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#Generațiaharului #generatialuiPavel ✅ #2 Evanghelia lui Hristos are putere de: mântuire, eliberare, vindecare a trupului si a sufletului, înnoirea minții! Rostește chiar acum: Isus, cred ca esti fiul lui Dumnezeu și ai murit pentru păcatele mele te invit in inima mea si multumesc pentru viața veșnică! După ce ai facut această declarație esti fiu de Dumnezeu ridicat la acest statut de către Isus Hristos. Ai drept legal în autoritatea lui Isus, sa ordoni problemelor de sănătate sa plece din viața ta atât fizice cât și sufletesti ! #viațadelaDumnezeu...#sanătateadelaDumnezeu #moarteadelaDiavol...#boaladelaDiavol ✅Posteaza această poză și pe pagina ta, astfel raspândim această veste bună!!! #iubire #pace #har #Isus #credință #viatăvesnică #adevarataevanghelie #evangheliaharului #evangheliavietii #vindecaredivina #citeștebiblia #stopmanipulare #godsgenerals #fe #avivamiento #divinehealing #johnglake #sanidaddivina #jesus #poderdedios #fuegosanto #epsiritusanto

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It has NEVER been the will of God for you to be sick. To have cancer. To be broken. To be depressed. To be confused. To be angry. To feel like your identity that He gave you at birth was a mistake. NO!!!! It is the will of satan. He desires nothing more than to break you. To steal your anointing. To steal your identity. To steal your purity. To steal your health. QUIT “asking” God to heal you. QUIT saying to your Mighty Maker, IF it be Your will, please heal me. NO! SPEAK GOD’S PROMISES INTO THE ATMOSPHERE. Speak them over your circumstances. Command those things OFF of you! Renounce those curses! Speak God’s truth into existence AND then! and only then! Will the resurrection power of Christ ignite within you. He DESIRES you to be healed but YOU got to DO something about it!! The Bible says YOU are a king & Priest. Now act like it! Revelation 1:5-6 #kennethhagin #johnglake #authorityinchrist #speakitintoexistence

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“You do not find "if it be thy will" in the teaching of Jesus. He never suggested in word or deed that sin, sickness and death were the will of God. The leper who came to Jesus for healing in the 8th of Matthew did say, "Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." I suppose he, too, was accepting the dirty leprosy as the will of God. Jesus instantly said, "I will; be thou clean." The answer of Jesus to the leper is Jesus' answer to you, to every sick man. "If it be thy will" was never suggested in any of Jesus' teaching concerning sickness and disease. Friend, Jesus had declared His will in the most emphatic manner. His will is always to heal if you but come to Him.“ // John G. Lake #johnglake

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My new read....this is gonna be good! John G. Lake, stay tuned for some quotes I'm sure!!! #divinehealing #mylovelanguage #ilovereading #knowledgeispower #learningisthebest #johnglake #generalinthefaith

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Amen! #MovingBeyondMinistries #johnglake

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Cloudy tues morning! This is perfect! #healthbygod #johnglake #passiontranslation #psalms #lemonwater #addedcayenneandtumeric #healthytonic #healing #mindbodyspirit

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“The [same] message which was proclaimed throughout all Judea, starting from Galilee after the baptism preached by John– How God anointed and consecrated Jesus of Nazareth with the [Holy] Spirit and with strength and ability and power; how He went about doing good and, in particular, curing all who were harassed and oppressed by [the power of] the devil, for God was with Him.” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭10:37-38‬ ‭AMP‬‬ #ibelieveinmiracles #healing #johnglake #destroytheworksofthedevil

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Wilford Reidt (1909-1987) was converted in 1925 at age 16. He spent the next 8 years in street evangelism throughout the western and southern United States. In 1931, at age 22, Reidt came to Spokane and to the life-changing influence of Dr. John G. Lake’s powerful ministry. In 1941, John G Lake’s daughter, Gertrude, became Wilford’s wife. Together, they have preserved much of Lake’s teachings in their own lives and ministry. Some of Wilford Reidt and Gertrude unpublished manuscripts and bible school notes are in the process of being published for the first time by Curry Blake recently. After serving 3 years in the US army during WWII, Reidt became a public school teacher for the next 22 years while remaining active in church affairs. He was an ordained minister and president of the “Ministerial Fellowship of the US, inc”. He also published a paper for that fellowship called “His tribune”. He wrote John G. Lake’s biography and his most recent books were published and republished 30 years after his passing by Curry Blake (John G Lake ministries, Dallas). Billie Brim also sells a set of teachings recorded in 1983 (also available on vimeo for free). Kenneth E. Hagin was heavily influenced by Wilford Reidt and his wife when he wrote his book “the art of intercession” (also called “the art of prayer”). Hagin also credits them as co-authors (even though their names are not listed on the cover). Roberts Liardon has published the entirety of John G. Lake’s writings along with books with Lake’s writings and sermons on Healing or the Holy Spirit. Curry Blake is currently im the process of publishing Reidt’s manuscripts. The next book is out on February 7 and is based on Reidt’s notes from when he taught in a a Bible school created by John G Lake. Reidt is the one who developed the curriculum for John G Lake’s Bible school. #johnglake #wilfordreidt #curryrblake #curryblake #johnglakeministries #robertsliardon

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People ask me all the time what do I do to fight cancer and disease. I will always say, it is not just one thing you do, it's multiple things! Here is one way...Infrared sauna! It's amazing for so many reasons. Here are a few: studies have shown benefits of infrared sauna therapy for people with: cardiovascular disease diabetes high blood pressure congestive heart failure rheumatoid arthritis chronic fatigue poor digestion depression and anger chronic muscle and joint pains, and cancer. You can purchase one or find one in your area. Naturopaths and chiropractors will have them, or other health and wellness centers. I went today for 55 min at 140 degrees!!! Lots of sweating!! So good for detoxifying the body! I also have some disc injuries to my lower back so this is also so good for pain!!! On a side note: this book kept my mind off how hot it was and my water stayed freezing cold in my Uncorked stainless steel bottle!! Whoop! #cancerkiller #infraredsauna #healthy #uncorked #water #detoxing #stayinghealthy #stayingcancerfree #itsachoice #johnglake

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