mattdillion theoutsiders dallaswinston roblowe ralphmacchio johnnycade ponyboycurtis sodapopcurtis cthomashowell steverandle emilioestevez patrickswayze tomcruise darrycurtis twobitmathews tommyhowell ponyboy theoutsidersedit dallywinston darrelcurtis staygold outsiders sehinton mattdillionedit omgpage robloweofficial sodapop curtis dallas енергодарподарок
I love this!!! Also my account is kinda doing bad rn...I don't really know what to post...
Credits: @b43lor.moved
Song: Years and Years -breathe -
T A G S: #theoutsiders #patrickswazye #emilioestevez #tomcruise #roblowe #mattdillion
#ralpmacchio #cthomashowell #darrycurtis #twobitmathews #steverandle #sodapopcurtis #dallaswinston #johnnycade #ponyboycurtis #theoutsidersedit #edit #dallaswinstonedit -
(I tagged random people because I can)
Cred/breakfromtulsa -
#theoutsiders #sodapopcurtis #sodapop #omg80s #steve #1983 #ponypoy #dally #darry #twobit #johnny #ponyboycurtis #darrycurtis #johnnycade #cthomashowell #twobitmatthews #dallas #steverandle #dallywinston #greasers #socs #curtisbrothers #mattdillion #roblowe #staygold #emiliostevez #tommyhowell #rhalphmacchio #patrickswayze #darrellcurtis
Ik I already posted but I just thought of this so yeah!
Fc: 179
#theoutsiders #dallaswinston #dallywinston #greasers #sodapopcurtis #johnnycad #steverandle #ponyboycurtis #ponyboy #sodapop #darrelcurtis #darrycurtis
#twobitmatthews #twobit #cthomashowwel #tomcruise #patrickswayze #mattdillion #ralpmacchio #emilioesevez #roblowe #80s #1983 #greasergang #theoutsidersmovie
#staygoldponyboy #sehinton #theoutsidersedit #80smovie #tommyhowwel
Fc: 188 (Thank you so much for the support on my last post!)
#theoutsiders #dallaswinston #dallywinston #greasers #sodapopcurtis #johnnycad #steverandle #ponyboycurtis #ponyboy #sodapop #darrelcurtis #darrycurtis
#twobitmatthews #twobit #cthomashowwel #tomcruise #patrickswayze #mattdillion #ralpmacchio #emilioesevez #roblowe #80s #1983 #greasergang #theoutsidersmovie
#staygoldponyboy #sehinton #theoutsidersedit #80smovie #tommyhowwel
80s boys >>>
Go check out my Wattpad, __Softiecade__
Ac- idk, tag them pls.
Give creds if u repost
#johnnycastle #patrickswayzeedit #noahcentino #noahcentineoedit #songedits #ethandolan #ethandolanedits #graysondolanedits #graysondolan #johnnycade #johnnycadeedits #ralphmacchioedits #ralphmacchio #daniellarusso #daniellarussoedit #mattdillion #mattdillionedits #dallaswinston #dallaswinstonedits #ponyboycurtis #ponyboycurtisedits #sodapopcurtis #sodapopcurtisedits #roblowe #robloweedit #tommyhowell #tommyhowelledit
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