When you set goals within your organization, Don’t stop until each and every one gets accomplished. I could not have done this on my own. A huge THANK YOU to my team @whiterosehomecare Create a business that sets the standards high. Quality must be TOP priority at all times. #homehealthcare #homecareservice #jointcommission #service #qualitycare
Yeditepe Üniversitesi Diş Hastanesi dördüncü kez Uluslararası Kalite Belgesi aldı. Küresel sağlık hizmetlerinde altın standart olarak kabul edilen JCI (Joint Commission International) tarafından akredite edilen dünyadaki ilk diş hastanesi olan Yeditepe Üniversitesi Diş Hastanesi, dördüncü kez akreditasyon aldı.
Yeditepe Üniversitesi Diş Hastanesi JCI akreditasyonu alan dünyadaki ilk Diş Hastanesi olma özelliğini taşıyor.
Yeditepe Üniversitesi Diş Hastanesi; kalite ve hasta güvenliği alanındaki en iyi uygulamaları belirleyen, ölçen ve küresel sağlık hizmetlerinde altın standart olarak kabul edilen JCI akreditasyon denetimini, 2012 ve 2015 yıllarının ardından 2019’da da başarı ile geçti. Yeniden belgelendirme sürecine giren hastane Ocak 2019’da, yapılan saha ziyareti ve incelemeler sonucunda tüm süreçlerinde yaklaşık bin standart açısından değerlendirilerek dördüncü kez akredite oldu.
Emeği geçen herkese sonsuz teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.
@yeditepeuniversitesi #yeditepeuniversity #yeditepedishastanesi #7tepedis #jointcommission #jointcommissionaccredited
We’re celebrating! Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Heart-Check mark for Advanced Certification for Comprehensive Stroke Centers. With this certification, the hospital joins an elite group of health care organizations focused on highly-specialized stroke care. #comprehensivestrokecenter #jointcommission
#radiology #radiologyschool #radiologytech #radiologylife #radiologyhumor #radiologyprogram #rad #radtech #radtechlife #radtechgirls #radtechguys #radtechstudent #radtechstudentlife #radtechschool #radiographerlife #radiography #radiographer #radiographers #radiographerlife #radiographyprogram #xraytech #xray #xraylife #xrayschool #xrayprogram #radiographictechnologist #radiologictechnology #jointcommission
RSAB Harapan Kita resmi meraih Akreditasi Internasional dari Joint Commission International (JCI) - dengan hanya tersisa 1 (satu) temuan partially met dari 289 standar.
Terima kasih atas kerja keras dan teamwork seluruh tim @rsabhk terutama juga dukungan penuh dari Bapak/Ibu Dewas dan Direksi... dan Tim Komite Mutu yang solid! Let's embark on a new journey together!
Special thanks to our brilliant translators from TransMedical Institute Dr @incants SpA and Dr @diatrie.as SpA - which, according to the experienced surveyor, are the best in the world!
#rsabhk #rsabharapankita #akreditasiinternasional #jci #jointcommission #jointcommissioninternational #chicago #komitemutu #qualitycommittee #teamwork #letsmakeitwork #akreditasirumahsakit #akreditasi #hospitalindonesia #besthospital #jciaccreditedhospital #transmedical #medicaltranslator #medicalinterpreter
being a nurse is even more amazing when you work with a talented, kind, silly, smart, beautiful, always has your back (my compliments are endless) nurse like Cass
❤️⚕️ love & appreciate you! @_mscass
Isn't her drawing just perfect?!
See you soon JC
#jointcommission #nurselife #nurselife #nurse #nursing #nurses #nursehumor #rn #rns #nursebae #nursefriends #nurseflow #registerednurse #hospital #hospitallife
Is your Hand Hygiene gel expired? It BeH-nOt BE!!♀️ Today I had EOC rounds also known as Environment of Care Rounds. This is a FULL site survey of a clinic, pretty much what Joint Commission would do when they come through. The EOC round has a collaborative team that consist of a representative from the following departments: Infection Control, Facilities, Environmental Services, Emergency Management, Clinic Manger, Assistant Nurse Manager and leading this whole collaborative group is yo girl QUALITY...and let me be COMPLETELY HONEST...being a leader isn't easy. You deal with a variety of specialties with so many opinions and sometimes inferiority complexes that can drive you up the wall! But being the "youngest" leader of the pack during EOC rounds doesn't shake me, it proves a point that Quantity or better known as "Years" doesn't discredit the Quality or "Value" I bring to table. Remember, being a LEADER is knowing your worth, finding your voice and being able to learn from ANYONE. Long story short, today was a long ass day and you BeH-nOt let me find any expired items at your clinic, so go ahead and check your stations... #quality #jointcommission #siteinspection #handhygiene #leader #millennials #nurse #qualityimprovement #healthcare #lovewhatyoudo #begreat #processimprovement #proudnurse #findyourcalling #stayfocused #nurselife #RN #RNlife #medicine
#studentnurse #futurenurse #blacknursesrock
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