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The APOTHEOSIS console is a daring and elegant balance between marble, lacquer and brass lines. Find more information through link in bio!
From #lifestylebyluxxu by LUXXU HOME
#designerdeinteriores #дизайнинтерьера #Дизайнмебели #mo19 #momplatform #parisdesignweek #maisonetobjet #luxurylighting #luxuryfurniture #salonedelmobile #interiordesign
Amazing lighting construction with drop glass decor available for order. Lighting source is usual 3-5W LED small downlights. Decor is installed to ceiling on metal cords. Size, shape and number of heads can be customized. Real photos. Can be as whole chandelier with flush mount ceiling plate. Check details. Material: glass . Contact for order. Российским дизайнерам особые условия.организуем доставку до Москвы и в регионы. Офис в Москве, оплата в рублях. Пишите✌️ #luxuryinteriorsonabudget #luxurylighting #подвесныесветильники #люстры #luxurychandelier #luxuryhomes #ремонт #освещение #интерьер #люстравинтерьере #люстравзал #люстракупить #освещение #освещениевдоме #светильникивналичии #светвинтерьере #светвдом #дизайн #дизайнерскийсвет #интерьер #интерьерныйсвет #светвинтерьере #красивыелюстры #модныйсвет #модныесветильники #модныелюстры #многолюстр #салонсвета #designideas
Lifestyle by Luxxu is about a feeling of comfort and elegance. The ANGUIS sofa excels at representing that both by its textures and its simple lines
From #lifestylebyluxxu by @luxxumoderndesignliving
#designerdeinteriores #дизайнинтерьера #Дизайнмебели #mo19 #momplatform #parisdesignweek #maisonetobjet #luxurylighting #luxuryfurniture #salonedelmobile #interiordesign #hospitalitydesign #livingroominspo #roominspo #homedesign #designlovers #homeinteriors #interiordecoration #luxuryhomes #hoteldesign
The living room is a space of relaxation, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be splendorous. That’s the reason we created this space for you!
From #lifestylebyluxxu by @luxxumoderndesignliving .
#designerdeinteriores #дизайнинтерьера #Дизайнмебели #mo19 #momplatform #parisdesignweek #maisonetobjet #luxurylighting #luxuryfurniture #salonedelmobile #interiordesign #hospitalitydesign #livingroominspo #roominspo #homedesign #designlovers #homeinteriors #interiordecoration #luxuryhomes #hoteldesign
The NUBIAN console is made of brass and smoked glass lacquered in black. And in case you didn't notice it has two hidden drawers. More information through link in bio.
From #lifestylebyluxxu by LUXXU HOME
#designerdeinteriores #maisonetobjet #luxurylighting #luxuryfurniture #salonedelmobile #furnitures #roomdesign #diningroomdecor #interiordesigns #vogueliving
Thin as a paper scroll, #Oopsalla curls and unfurls. carefully selected diodes light the table. Keep up for new pictures or visit us at #euroluce2019 to see the object.
Euroluce Hall 15, Stand A21
#isaloni #isaloni2019 #mdw19 #euroluce #euroluce2019 #salonedelmobile #salonedelmobile2019 #lightingdesign #milandesignweek #ingomaurer #lightobject #luxurylighting #designerlighting #chandelier #interiorblogger #designtrends #craft
The Drawing Room at our Sunningdale project. Featuring beautiful bespoke @alexmccarthyceramics ceramic pots. .
#interiordesign #interiorarchitecture #luxuryhomes #homedecor #interiors #interiordesigner #interiordecor #interiorstyling #realestate #livingroomdecor #lchandelier #luxurylighting #interiordetails #propertydeveloper #interior4inspo #interiordesigners
This is our #TBT of the week remembering last year presence at @maisonetobjet. What are your thoughts on this?
From #lifestylebyluxxu by LUXXU MODERN DESIGN AND LIVING
#designerdeinteriores #maisonetobjet #luxurylighting #salonedelmobile #lightfixture #lightingdesign #chandeliers #interiordesigns #tradeshow #exhibitor #exhibitiondesign #vogueliving
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