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“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” {J.K. Rowling}
What if all of those hours you spend daydreaming could destroy your world as you know it? Kane wakes up from an accident of which he remembers absolutely nothing and finds himself bombarded with a new reality - a world in which reveries exist. Reveries, defined as “worlds born from a person’s private fantasies,” may sound like fun and games, but they can become so all-consuming that they destroy the person’s life.
I’m going to be very upfront with you. One of the main reasons I requested this title from @netgalley is because of the fact that it contains a drag queen sorceress, and you’ll find that as the main consensus in the Goodreads community as well. Does that not sound badass?! I was so hyped to read it!
Alas, I have found myself rather disappointed. I thought I was walking into a YA Fantasy, but I felt more like I was reading a middle-grade fantasy. Though the drag queen sorceress is pretty awesome, I felt that the overall LGBTQ themes in this book held a lot of potential that went undeveloped; the surface was grazed, but nothing more. The characters themselves lacked depth, and I am walking away from this book not having resonated with a single one of them. On another note, the world building of the reveries is quite amazing. It’s vivid, beautifully horrifying, and very imaginative.
At the end of the day, I’m glad I read Reverie, but it didn’t do too much for my tastes.
Thank you to Netgalley for my free ARC in exchange for an honest review. Reverie by Ryan La Sala to be published 1/7/20!
Oi gente, já viram essas lindezas!! Isso é resultado da parceria incrível com a talentosa da @julianafiorese . Tô feliz demais!!!!
Aproveita que a pré-venda, lá na loja da Juliana, vai até o dia 18/07. Corre pra garantir a sua, são diversas opções de capas e estampas.
Saibam que tudo foi planejado com muito carinho pra todos vcs.
E Juliana muito obrigada por acreditar no meu trabalho. É uma honra poder costurar essas belezinhas. #gratidao
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Cześć, Bookstagramie! Jaka u Was pogoda? U nas nieco się przejaśnia, ale wciąż jest zimno Cóż więc zrobić, pozostaje mi jedynie #czytanie ☺️ #kindlepaperwhite #kindle #czytnik #bookstagramtopasja #ebook #książka #książki #ksiazki #ksiazka #czytam #czytamy #czytambolubie #lubimyczytac #zdjęciedlaksiążki #terazczytam #booksbooksbooks #booksarelife #bookreviewer #kochamksiążki #kochamczytać #bookfeaturepage #bookstagrampl #instagramczyta #zdjeciedlaksiazki #bookporn #książkoholik #czytaniejestsexy #igreads
Witajcie w piątek jak się macie? U mnie już długi weekend a ja przychodzę do Was z ostatnio przeczytaną książka! Przed Wami Colleen Hoover w zupełnie innej odsłonie!! Byłam bardzo ciekawa jak autorka poradzi sobie z tym wyzwaniem! I muszę przyznać, ze jestem bardzo miło zaskoczona! Podobał mi się pomysł, klimat i towarzyszące mi cały czas uczucie, że coś jest nie tak, coś wisi w powietrzu, coś się stanie, ktoś tu coś ukrywa. Tylko kto i co Trudno mi było się oderwać! Moim zdaniem to bardzo dobry thriller psychologiczny!! ‼️ A do tego to zakończenie!! Uprzedzam, ze jest tu sporo dość dosadnych scen erotycznych i rozumiem, ze nie każdemu będzie się to podobać Jest tez kilka drobnych rzeczy do których można by się przyczepić, ale w sumie to po co Ja bardzo polecam!! #colleenhoover #corazwiekszymrok #wydawnictwootwarte #czytam #terazczytam #polecam #książka #czytambolubię #kochamczytać #kochamksiążki #czytaniejestfajne #ilovereading #ksiazkoholizm #molksiazkowy #kindlepaperwhite #czytanienieboli #bookstagramtopasja #bookstagrampl #bookstagramfeature #chwiladlasiebie #instagramczyta #thrillerpsychologiczny #ebook #polishbookstagram #czytanietopasja #ilovebooks #polskiebookstagramy #bookandflowers
Cartas para você. @dudarazzeraauthor
Esse livro vai contar, em forma de cartas, a história de superação pela perda de um ente querido e a busca por aceitação após tanto sofrimento.
Georgia Castro acabou de perder seu pai, e por meio dessas cartas sentimos todo o sofrimento e a dor que ela está sentindo, com o passar do tempo vamos vendo a transformação dela e a aceitação que ela vem buscando por perder seu, além de pai, melhor amigo.
É realmente muito comovente a história dela, e o tanto que ela aprende sobre a vida com essa perda. Porém me incomodou o fato de Georgia estar procurando essa aceitação e substituir o afeto que ela tinha pelo pai por meio de um novo namorado, acabando em se frustrar por conta disso.
Recomendo a leitura, mas vá preparado para uma história mais densa e triste.
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Olá amores e amoras, tudo bem?
Hoje eu e meu chá gelado viemos mostrar para vocês minhas leituras de junho!
28. Aurora Rising, Jay Kristoff e Amie Kaufman
29. Nevermore, Danielli Gomez
30. Como não se apaixonar por um duque, Michaelly Amorim
31. A queda dos anjos, Susan Ee
32. Querido Evan Hansen, Val Emmich e Steven Lecenson.
33. Amor imenso, Penélope Ward
Preciso confessar que eu estava esperando mto de Querido Evan Hansen e a leitura me desapontou um pouco... Já a maior surpresa do mês foi Amor imenso! Amei a escrita da Penelope e já estou lendo outro livro dela.
Nao preciso dizer que Aurora Rising já é um dos meus queridinhos, né?!
Eu achei esse mês bastante produtivo e confesso que gostei bastante de me aventurar por gêneros que eu geralmente não leio. .
Se vocês quiserem acompanhar minhas leituras é só me seguir lá no Skoob! Está sempre atualizado!
O que vocês estão lendo
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The ULTIMATE Picture.
We are in LOVE .. Thank You Sana @sirius.bookie for taking along our HARRY POTTER DOODLE BLEEVE to Hogwarts!!
As a company Books n Beyond has always been inspired by various places, characters and events. And when we see our Product in the Location which it was inspired from, it kinda seems like a Loop is being closed .
Our Products, specially Bleeves travel the WORLD with you. You consider it WORTHY to take it along, take pictures and then happily tell us about it. THIS IS PRICELESS!! .
We are very very inspired by all your stories too.
Hence there is something BRILLIANT coming to you this MONTH. You would like to save all your monies, cos we have RAISED THE BAR!! .
We WILL SURPASS our own Standards!! .
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Como vcs sobrevivem ao final de semana?
O meu foi com leitura, gordices e um pouquinho de Netflix!
Comecei a ler o segundo livro de A queda dos anjos e até agora a leitura está agradando. Não é nada uau, mas tbm não é ruim!
Alguém mais além de mim está precisando de uma leitura incrível? Alguma coisa que seja uma mistura de Cassandra Clare, Sarah J Maas e Jay Kristoff? Se você sabe que livro é esse, por favor deixe o nome nos comentários, estou desesperada por ele!
#instabooks #igliterário #vicioemlivros #bookgram #bookworm #leitura #amorporlivros #fantasia #livrogram #booklover #livrobom #fotodelivro #bookholic #bookgrammer #kindle #segündinhacheeģou #kindlepaperwhite #amorporleitura #bookphoto #aquedadosanjos
Ααααχ καλοκαιράκι, η εποχή που αγαπώ να μισώ (fight me), η εποχή που αν δεν είσαι σε παραλία ο μοναδικός τρόπος να μην υποφέρεις είναι να είσαι κάπου με κλιματισμό και να περιορίζεις στο ελάχιστο την περιπλάνηση στον έξω κόσμο. Και μ' ένα βιβλίο παρέα φυσικά, μην ξεχνιόμαστε.
*αρχή teaser* Ξεκίνησα που λέτε συνανάγνωση με μυστηριώδη book-blogger το "I'll give you the sun" (πόσο summery τίτλος), ένα βιβλίο εκτός του αναγνωστικού comfort zone μου, μιας που με τα young adult δεν το έχω και πολύ. Θα δούμε πώς θα πάει, είναι πολύ νωρίς για να πω! Το σίγουρο είναι ότι θα διαβάσετε άποψη και από τις δύο μας *λήξη teaser*
Καλές αναγνώσεις, όπου κι αν βρίσκεστε! Α και πώς το λένε οι ινφλουένσερς; Stay hydrated!
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