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Drop an AMEN below if you agree! ❤️Something for you to think about this weekend. I don’t know about you, but I just don’t have it in me to settle for “Okay” anymore. Every part of my being craves that crazy stupid love & that passionate, unforgettable life. This beautiful gift of life we’ve been given can be taken from us at any moment. So for me, I’d rather risk it all than settle. I’d rather go out and fight for what I know I deserve than fall in to the comfort of what I may have been served. ❤️ How about you?
#YourSoulSexy #YouAreWorthIt #YouAreEnough #TeamYSS
Yup. ”STILL” Single. And THATS OKAY!
It’s crazy...I posted this 9 months ago, nevertheless the #1 question I get asked is “why are you still single?” Followed by “that’s such a shame.”
Um, no, LISTEN “Linda,” the only thing shameful is you trying to shame me for my singleness.
Being single is NOT a problem to be fixed.
Not being married is NOT a problem to be fixed.
Not having kids is NOT a problem to be fixed.
And you not fitting into these ridiculous societal norms, regardless of your age or whether by choice or not, has NOTHING to do with your worth. You are worthy just as you are, where you are.❤️
I, personally, have chosen to be single the past 10+ months. I needed this season of solitude to focus on me, to dive into my business & to start un-covering & healing things within me that led me into the unhealthy relationships of my past. Being single during this time has truly helped me realize that I don’t need anyone else to validate me or complete me.
That self-discovery journey should be celebrated, not shamed. Far too many of us are in search of the right person instead of learning how to BE the right person.
Do I want to find my partner? Absolutely! *hello hopeless romantic ♀️☺️*
Do I want to get married & have kids? Sure.
But to me, being single has nothing to do with not being good enough. Rather, it has everything to do with being strong enough not to settle.
The truth is, there are no rules in this life. Your life isn’t meant to look like anyone else’s. And comparing yourself to anyone else’s journey gets you no where. It just feeds feelings of shame & inadequacy.
Sure people may judge, but remember, you owe explanations to NO ONE! No one else has walked in your shoes. They don’t know your journey. Your age is your age. Your life is your life. We all walk different paths & I’m a firm believer that life happens FOR us at varying moments exactly when they are meant to.
Wherever you are in your journey, I hope you always choose to fully embrace your unique path in this life, to find your own happy & to never ever settle for less than you deserve. ❤️ #yoursoulsexy
Today I gave a keynote for 20,000 people in Indianapolis. It’s the biggest crowd I’ve ever spoken in front of. It also —just so we’re clear— took 15 years of work to get to a stage at this level.
15 years ago I gave my first crappy speech. I gave crappy speeches for YEARS to anyone who would listen. I wasn’t trying to be awful, actually I was trying my hardest to do well but like most anything worth having, being a great public speaker takes time and effort. Over the years I got slightly less terrible because I practiced A LOT. I couldn’t afford training or a coach, the only thing I had was the work ethic to keep trying and the humility to suck as a public speaker for as long as it took me to get better.
It’s so easy to look at the success someone has with their career or their finances or their relationship and believe that they have some inherent gift or some secret talent that got them there. We like to believe that they got lucky. It’s easier to believe that someone is gifted in a way we’re not because it lets us off the hook. But dude, talent and success are NOT the same thing. There are plenty of talented people who won’t ever succeed at anything because they won’t do the work!
It’s OK if you don’t have the skills yet. Skills can be learned. It’s OK if you’re not very good at it yet. You can improve. It’s OK if you don’t know how yet. The answers are out there if you care enough to find them. At the end of the day, it all comes down to YOU. How bad do YOU want it? How hard are YOU willing to work for it? How many times will YOU stand back up after you get knocked down? How long will YOU stay in the fight? Nobody can choose this for you and no matter how much they love and support you, no one else can WILL you to be successful. This is who you are VS. who you know you can become and dang it, that vision you have for your life is worth the effort! #MadeForMore #BeachBodySummit
: @karli_ciocco82
We made it -- Happy Friday y'all! It's been a hot minute since I've done a #fridayintroductions (or wait, have I ever done one?) so for any new friends, here are a few things to get to know me a little better:
I'm Rebecca, mama to the best little babe, Nixon. Wife to my high school sweetheart, Cody. Oh and dog mama to our crazy, energetic, labrador retriever, Cora. I worked in the wedding industry for 7 years, but recently decided I needed a career change... and so, hello real estate! I always said that when I grow up I want to be a flight attendant, real estate agent or interior designer. Finally making one of those dreams happen!
I'm an extroverted-introvert. Some days I'm all about grabbing coffee with a friend and other days I run into Target as fast as I can hoping I don't run into anyone. Anybody else struggle with this?!!?!
I'm also that girl who will eat a organic, vegan kale salad for lunch but then devour hot wings and onion rings for dinner. All about balance, right?
Now tell me something about you!
: @sandraleighphotography
One of my absolute favorite parts of Summit is our Dare 2 Dream team extravaganza but this year was indescribable, really.
But I’ll do my best.
Not only did Shaun T stop by and literally walk on to stage with no introduction sending all the Dare 2 Dream coaches squealing in shock (that was a TOUGH secret to keep and SO FUN to witness), but we also decided together to get out of our comfort zones before he left.. like WAY out (for me, at least) and sang “Shallow” from “A Star is Born”.
FYI- I typically ONLY sing in the shower other than my 4th grade talent show!and one peer pressured karaoke situation ever.
I was terrified. Nervous. It wasn’t as perfect as I wanted but dangggggg.. let me just tell you when you DO the thing you AREN’T sure about or that’s NOT comfortable or usual or expected.. when you decide to BREAK the cadence in your life and change things up.. when you make the decision to DARE 2 DREAM even when circumstances might show that’s TOTALLY illogical (33 weeks pregnant, nauseous and can’t breathe♀️).. at least for me, something happens.
It’s like the universe is WAITING FOR US!
It’s like it unlocks something inside of us that’s been beckoning to be released. Set your soul free! Do something unexpected. Get out of your box and gosh darn it find your SONGGGGGGGG! #dare2dream #astarisborn #starisborn #d2dsummit2109 #coachsummit2019 #shaunt #imaxedout #shaunweek #transform20 #33weekspregnant #madeformore
I read this and it pierced my heart. This is my desire for myself and for YOU who faithfully follows our account looking for daily godly motivation. I want to lock arms with YOU who unapologetically live in Christ, YOU who is passionate about your craft and YOU who want to leave your world on a daily basis better than you found it. All this is made possible because of WHO WE ARE IM HIM!!!! We are WARRIORS, we are BLESSED!!! ✨ #PathToWholeness •: House of prayer
"“Christians don't fit in, and we never will. We are fools if we make conformity the goal of our lives. I ran across a fascinating quote from legendary shock rocker Alice Cooper. Though you may not have heard the news, he became a Christian some years ago. Here's the quote I found:
Drinking beer is easy. Trashing your hotel room is easy. But being a Christian, that's a tough call. That's rebellion.
He's right on all counts. It's a lot easier to get drunk and fool around than it is to follow Jesus Christ. You want to be a true rebel against the status quo? Become a disciple of Christ. Make him the Lord of your life. You'll be going against the flow every single day." ——————————————————————————— This really hits home for me because everyday we have to choose to lay down our life and pick up the cross and follow Jesus. Is it easy? No; but it is so worth it.” ✨
: unknown
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