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Questions please!! I REALLY LOVE questions!!! Learn now with this #MiniEnglishLesson #howto use these three questions about time!
Practice here! Leave 3 questions on the comments, one of each!!
AFTER: Check these episodes to complement this lesson!
1. Adverbs of frequency
2. Adverbs of definite frequency
ON YOUTUBE (link on the bio - @hiamandaenglishcoach)
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[#EnglishFluency] You probably know these to words: ABOUT and TIME But do you know what happens when I use them together?!
It's very useful and widely used by native speakers! LEARN IT NOW!!
Watch the full episode on YouTube.com/hiamandaenglishcoach (link on the bio & stories)
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See you very soon!
Do you think your friend should buy you a pizza? Tag them here! Wait! Before doing that: Watch this video and learn #howto use should and could for #advice and #suggestions! lol
Did you watch it Now! Practice this lesson and #tag your friends here and maybe... you will eat pizza tonight! lol TAG!!!
Thank you for watching!!! Watch the full episode on YouTube.com/hiamandaenglishcoach
[#SpeakEnglish] How to answer questions about your preferences?
For example: "What kind of video do you LIKE the most on my channel?"
Do you know?
WATCH this video and learn English now with this episode of #OpenYourBooks!
Remember to leave answers and examples on the comments ⚠ watch the full video on YouTube (link on the bio).
See you very soon!!!
..In this video you are going to learn new vocabulary and expressions such as:
..☀️”temperatures rise”- which is when it gets hotter
..”Wrap Up”- which means to end
..”Workweek”- Monday-Friday .. ..try to create a sentence using these words and leave them in the comments below!
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[#EnglishExpression] If you are completely captivated by something, this expression is for you: HOOKED!
To become fluent you definitely need to understand a little more how native speakers use this expression!!
Come and learn how to use it today!!
⚠ Watch the full episode on YouTube.com/hiamandaenglishcoach (link on the bio & stories)
Thank you for watching! If you enjoyed this video share it with your friends, family, dog, cat, bird... and give it a big like!!!
See you very soon!
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