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Oh don’t mind us over here making history in the @nba FINALS!!!! So proud of our boys!! Thanks for shining a light on this great city (nation!) of ours! Let’s do this @raptors!
We. The. North.
In many ways we’re in a league of our own, one step removed, just beyond the boundaries.
Some would say we’re on the outside looking in - but from our perspective we’re on the outside looking within. Because that’s where the effort resides, toughness is found, the aggression is tapped - on the inside. .
Far from the Eastside, miles from the Westside, nowhere near the Southside - we are the Northside - the territory all our own. If that makes us outsiders - we’re in. ~ @raptors #WeTheNorth .
Perfect touches to a great closet.
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Handstands to Infinity
I visited the Art Gallery of Ontario to get some culture. It has some beautiful exhibits if you haven’t checked it out this year. This is the Infinity Mirrored Room by Yayoi Kusama. You only get 1 minute in the room for selfies which is good motivation to get handstand consistency.
#ago #handstandpractice #yayoikusama
YESSS! Because I can’t cake my eyes off of chuuu. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Downtown Markham is starting to create some buzz with lots of great restaurants opening in the area. One of them is @patisseriefleur. I came in here with no expectations and was blown away with not only the cake selections, but also the taste of their cakes. Let’s put it this way, I couldn’t stop at one ☝and each cake is more than meets the eye. This one was one of my favourites and they sell out quickly - the earl grey pear cake. There’s not only Earl Grey mousse, but this one has real pear pieces, pear syrup, chocolate cream, and chocolate and hazelnut sponge. The best part was indeed the fact that it’s infused with real premium teas. Are you a fan of Earl Grey too
The Cuban collar and Cuban choke #2chains #styleandfunction @royce_thedobbie .
.#doberman #dobermanpuppy #dobermanpinscher #dobe #bigdogchains #beachbody #beachdog #luxurycollar #bigdog #dobby #raw #rawfed #dogpark #living #dogs #dog #instadogs #la #dogparklife #happycustomers #toronto #inthe6ix .
Game 5, Lets Go - VDH
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