebastiansiegel
"Magic fell from her pretty lips and when she spoke the language of the universe - the stars sighed in unison."
✨ -Michael Faudet
I love this little poem. It's lovely to think about the stars feeling understood, sighing with relief.
This is little sketch I drew at lunch. The overhead lights cast different colored shadows. The tinted luminosity of shadows is also a lovely thing. ✨
What do you need to listen to today? What part of you is craving to be heard - what will sigh relief when you acknowledge it? ✨
Simple attention is huge progress in healing and growth. (Even without any action.) ✨
You guys know I post the stuff I'm working on in my inner world- I'm learning too.
Today, the part of me that wants to be heard is my body. My self care today consists of lots of water, stretching as much as possible, and going to bed EARLY lol! Treating the cells in my body like the stars in the poem... I'm trying to speak their language.
I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!✨✨
#sacredgeometry #selfcare #integralphilosophy #integralart #starshapes #languageofstars #nebulas #starseed #selflove #lovethyself #empowering #soulart
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