jonjmuth illustration briankesinger drawingoftheday grisgrimly mypetskeleton neilgaiman picturebookart reddogart rickbillings skottieyoung spreadtheword timburton vincentmarcone watercolor childrensbooksillustration stephengammell penandink alongwayfrommuth tattoo tattoodesigns stevemalk stilllearning watercolorstudy bookstagram childrensbooks victoriawellsarms kurald panda stephengammell
The Three Questions ✨ based on a story by Leo Tolstoy written and illustrated by Jon J Muth.
“Remember then there is only one important time, and that time is now. The most important one is always the one you are with. And the most important thing is to do good for the one is standing at your side. For these,my dear boy, are the answers to what is most important in this world. “This is why we are here. “
#handlettering #handwritten #jonjmuth #leotolstoy #tolstoy#threequestions #book#bookstagram #mostimportant #quotes #inspirationalquotes #life#bookillustration
Zbliżało się Halloween. Trójka rodzeństwa przygotowywała kostiumy, kiedy odwiedził ich przyjaciel, panda olbrzymia, Tafla, i obiecał, że na koniec tego dnia usłyszą historię o duchach.
Tafla zabrał ich do swojego domu, gdzie oznajmił, że narysuje im opowieść.
Była to historia dziewczynki Senjo i chłopca Ochu, którzy tak się lubili, że wszyscy byli pewni, że się pobiorą. I rzeczywiście, para się w sobie zakochała. Niestety zachorował tata dziewczynki i zaplanował jej ślub z zamożnym mężczyzną, który mógłby się zaopiekować rodziną.
Ochu nie mógł tego znieść i postanowił opuścić wioskę. Gdy odpływał, zobaczył, że Senjo biegnie za nim. Razem uciekli, wzięli ślub i mieli dwójkę dzieci, tęsknili jednak za rodziną i postanowili wrócić. Gdy dotarli do wioski, okazało się, że Senjo zachorowała w dniu odejścia Ochu i cały czas leżała w łóżku.
Jak się zakończyła ta historia? Koniecznie przeczytajcie. Zakończenie zdumiewa!
To czarodziejska, poetycka opowieść, która zostaje w pamięci na długo. To książka o tym, co jest prawdziwe. O to, kiedy jesteśmy sobą i czy zawsze zachowujemy się tak samo.
W książce mamy koan – pytanie, na które trzeba sobie odpowiedzieć samemu.
To książka, po której mamy więcej pytań niż odpowiedzi, ale wciąż o niej myślimy.
Całość jest przepięknie zilustrowana przez autora.
To książka ważna i niesamowita, zdumiewa i zachwyca. Polecam (od 6 lat)
#pandaiduchy #zenghosts #jonjmuth #książka #książkadladzieci #czytanie #czytajzdzieckiem #czytajdziecku #dziecko #dzieckoczyta #książkidladzieci #maliczytelnicy #bookstagram #kidsbooks #kidsbookstagram #booklover #bookworm #bookblogger #littlebookworm #ksiazkidladzieci
From The Collection: This is the first piece of art I ever bought. It was 1993 and I was 19 years old at my first San Diego Comic Con. I was a huge fan of Jon J. Muth. His Moonshadow mini series was credited as the first entirely painted comic book. Topps commissioned this piece for the series 1 Star Wars Galaxy trading card set. I saw it at the @allenspiegel booth for $900. I’m not sure I ever spent that much on anything before. A few weeks later Lucasfilm called and offered me $3000 for it!!! I still have it. #jonjmuth #dketoys #dealwithdov #starwarsart #fromthecollectionofdovkelemerandsarahjomarks
*Bir şeyleri yapmak için en doğru zaman ne zamandır?
*Bizim için en önemli kişi kimdir?
*Yapmamız gereken nedir?
Tolstoy'un üç soru adlı öyküsü. Tich Nhat Hanh da bu öyküden bahsediyor. Ve bu hikayelerden esinlenerek yazdığı çocuk kitabında Jon Muth diyor ki;
*Sadece tek bir önemli an var. O an da simdidir.
*En önemli kişi, o an yanında olan kişidir.
*Yapman gereken şey, o an yanında olan kişi için iyilik yapmaktır.
Çok büyük şeyler değil. Arkadaşın anlatırken, sadece dinlesen. Tavsiye vermeye harcayacagin enerjiyi destek olmaya harcasan.
Çocuğunla olduğunda telefonu unutsan, gerçekten onunla ve oyunla kalsan.
Ve mükemmel zamanı beklemek yerine şu an içinde bulunduğun anın zaten mükemmel olduğunu farketsen.
Tüm bunlar yazarken basit ama yaşarken pek öyle olamayabiliyor. Sorun degil, sadece farketmenin kendisi bir dönüşüm. Bunu bilmek güzel...
Defnik kızı emzirirken, elimde telefon oyalanır dururdum ilk zamanlar... Sanki daha iyi hissedeceğim başka bir zamanın geleceğini düşünürdüm...
Ama işte. Her an kıymetli. Yaşadığımız sürece tabiiki
Ok, truth time ...
Seasonal and holiday books, can really bother me...
But hear me out hear me out!
I am a crazy person when it comes to everything holiday, and love nothing more than filling my shelves with the stories of the season❤️ But...a lot of them are made just to be a holiday book In my opinion, so many are lacking actual stories. Actual feel good heart warming stories that bring the season to life. Rather, I find some books seem to slap on a jack-o-lantern, a witch costume, a popular character, and call it good ♀️ (however, it is oftentimes these books that my daughter is drawn to and thoroughly enjoys, and so we read and enjoy them together❤️ anytime your child is enjoying a book it’s worth it!)
So I am going to do my best to provide you will all the exceptions! All the books that bring a story and season to life. There are many❤️ And here is one!
While Zen Ghosts by #jonjmuth (love his books!) may be for the slightly older audiences, it’s story within a story happens on Halloween night and it definitely got us into the Halloween spirit! See the last photo for more information on the story. *
The story told by “Stillwater” can be a little spooky, but not at all frightening and my almost 4 year old enjoyed the story (because there was trick or treating involved) I love to push her thinking even if some was a bit beyond her comprehension level❤️
Jon J Muth delivers in picture and writing a beautifully set Halloween story that we will enjoy year after year
#whatsakidtoread @scholasticinc #halloweenbooks #halloweenstories
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